Wednesday, October 23, 2019

UFBU Getting Exposed and We Bankers Getting Success

Following is the message from Sri Kamlesh  Chaturvedi,  a veteran trade union leader associated with public bank for four decades,  taken from his Facebook  timeline.  

I hope bank employees  in general  will at least read it and think where they stand,  where UFBU stand and whether their questioning legality of IBA is justified.

As Expected, Indian Banks Association has come into the action reacting on Notice of Indefinite Strike given by We Bankers. A Circular from Bank of India referring to communication from Indian Banks Association is in wider Circulation in Social Media.

We understand that similar communication may have been sent to other Banks also.  In the said Circular, there are three queries to be responded:

(1) Whether United Forum of We Bankers is a registered Trade Union under the Trade Unions Act in any of the Zone?

(2) Whether in any of the Zone, our Bank has recognized United Forum of We Bankers for bilateral discussions?

(3) Whether any Zone has extended Check-off facility to United Forum of We Bankers?

IBA has asked the Bank to treat it as MOST URGENT and has advised to furnish above information by 12 noon on 24.10.2019.

Bank Employees have shown immense curiosity on above communication and have desired to know the view points of We Bankers on the said Circular.

 At this moment we can just assure that We Bankers had visualized such position in advance and fully prepared to deal with it and since it is part of a well planned strategy we don't wish to share it before executing the same for obvious reasons.

 However, for the sake of clarity amongst Bank Employees, We hereby give our immediate comments so that there may be broader understanding:

(1) In reply to First Query, IBA and for that matter each and every bank has to answer similar question with regard to United Forum of Bank Unions.

Whether United Forum of Bank Unions is a registered Trade Union under the Trade Unions Act in any of the Zone?

Certainly not.

United Forum of Bank Unions is composed of Registered Trade Unions so is the case with United Forum of We Bankers. It is known to each and every Bank Employee that We Bankers is a registered Trade Union both for Officers and workmen in Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh whereas it has a registered unit for Officers in Punjab.

(2) The Recognition of Trade Union is to be decided by Code of Discipline accepted by Indian Banks Association way back in 1968. Under the code of Discipline, each and every permanent bank employee has right to exercise his choice through secret ballot at Branch, Regional and All India Level. No such elections have ever been conducted in spite of acceptance of Code of Discipline.

 However, We Bankers has signed Settlement before the Conciliation Officers under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 relating to Industrial Dispute of Bank of India and Bank of Baroda in Uttar Pradesh and Indian Overseas Bank in Rajasthan. Several Disputes relating to Andhra Bank, Punjab Sind Bank and UCO Bank are pending and conciliation proceedings are going on.

(3) As per Notification issued by Ministry of Finance, Check Off Facility is to be extended by Banks to all registered Trade Unions. Thus, it is mandatory for Banks to extend check off facility to each and every Union which has been registered under the Trade Unions Act, 1947.

 As and when We Bankers got registered in Rajasthan, U. P. and Punjab, introductory letters were sent to all banks informing them emergence of We Bankers as Registered Trade Union and requesting them to extend the Check Off Facility to it as per Government of India Notification. If concerned Banks have not extended the check off facility in utter disregard and violation of Government of India Notification, We Bankers can't be held at fault.

An important judgment of Hon'ble Madras High Court in State Bank of India Staff Union vs. State Bank of India and Union of India is worth reading and explains the position of We Bankers in the matter of extension of Check Off Facility.

We understand that educated and enlightened Bank Employees are also aware that all sorts of obstacles and hindrances would be created by both Indian Banks Association and United Forum of Bank Unions in connivance with each other because it is We Bankers which has challenged their power, authority and competence to negotiate and sign the settlement for and on behalf of Bank Employees and has demanded abolition of present system of Collective Bargaining through Bilateral Negotiations and deciding revision of salary and pension on the basis of paying capacity/profitability.

Thus, We Bankers has dared to challenge the very existence of the present system which suits both Indian Banks Association and United Forum of Bank Unions and none would be surprised to see their reaction like issuance of above circular.

We Bankers has done its duty, it has shown courage and conviction to raise the genuine demand and voice of common bank employees. The day we had submitted Notice for Indefinite Strike, we had come out to declare that our Struggle is devoted to each and every common bank employee. So now it’s the turn of common bank employees to rise to the occasion by coming forward and lead from the front to ensure that We Bankers is able to successfully clear these hurdles with the extended support from all types of Bank Employees.

It is time to react enthusiastically to all such hurdles by intensifying your struggle, convincing bank employees to join our movement and by 6th November there must be consent to join the movement in such numbers that both IBA and UFBU must realize that now it is too difficult to maintain industrial peace and harmony as common bank employees are no more in support of UFBU and its constituent unions.


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