Saturday, February 29, 2020

Outcome Of Bipartite Talk Held Today 29th February 2020

Following  messages  received  on Bipartite  Settlement which took place today on 29.02.2020

STRIKE DEFERRED.  IBA has formed a small committee for working on merger of special  allowance to basic with relevant load in factor besides  15% hike on payslip component along with 5 days encashment per year and  3  slabs of PLI..

 In today’s talks with IBA in addition to 15% increase in pay slip cost, some more forward movement is there in our demands. In view of this positive development our agitational actions and 3 days strike is deferred. Circular follows.
S K Bandlish, Convenor, UFBU

UFBU message : In today’s talks with IBA in addition to 15% increase in pay slip cost, some more forward movement is there in our demands. In view of this positive development our agitational actions and 3 days strike is deferred. Circular follows. Chv aibea*
Ajay Manjrekar, General Secretary, CBEU
Dear Comrades
Negotiation took place today. IBA started the discussion from 13.5% in view of the earlier strike call without improvement on any other issues. After protracted discussion,
 it was agreed that hike will be 15%, 5 day week will be pursued, a small committee will be formed to work out on increasing load from 2% and spl allowance merger. IBA to share  data of pensioners with UFBU.
With this understanding the strike stands deferred and the UFBU  agitation programme will be in abeyance.
Regards, Dilip Saha

Following  is steps taken by pensioners group.



It is a red letter day for Bank Pensioners and Retirees when the CBPRO leadership met the Senior IBA Officials and held detailed discussions  at IBA office Mumbai in respect of Bank Pensioners and Retirees long pending issues.

The wise move by the Apex Bank Retiree Organisations to come together and form a coordinated body named as Coordination of Bank Pensioners’ and Retirees Organisations led to this welcome development of getting an audience with the IBA.

This facilitated a meaningful dialogue.  This also ensured dignity and self respect to the Senior Citizens of the Banking Industry.  The IBA response throughout the discussion had been one of cordiality, concern and solemn assurances on their intentions and keenness to sort out the issues.

The IBA team was led by Shri K. UnniKrishnan, Deputy Chief Executive accompanied by Shri K. S. Chauhan, Senior Vice President.

The CBPRO team consisted of Com. A.Ramesh Babu, General Secretary SBI Pensioners’ Federation and Joint Convener CBPRO, Com.K.V.Acharya, President AIBPARC and Joint Convener CBPRO, Com. Ramesh Deshpande, General Secretary RBONC, Com. R.K. Acharya, General Secretary AIRBEA, and Com. M.D. Deshpande, President FORBE.

The team was also assisted by Com. K.S. Rengarajan of AIBPARC, who had made exhaustive calculations in respect of 100% DA, Improvement in Family Pension and Pension Updation.

The CBPRO also submitted a representation to the IBA emphasising the need to show great urgency in resolving the issues.  The list of the issues to be discussed was also submitted.

Shri K. Unnikrishnan, Deputy Chief Executive IBA, in his initial remarks expressed the keenness of IBA to resolve the long pending issues but at the same time also expressed anxiety of IBA about the health of various Banks which has become a hindering factor in meeting our expectations. He informed us that IBA is in the final phase of getting the Actuary’s report as all the data pertaining to the issue of 100% DA Neutralization and Improvement in Family Pension have been received from the Member Banks and already handed over to the Actuary.

Com. A.Ramesh Babu, Joint Convener CBPRO, thanked the IBA for giving the opportunity to CBPRO to discuss the issues and described the event as a satisfying development and hoped that the deliberations would culminate in the resolution of the issues.  He also explained to the IBA about the formation of CBPRO and hoped that this would facilitate meaningful dialogues with Bank Pensioners’ and Retirees Organisations.

During the course of the meeting IBA pointed out about the cost implications and the huge provisions Banks have to make to meet the requirements of AS 15 (Revised) in respect of provisioning.

However the CBPRO responded elaborately and some of the main observations from our side are mentioned hereunder:

1.  As regards Uniform DA Relief, the Number of the Retirees deprived are less than one third of the total Number of Retirees including SBI and out of that nearly thirty thousand have already crossed the age of 85 and looking at their very advanced age justice should be delivered to them before it is too late.

2. As regards Family Pension, it is an emotional issue apart from being a humanitarian issue.  The bulk of the Family Pensioners are widows of the Retired Employees and going by the sensitivity involved the IBA should initiate improvement of Family Pension to 30% from the present 15% without any ceiling.

3. Regarding Pension Updation, IBA expressed its reservations to take up the issue immediately.

We submitted that non updation from 1989 onwards has resulted in great and unimaginable distortions and if not set right the gap between the recent Retirees and old Retirees would further steeply widen.

We also stated that the Courts have held that Wage Revision and Pension revision are inseparable.

4. Extending Pension entitlements to Resignees is a well settled matter with the Judicial pronouncement by the Highest Court  of the Land and their number being just less than four thousand the IBA should implement the Court order in respect of all eligible Resignees.

So also in respect of Compulsorily Retired, the Pension eligibility should be given to all Retirees irrespective of the fact that they are award staff or officers.

Here also we pointed out that there are decided cases where Courts have upheld the right to Pension to the Compulsorily Retired Persons.

5. As regards domiciliary treatment entitlements from the newly introduced Medical Insurance Scheme, the IBA showed us the serious correspondences they have undertaken with the Insurance Company insisting on the Insurance Company to implement the Scheme in its original form without any distortion and assured us that they would ensure the full implementation of the scheme.
We also pointed out that the Government communication in the year 2012 had asked IBA to come out with a Medical Insurance Scheme both for Serving Employees as well as Retired Employees and never intended the scheme to be different for Serving Employees and Retired Employees.

The Insurance Company can’t and should not meddle with the provisions of the last wage settlement between the Unions and IBA in respect of the Medical Insurance Scheme.

We also requested IBA to advise all member Banks to extend the Medical Insurance Scheme to all Ex-Employees and Officers even if those ex-Employees/Officers have undergone extreme penalties in disciplinary proceedings.

The reason being that Medical treatment is an issue of extreme sympathy and also the persons covered are ready to pay the premium from their own sources and the Insurance Company also wants to cover large number of persons.

6. We also had discussions on leave encashment to Compulsorily Retired persons without any cutoff date and also permitting Retired Employees and Officers to defend those who are unfortunately subjected to charge-sheets even after retirement.

Comrades, from the repeated assertions made by the IBA during the course of our discussions, we hope that the extension of 100% DA neutralization and improvement in Family Pension would get top priority by the IBA.

On Updation also the IBA will take a  favourable view and ensure that the legal and statutory requirements are given due consideration and help in removing the serious erosion that has taken place in the Basic Pension in the case of Past Retirees due to various subsequent wage settlements.

We had also pointed out that Pension is coming under the Defined Benefit Pension Scheme and also being a close ended scheme the availability of huge corpus should enable the resolutions of the issues without any further burden on the Banks.

Moreover, since Pension Regulations are statutory Regulations, these Regulations get precedence over all other provisional requirements including provision for NPA.

We are extremely thankful to Shri K. Unnikrishnan, Deputy Chief Executive IBA who sat through for one hour though he was busy with ongoing interviews in IBA.  He set the tone for the meeting in a very positive way.

The meeting continued for another one hour along with Shri K.S. Chauhan, Senior Vice President, where issues were discussed with further details and he warmly appreciated the homework done by CBPRO in collecting the required informations and arriving at calculations.

The inputs submitted by us were duly received and appreciated.

Comrades, we have given in a nutshell the important points of discussion.  We hope with this meeting a new era has started for Bank Pensioners and Retirees and formation of CBPRO had been a great effort by the Apex Retiree Organisations who exhibited throughout a spirit of comradeship to achieve the common objective of ensuring justice to the Bank Pensioners and Retirees.

We once again appeal to all to join the CBPRO and further strengthen the Bank Pensioners and Retirees Movement.

CBPRO is also seeking the support of UFBU to use their good offices with the IBA and help us in achieving the objectives of Retirees Movement.

CBPRO firmly believes that it is an organisation which strives for the benefit of all Bank Employees and Officers, PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE and with the number growing and vibrance demonstrated we are confident that SUCCESS SHALL BE OURS.

With Warm Greetings,         


A.Ramesh Babu                                                    K.V.Acharya
Joint Conveners


Brief note as of 29.2.20 :

AIBRAF had issued responsibility to serve a memorandum to Shri Rajneesh Kumar (Chairman IBA), Shri G.Rajkiran Rai (Chief Negotiating Officer, IBA) ,  and to Shri Sunil Mehta (Chief Executive Officer. IBA) in the ensuing Negotiation Committee meeting with UFBU to a delegation comprising of Comrades Yudhishthira Kumar Bhargava and Shri B.K.Singh. An invite was also given by the Action Forum to all the banks retiree Mumbaikars and MMR local retirees to collect at the IBA Head Office to show our protest and strength before Negotiating Committee. In response to above call a good number of PSU banks retirees gathered at the IBA Head Office located at 6th floor, Centre-1 building, World Trade Centre, CUffe Parade, Mumbai - 400006 on 29.2.80 in the morning at sharp 10 a.m..Their presence at the venue of the meeting was gracious and response was overwhelming. The following were present:

1. Yudhishthira Bhargava from Union Bank of India
2. B.K.Singh from State Bank Of India
3. J.S.Dheeman from State Bank of India
4. Umesh H.Shetty from Vijaya Bank
5. Jagdish Kumar from State Bank of India
6. Bhshan Mahajan from State Bank of India
7. Naresh Kumar Gupta from State Bank of India
8. N. Vishwanathan from State Bank of India
9. Arun Desai from State Bank of India
10. D.S.Laddha from State Bank of India
11. Deuleswar Saha from S.B.B.J.
12. B.S.Jadhav from Canara Bank
13. Vikas Gaikwad from State Bank of India
14. S.S.Chhatre from State Bank of India
15. Marender Gaind from Union Bank of India
16. Smt. Reeta Bansal from SBOP
17. S.C.Bansal from PNB
18, P.S.Hebbar from State Bank of India
19. G.S.Brar from U.Co.Bank
20. O.P.Sharma from U. Co. Bank
21. S.A.Tungekar from  Canara Bank
22. V.R.Parmar from State Bamk of India
23. R.K.Parkley from CBI
24. K.Kumar from State Bank of India

Following this the delegates Shri Y.K.Bhargava and Shri S.K.Singh entered  the  Head Office of IBA alongwith all the present retirees and informed the IBA Office our purpose of visit to the IBA office. It was requested to arrange for appointments with the IBA negotiating pannel comprising of 3 executives listed above. From the IBA side Shri S.K.Kakkar, Senior Advisor (HR And R), IBA met the delegation. He expressed the inability of giving appointments with the  three IBA dignitories as all were busy with the agenda of the meeting. So the matter was discussed with / explained to him at length by the leader comarade Yudhishthira Bhargava and he was requested to emphasise over the IBA negotiating team the need of pension updation for all retirees at a stretch in one go in 11th BPS. Mr. Kakkar assured to pass on the request to all of them as well as to handover the letters to these top brasses prior to commencement of the meeting.

Pursuant to this opportunity was availed to discuss the pensioners issues with the retiree members. Comrade Yudhishthira Bhargava addressed the retirees gathering and clarified their querries. Each member gave their introduction. The need of uniting all retirees under a single nationwide forum UFBR was emphasised. The event was clicked in a group photo. At the end of the gathering all members had together a cup of tea and the meeting ended wishing success for the retirees cause.

Glimpses of the event at Mumbai are aplended below.

All the retirees thanked the AIBRAF for fighting for common cause efficiently and chanted AIBRAF Zindabad.

With Warm regards.

Yudhishthira kumar Bhargava
Member delegation

Member delegation

1 comment:

  1. Modi. Ji. Bankers are helpless in the hands of these Union leaders. This time give us genuine increase. But most important is please remove all these ufbu leaders. To save banks and bankers. These leaders don't work in banks thier contribution for banks is nil. Banks do not need these people. Agony. Is. That seniors officers also play in there hands

