Saturday, July 6, 2024

Updating Pension of Bank Retirees


Sri M. V. Rao,

Chairman, IBA 

Sri Sunil Mehta,
Chief Executive,
Indian Banks Association 

Dear Sirs,


In continuation of our mail dated 29th June, 2024 addressed to both of you, through which we sought your indulgence in resolving Pensioners plight, we would like to draw your kind attention towards the growing unrest and frustration along the Pensioners in respect of whom expected steps are not being taken by you. You are well aware of the issues of Pensioners.

Wage revision settlement was reached on 8.3.2024 and the new pay scale was paid in the next 22 days for March , 2024, with arrears from November, 2022 to February, 2024. Under your able leadership, this time the Settlement was reached in a few months and its implementation took place in a very short time, just 22 days, which is a record.

The Pensioners would have been very happy and grateful to you, if necessary steps would have been taken with same speed, as in case of implementation of wages settlement, in respect of understanding reached in the Joint Note dated 8.3.2024 to insert the provision of 'periodic pension revision in the pension regulations along with wage settlements.' 

Who can understand the urgency of this provision better than you? This provision is directly related to Pension Updation, which is pending for the last 37 years. In the MC Singla case pending in the Supreme Court, IBA has cited the absence of provision for updation in the regulations as the reason for non-pension revision. In the settlement dated 8.3.2024, the reason for non-updation of pension was given as the case being sub-judice. In such a situation, the underlying objective of the above provision is related to pension updation, there is no confusion in it. The eagerness of the pensioners to insert the above provisions in the Pensioners Regulations can be understood.

The agreement regarding ex-gratia has a provision for review in April every year from 2024. A meeting was held last April, but the ex-gratia could not be reviewed, as final financial results of the banks were not finalized. Now that the financial results of the banks have come, no meeting is being held for review. Reviewing the ex-gratia is a contractual obligation, not reviewing is a breach of agreement and we trust it is not your intention to breach the agreement. In view of the long standing neglect and harassment of pensioners, further ignoring their entitlements is inhuman and ingratuous. 

Ignoring the health security of Pensioners is the cause of death of thousands of Pensioners, of which you are well aware. This is deliberate criminal negligence. Report of the Khandelwal Committee and the allocation of Welfare Funds by the Secretary, Department of Financial Services to the Public Sector Banks on the basis of that Report vide his letter dated 24.2.2012 with suggestion that the Welfare Funds may be used for health insurance of "both" working and retired. You are well acquainted of it. It is also known that the Banks have been using the Welfare Funds for Health Insurance of working bank employees, but the responsibility of insurance of the retired has been left on the retired. This is a case of discrimination and  misuse of Welfare Funds.

We have sent several mails to you including the one referred above, requesting you to take necessary steps on the above mentioned issues. And, we are very optimistic that you might be sincerely and seriously doing on above issues, but apparently there is nothing visible, so Pensioners have worries on these matters. We again draw your attention to the following issues and request for the required decision at the earliest:

 1. The provision for periodic pension updation along with wage revision settlements in the Pension Regulations, 1995, as agreed to on 8.3.2024, please be inserted immediately with the prior approval of RBI and Government,

2. Pension updation has been the subject of the 12th Bipartite Settlement /9th Joint Note, hence in accordance with the above newly created updation clause, the Pension of the Pensioners till 31.10.2022 please be revised on RBI line,

3. In  ex-gratia matter, since now the financial results of the Banks have come in, the ex-gratia please be reviwed and fine tuned,

4. Ex-gratia is a matter related to Pensioners and Pension Scheme. The Pension Agreement dated 29.10.1993 is applicable to a total of 58 Banks including PSBs & private sector banks. Therefore, this agreement should be implemented in all the Banks party to Pension Agreement, and

5. Health Insurance is the right of Retired Bank Employees. Therefore, Health Insurance please be provided at the cost of the Banks. The expected reduction in premium from common insurance policy of working and retired is not the solution to the problem. Not being able to pay premium is the problem of Retired Bank Employees. Again, this is the Corporate Social Responsibility of the Banks. The Government has allocated Welfare Funds to the Banks for this. Therefore, Health Insurance of minimum Rs. 5 lakh please be provided by the Banks to all the Retired bank employees.

We are confident that, keeping in view the seriousness of the above issues, you will take immediate decisions on them, for which the pensioners will be grateful to you throughout their life.


(J. N. Shukla)
National Convener 

                  DFS, MOF,
                  NEW DELHI

आप दोनों को संबोधित हमारे दिनांक 29 जून, 2024 के मेल के क्रम में, जिसके माध्यम से हमने पेंशनर्स की दुर्दशा को हल करने में आपकी कृपा मांगी थी, हम पेंशनर्स के बीच बढ़ती अशांति और हताशा की ओर हम आप की कृपादृष्टि आकर्षित करना चाहते हैं, जिनके संबंध में आपकी ओर से अपेक्षित कदम नहीं  उठाया जा रहा है। पेंशनर्स के मुद्दों से आप भली-भांति अवगत हैं।

8.3.2024 को वेतन पुनरीक्षण समझौता हुआ और मार्च, 2024 के लिए नए वेतनमान का भुगतान नवंबर, 2022 से फरवरी, 2024 तक के एरियर के साथ अगले 22 दिनों में किया गया। आपके कुशल नेतृत्व में इस बार कुछ ही महीनों में समझौता हो गया और बहुत ही कम समय, मात्र 22 दिन, में इसका कार्यान्वयन हुआ, जो एक रिकॉर्ड है.

पेंशन विनियमों में वेतन समझौतों के साथ आवधिक पेंशन अपडेशन के प्रावधान को शामिल करने के लिए दिनांक 8.3.2024 के संयुक्त नोट में बनी सहमति के संबंध में वेतन समझौता लागू करने के समान गति से आवश्यक कदम उठाए गए होते, तो पेंशनर्स आपके प्रति बहुत खुश और आभारी होते। 

इस प्रावधान के महत्व को आपसे बेहतर कौन समझ सकता है। इस प्रावधान का सीधा संबंध पेंशन अपडेशन से है, जो पिछले 37 वर्षों से लंबित है। सर्वोच्च न्यायालय में विचाराधीन एम सी सिंगला केस में आईबीए ने पेंशन रिवीजन न होने का कारण रिगुलेशंस में अपडेशन का प्रावधान न होना बताया है। 8.3.2024 के समझौते में पेंशन अपडेशन न होने का कारण मामले का न्यायाधीन होना बताया गया। ऐसे में उपरोक्त प्रावधान का अंतर्निहित उद्देश्य पेंशन अपडेशन से जुड़ा है, इसमें कोई भ्रम नहीं है। पेंशनर्स रिगुलेशंस में उपरोक्त प्रावधान डालने की पेंशनर्स की उत्सुकता समझी जा सकती हैं।

एक्स-ग्रैसिया को लेकर हुए अनुबंध में 2024 से हर वर्ष अप्रैल में उस पर पुनर्विचार का प्रावधान है। विगत अप्रैल में बैठक तो हुई, लेकिन बैंकों के अंतिम वित्तीय परिणाम न आने के कारण एक्स-ग्रैसिया पर पुनर्विचार नहीं हो सका। अब जब बैंकों के वित्तीय परिणाम आ चुके हैं, तो पुनर्विचार के लिए बैठक ही नहीं हो रही है। एक्स-ग्रैसिया पर पुनर्विचार करना अनुबंधीय बाध्यता है, पुनर्विचार न करना अनुबंध की अवमानना है और हमे विश्वास है अनुबंध की अवमानना करना आपका उद्देश्य नहीं है। पेंशनर्स की लंबे समय से उपेक्षा और उत्पीड़न के आलोक में उनके हक की और अनदेखी अमानवीय कृतघ्नता है।

पेंशनर्स के स्वास्थ्य सुरक्षा की अनदेखी हजारों पेंशनर्स के मौत का कारण है, जिससे आप भली-भांति अवगत हैं। यह जानबूझकर की गई आपराधिक लापरवाही है। खंडेलवाल कमेटी की रिपोर्ट और उस रिपोर्ट के आधार पर सार्वजनिक बैंकों को सचिव, वित्तीय सेवाएं विभाग द्वारा अपने पत्र दिनांक 24.2.2012 के माध्यम से कल्याण निधि का आवंटन और उनका सुझाव कि वर्किंग और रिटायर्ड "दोनों" के स्वास्थ्य बीमा के लिए कल्याण निधि का उपयोग किया जा सकता है, जैसी बातों से आप भली-भांति परिचित हैं। इस बात से भी अवगत हैं कि बैंकों ने कल्याण निधि का उपयोग वर्किंग बैंककर्मियों के स्वास्थ्य बीमा के लिए किया जाता रहा है, लेकिन रिटायर्ड के बीमा का दायित्व रिटायर्ड पर छोड़ दिया गया है। यह कल्याण निधि के भेद-भाव पूर्ण दुरूपयोग का मामला है।

हमने आपको उपरोक्त सहित कई मेल भेजे हैं, जिसमें आपसे उपरोक्त मुद्दों पर आवश्यक कदम उठाने का अनुरोध किया गया है। और, हम बहुत आशावादी हैं कि आप उपरोक्त मुद्दों पर ईमानदारी और गंभीरता से काम कर रहे होंगे, लेकिन जाहिर तौर पर कुछ भी दिखाई नहीं दे रहा है, इसलिए पेंशनर्स को इन मुद्दों पर चिंता है। हम फिर से निम्नलिखित मुद्दों पर आपका ध्यान आकर्षित करते हैं और जल्द से जल्द आवश्यक निर्णय लेने का अनुरोध करते हैं:

 1. पेंशन रिगुलेशंस, 1995 में वेतन समझौतों के साथ आवधिक पेंशन अपडेशन का प्रावधान, जिसकी सहमति 8.3.2024 को हुई है,  आरबीआई व सरकार की पूर्वानुमति से तत्काल डाला जाए,

2. पेंशन अपडेशन 12वें द्विपक्षीय समझौते/9वें ज्वाइंट नोट का विषय रहा है, अतः उपरोक्त नवनिर्मित अपडेशन क्लाज के अनुक्रम में 31.10.2022 तक के पेंशनर्स की पेंशन आरबीआई लाइन पर रिवाइज की जाए,

3. एक्स-ग्रैसिया के समझौते के अनुक्रम में, चूंकि अब बैंकों के वित्तीय परिणाम आ चुके हैं, एक्स-ग्रैसिया पर पुनर्विचार करते इसे फाइन ट्यून किया जाए,

4. एक्स-ग्रैसिया पेंशनर्स और पेंशन स्कीम से जुड़ा मामला है। पेंशन समझौता सार्वजनिक बैंकों सहित कुल 58 बैंकों पर लागू है। अतः इसे समझौते से संबद्ध सभी बैंकों में लागू किया जाए, और

5. स्वास्थ्य बीमा रिटायर्ड बैंककर्मियों का अधिकार है। अतः,  बैंकों की लागत से स्वास्थ्य बीमा दिया जाए। वर्किंग और रिटायर्ड के संयुक्त बीमा पालिसी से प्रीमियम में अपेक्षित कमीं समस्या का समाधान नहीं है। प्रीमियम न दे पाना रिटायर्ड बैंक कर्मियों की समस्या है। पुनः , यह बैंकों की कार्पोरेट सोसल रिस्पांसिबिलिटी है। सरकार ने इसके लिए बैंकों को कल्याण निधि आवंटित कर रखा है। अतः सभी रिटायर्ड बैंककर्मियों को न्यूनतम रु.5 लाख का स्वास्थ्य बीमा बैंकों की तरफ से उपलब्ध कराया जाए।

हमें विश्वास है, उपरोक्त मुद्दों की गंभीरता को दृष्टिगत रखते आप इन पर तत्काल निर्णय लेंगे, जिसके लिए पेंशनर्स आपके आजीवन आभारी रहेंगे।


Sister Nirmala Sitharaman,
Hon'ble Finance Minister,
Govt of India,
New Delhi

Respected Sister,

             PENSION REVISION-
                  BE A PART OF 
         100 DAYS GOVERNANCE 

Bank Pensioners were  highly hopeful that their Pension would be revised on RBI lines with the recently concluded Pay Settlement on 8.3.2024. As informed, Pension Revision could not be done due to matter being sub-judice, which is not only inappropriate in the light of facts but also a contradictory stand. We seek your permission to place before you the relevant facts as under:

1. There is no 'stay order' from the Court:

"Subjudice" does not mean “stay order.” Since the matter is a bilateral & of contract, the parties involved have complete freedom to reach an amicable settlement outside the Court. Keeping in mind the decorum of the Hon'ble Court, the parties can also reach a settlement with the permission of the Court, as has happened in the case of 40% to 50% Pension issue of State Bank, pending before the Honorable Delhi High Court.

2. Double standards regarding 'subjudice' are unfair:

If sub-judice is said to be a cogent reason for not updating the Pension, it should have been applied earlier in the Special Allowance case, which has been quashed by the Single Judge Bench of the Kerala High Court and the Banks have gone in appeal before the Double Bench. Apart from this, about 14 petitions against Special Allowance are pending in various High Courts. But, despite the Special Allowance case being dismissed at one level and heavily sub-judice in other HCs, the IBA has increased Special Allowance in the 11th and 12th Bipartite Settlements.

How can there be two different definitions or yardsticks to treat "subjudice?" In this way, Banks/IBA cannot behave irresponsibly as per their convenience. Banks and IBA should not forget that the Government of India is also a party to the Special Leave Petition pending in Hon'ble Supreme Court, where the IBA has already put itself as well as the Government of India in the dock by giving a false affidavit. Saying in the Honorable Supreme Court that there is no provision for pension updation in the Pension Regulations is an attempt to take wrongful benefits by misleading the Honorable Court and is a cognizable offense in the eyes of the Court.

3. What happened is unfair:

What has happened so far, even despite your intervention, was unexpected. This has given an unwanted message that the management and the IBA are heavier to the Honorable Finance Minister. IBA has flouted the message you gave in October/November 2020 regarding Bank Pensioners. It's  their audacity. How do you look at this is a matter of your discretion.

4. Gratitude for ex-gratia, but it is not a substitute for Pension Revision:

On 8.3.2024, due to your intervention Pensioners have started getting a small relief amount in the name of ex-gratia from 1.11.2022, for which we are grateful to you. With all humility we want to tell you that ex-gratia is not a substitute for Pension. We have the right to pension revision on RBI lines and we want the same.

5. Ex-Gracia was to be reviwed in April, which did not happen:

The ex-gratia amount was to be reviewed in April, 2024. A meeting was also held, but due to non-availability of financial results of the Banks, review could not take place. Now the results of all the Banks have come, but the IBA has not taken any step to review the ex-gratia. Pensioners are repeatedly sending mails to the Chairman of IBA and Secretary, DFS, in this regard, but no action is being taken.

6 Provision for periodic pension updation in Pension Regulations is not being taken up:

The joint note signed on 8.3.2024 mentions the concurrence that a provision for periodic pension revision along with pay revision should be inserted in the Pension Regulations. 110 days have passed since this consent, but IBA has not taken any step to insert the provision of periodic Pension Revision in the Pension Regulations. In this regard also several mails have been sent to Chairman, IBA and Secretary, DFS. IBA should take steps to insert provisions with prior permission of the government, which is not being taken. 

7. Last Pension option:

Some 100/150 retirees unfortunately could not take second option in 2010. Looking to their poor economic condition, one last chance for pension option may please be granted.

8. There were 58 Banks party to Pension Agreement dated 29.10.1993. Exgratia may please be extended to all Banks' Pensioners party to Pension Agreement. IBA may please be directed accordingly.

We have been continuously requesting you to take serious note of the pitiable condition of the Bank Pensioners and please consider, intervene and direct the Banks to resolve the following major Demands of the Pensioners:

1. Pension updation of Pensioners up to 31.10.2022 on RBI line from the applicable date in RBI,

2. Health insurance to all Pensioners from the Welfare Funds or at the cost of Banks,

3. Last Pension option chance, &

4. Extend exgratia to Pvt Bank

Pensioners are looking at you with hopeful eyes. We hope, now they will not have to worry anymore. You will do justice to them at your earliest possible.

Respectful Regards,

(J. N. Shukla)
National Convener 

Copy to:

Sri Girish Chandra Arya,
National Secretary & 
Financial Sector Incharge,
Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh,
New Delhi 

For necessary action, please.

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