3 MAILS OF TODAY/ आज की 3 चिठ्ठियां
फोरम आफ बैंक पेंशनर एक्टिविस्टस्
Forum of Bank Pensioner Activists
The Chairman,
Indian Banks' Association,
Chief Executive
Indian Banks' Association
Dear Sirs,
COVID-19: Relief Measures For
Bank men & Bank Pensioners:
We have to invite your kind attention to our mail dated 7th April, 2020 on subject cited above.
For your ready reference we are appending below our mail under reference.
As an Association of Indian Banks, particularly PSBs, you owe a great responsibility to maintain the workforce in good esteem. It's not necessary to point out as to what to do, particularly in such pandemic conditions where bank men are ensuring services fraught with chance of one to one with Covid19.
Please look to followings:
1. Some Banks have taken ad-hoc view of operational difficulties in lockdown and have granted some financial relief on daily basis for lockdown period to their officers and award staff. This adhocism is not adequate, rather a wholesome policy is the need of hours for pandemic period. We, therefore, urged to grant 'out of pocket expenses' @ of Rs.5000, Rs.4000 & Rs.3000 per month to officers, clerks & substaff respectively from March to June, 2020 in first phase. It can be extended in case pandemic situation continues beyond.
2. We invited your kind attention to Bank Pensioners having average age profile of 75. This disease is more fatal to aged people. You know meagre pension pay out, as their pension has never been revised since introduced from 1.1.1986. You can well understand the depletion of their pension value over time under inflationary pressures. They have been agitating for Pension Revision for last 2 decades. You know, pension is not a bounty. Further, you know well the Hon'ble Supreme Court's several decisions about the status of 'pension' as inseparable to wage revisions. We need not to add any emphasis to Pension Scheme, which is drawn out from RBI Pension Scheme & Central Govt Pension Rules. Central Govt Pension had been revised in 1996, 2006 & 2016. RBI Pension too had undergone Revision from April 1, 2019. However, Pension Revision is pending and under discussion with Unions. We hope, revision is done with on RBI pattern to address this issue.
In this regard we made an earnest appeal to grant one month's pension as exgratia in this emergent situation. Pension Funds are robust enough to afford it. Further, Pension Funds can't be used for any other purpose than the cause of Pensioners. In such calamity, such financial support to Bank Pensioners is extremely desirable, which may please be considered. This shall not cost to Banks at all.
We fervently appeal you to please rise to occasion and be generous and considerate to suffering Bank Pensioners and extend them financial support which they need at most.
Awaiting your kind words in these regard.
( J. N. Shukla)
National Convenor
Copies to FM, Secy-Finance & PMO
फोरम आफ बैंक पेंशनर एक्टिविस्टस्
Forum of Bank Pensioner Activists
कामये दु:खताप्तानां प्राणिनाम् आर्तिनाशनम् ।
Sri Sanjiv Chadha,
Managing Director & CEO,
Bank of Baroda,
Reminder - 2
Dear Sir,
Pandemic COVID-19
Need of some Relief Measures
We invite your kind attention to our letter dated 31.3.2020 mailed on 1.4.2020 followed with reminder mail dated 9th April, 2020 on the subject cited above.
In our communications under reference we sought your kind indulgence in considering followings:
1. Conversion of advance salary into advance against arrears of wage revision.
2. Grant of out of pocket expenses for March-June, 2020 in place of ad-hoc arrangement of paying Rs.200/ per day for lockdown period.
3. Payment of one month's Pension, Family Pension & Exgratia to pre-1986 retirees, as exgratia. You know well the reason of meagre pension, since it has never been revised since introduced from 1.1.1986. It is hugely depleted due to inflation. This payment can be considered From Pension Funds, as financial position of Fund is quite robust. This will not cost to Bank. Further PF can only be used for benefits of Pensioners. Please look into it generously.
We express our gratitude for your considering some our requests fully & some in part. We are very optimistic of your kind considerations and farourable decisions.
With Respectful Regards,
( J. N. Shukla)
National Convenor
Copies to: 1.Hon'ble Prime Minister,
GOI, New Delhi
2. Hon'ble Finance Minister,
GOI, New Delhi
- for kind information.
फोरम आफ बैंक पेंशनर एक्टिविस्टस्
Forum of Bank Pensioner Activists
Sri Debasish Panda,
Finance Secretary,
GOI, New Delhi
Dear Sir,
We wish to be straight & precise to put forward the basic needs which need to be taken care of. We took up these issues at IBA level, but failed to evoke their considerations. We invite your kind attention to the following:
1. Some Banks have taken ad-hoc view of operational difficulties in lockdown and have granted some financial relief on daily basis for lockdown period to their officers and award staff. This adhocism is not adequate, rather a wholesome policy is the need of hours for pandemic period. We, therefore, urge you to please advise Banks/IBA to grant 'out of pocket expenses' @ of Rs.5000, Rs.4000 & Rs.3000 per month to officers, clerks & substaff respectively from March to June, 2020 in first phase. It can be extended in case pandemic situation continues beyond.
2. We invite your kind attention to Bank Pensioners having average age profile of 75. This disease is more fatal to aged people. You might not be aware, Bank Pensioners get very meagre pension, as their pension has never been revised since introduced from 1.1.1986. You can well understand the depletion of their pension value over time under inflationary pressures. They have been agitating for Pension Revision for last 2 decades. Hope, you appreciate that pension is not a bounty. Here, we need not to apprise you of Hon'ble Supreme Court's several decisions about the status of 'pension' as inseparable to wage revisions, since you know this. We may add just for your information, Bank Pension Scheme is drawn out from RBI Pension Scheme & Central Govt Pension Rules. Central Govt Pension had been revised in 1996, 2006 & 2016. RBI Pension too had undergone Revision from April 1, 2019. However, Bank Pension Revision is pending and under discussion with Unions.
In this regard we made an earnest appeal to Banks/IBA to grant one month's pension as exgratia in this emergent situation. Pension Funds, maintained separately & managed through Pension Trusts by all Banks, are robust enough to afford it. Further, Pension Funds can't be used for any other purpose than the cause of Pensioners. In such calamity, such financial support to Bank Pensioners is extremely essential. This shall not cost to Banks at all, since pay out will be from Pension Funds.
3. Most of Banks have given one month's salary as advance to be recovered in 9 instalments from July, 2020. In this regard, we urged Banks/ IBA to treat it as 'advance against arrears'. Banks had already given one month's pay as advance against arrears in last festive season-2019, due to delay in settlement. It's 30th month of arrears. Agreed increase is 15%, but settlement has not yet been reached at and in present pandemics, it is not expected in near future. We simply request to treat salary advance as 'advance against arrears' to avoid recovery strains from July, 2020.
We shall be grateful, if above 3 issues are looked into and considered by IBA/Banks. It shall be of great relief to bank men and shall work as a feel good factor, which is very much essential in present day.
We await your kind words in these regard.
With Regards,
(J. N. Shukla)
National Convenor
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