Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Vinas Kale Viprit Budhi --IBA is Trouble Shooter OR Trouble Perpitrator !!

Now when banks are facing consequences  of evil deeds they committed  in last few years and decades, the management  of these banks have started adding fuel to fire.

Health of banks deteriorated year after year,  but top official and the then ministers kept on sleeping  , rather aggravating  the sickness.

It is time to modify the policies  and make them employee  friendly  but it is ironical that they are creating  an environment  which is detrimental  to growth and harmful for health of bank.

I am giving below example  of one bank but it is reliably  learnt that many banks are going in the same direction.

I am posting an eye open letter written by one of experienced bankers questioning all of us 
to answer 
whether IBA is 
Trouble  shooter  
Trouble  perpetrator . 

Bank employees  must read it and introspect.  

  Sister Nirmala Sitharaman,
Hon'ble Finance Minister,
GOI, New Delhi

Respected Sister,

              Trouble Shooter
           Trouble Perpitrator !!

We have addressed a communication to Sri VG Kannan, Chief Executive, IBA, on 23.10.2019, on host of issues causing huge resentment and unrest in Banking industry. IBA has been fostering provocations with malafide intention to create chaotic condition in Banking Sector. We don't know, Government has any such intention to invite trouble in Banking or given any such mandate to IBA, but acts of IBA tantamount as at the behest of GOI. IBA failed to handle officers and now workmen strikes. However, Officers 2 days strike again in the last week of Sept could be averted by Secretary level intervention of Ministry.

Despite DFS instructions in Jan.,2016 to start next wage revision talks followed with reminders, IBA didn't move at all. Further, when talks started in May, 2017, IBA offered 2% wage increase. It was a very provocating behavior. It was their wreckless behavior to provoke Unions that could have created unrest, if taken seriously by Unions. So far over 30 sittings have had taken place, increase offer too increased from 2% to 12.5%, but still nothing is concretized, since 12.5% offer is quite below the expectations of employees & officers. There is complete gloomy situation on ground. The employees, officers and Retirees are under anger & anguish due to unfair offers, unpragmatic approach and delay by IBA. We feel, Govt was aware of it. And, with a view to cool down growing frustration among bank workforce, the Govt released one month's wages as Adhoc payment against arrear.

DFS issued a letter dated 24.2.2012 directing banks to spend Welfare Funds on health security measures of in-service employees and retirees. In total disregard to said instruction, IBA launched a Mediclaim Insurance Scheme for retirees and in-service people from Nov.2015. The premium of in- service Employees/ officers has been allowed to be paid by Banks. Bank retirees Premium was denied, despite clear directive of DFS vide letter cited above. The Bank level health schemes based on Welfare Funds were abandoned and no subsidy or premium is paid by banks for retirees. Position led from bad to worst, as Premium surged 5 fold by 5th year- 2019-20. Out of 436502 retirees, 266352 dropped out of scheme since they couldn't afford premium. IBA doesn't worry at all to 266352 retirees who are suppose to die without proper medical support. You may find deafening cry of Bank Pensioners on social media against IBA & Unions. At the same time, Pensioners raise their accusing finger to govt for it's stoic silence.

Bankmen retired in 1986 onward have very meagre Pension. They are not in a position to spend Rs.24897/- on insurance. It is sometime more than 2 months Pension. IBA/ Banks are least worried to such retirees.

Pension revision is not done, despite wage revisions in 1998, 2002, 2007, 2012 and talks are going on  for 2017 wage revision. Pension/family Pension revision has not been given any consideration in last 2.5 decades. 

Please, therefore, look into the functions of IBA. It has become a cause of trouble. It has been casual and callous in settling issues. Rather their acts have been perpitrating troubles. Be it Pension, Mediclaim insurance, wage revision or improvement in service conditions etc IBA always acted in very detrimental manner. Great dissatisfaction prevails among Banking workforce, which causes adverse impact on bank services.

Employees, officers and retirees feel that IBA is misbehaving & acting in arrogant manner on the backing of govt. IBA's acts cause resentment and frustration which bankmen attribute to government.

Situation is worsening day by day. On social media people blame govt for their pathetic conditions, but in facts we think govt has no such intention at all, rather Govt wanted settlement well in advance.

We, therefore, request you to please look into the activities of IBA, which instead shooting troubles, perpitrates troubles. Retirees are worst victim. Please advise DFS to ensure compliance of their letter dated 24.2.2012 and tell Banks to pay premium for Retirees as they are doing for in-service people. Welfare Funds are grossly misused & abused by Banks. Banks are not spending single penny on retirees. Whole amount is being siphoned by executives and in-service people. 

Pension must be revised on RBI line to end the problem. Too much injustice is done to Pensioners. They are languishing under financial distress for last 25 years. Thousands had died under financial distress, while lakhs are suffering. They look to justice from Government. Govt must address their painful plights, as it did in OROP matter.


1. Please direct IBA to mend it's approach & attitude, which tarnish the image of govt, foster provocation, discontentment & dissatisfaction among banking fraternity.

2. Please direct IBA to implement letter dated 24.2.2012, advise Banks to refund the premium recovered from Retirees and extend insurance cover to all retirees at Bank cost, as directed vide letter cited above.

3. Please direct IBA/Banks to revise Pension/family pension on RBI line.

4. Please direct IBA to conclude ensuing settlement, give adequate increase, since salary of bank employees/officers are much below than their counter part in Central services. Looking to risks & responsibilities, they deserve fair &  adequate compensation.

We earnestly look to your kind intervention in the matter.

With Respectful Regards,

(J. N. Shukla)
National Convenor,
Forum of Bank Pensioner Activists

24.10 .2019

Ministry of Finance
GOI New Delhi

न गर्व और न पूर्वाग्रह,
सिर्फ आग्रह

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