नरेन्द्र मोदी जी,
माननीय प्रधानमंत्री,
भारत सरकार
नई दिल्ली
आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री जी,
विकसित राष्ट्र का अभीष्ट लक्ष्य
'विकसित भारत' आपका पोषित सपना है, जिसे आप 2047 में स्वतंत्रता की शताब्दी तक के अमृतकाल के दौरान हासिल करना चाहते हैं। यह तभी संभव होगा जब आप सत्ता में रहेंगे। विकसित भारत और सत्ता में बने रहने की दोहरी चुनौतियों से आप कैसे निपटेंगें, देश के सामने बड़ा सवाल है, जो एक विकसित राष्ट्र बनने को समुद्यत है। हम कामना करते हैं, ईश्वर आपको अपार जनसमर्थन और शक्ति दें, सत्ता में बनें रहें और आप विकसित राष्ट्र का सपना पूरा करने में कामयाब हों।
बरगलाने का बड़ा अभियान...
कहा जाता है कि 'जनसमूह की याददाश्त अल्पकालिक' होती है। पिछले 9 वर्षों में देश और समाज के विभिन्न वर्गों के उत्थान के लिए आपने जो किया है, वह समय के साथ लोग भूल जाएं, तो आश्चर्य नहीं होगा। ऐसे लोगों को किसी भी अन्य तरह के प्रलोभन से आपके योगदान को नाकाफी साबित करने के लिए बरगलाया जा सकता है। यह अभियान शुरू हो चुका है। हम समझते हैं कि आप इन बातों से अवगत हैं। देश में एक बड़ा वर्ग ऐसा भी है, जिसे देश या उसके गौरव से कोई लेना-देना नहीं है। वे अपने जीवन की छोटी-मोटी जरूरतों की प्रतिपूर्ति से ही मतलब रखते हैं। विकसित भारत, महान् भारत जैसी बड़ी बातों से उनका कुछ लेना देना नहीं होता।
वास्तविक समस्याएं ...
कुछ वास्तविक समस्याएं हैं, जिनका जिक्र हम नीचे कर रहे हैं। ये समस्याएं सीधे सरकार के कर्मचारियों और नौकरशाहों तथा सार्वजनिक उपक्रमों के कार्मिकों से जुड़ीं हैं। सरकार को इन समस्याओं को गंभीरता से लेते समाधान करना चाहिए। चूंकि समस्याएं जायज हैं, अतः सरकार को उनके समाधान से हिचकना भी नहीं चाहिए। इससे एक खुशनुमा सकारात्मक माहौल बनेगा, जिसका सीधा असर सरकार की छबि और कामकाज पर पड़ेगा।
( 1 ) पुरानी पेंशन स्कीम की बहाली
केंद्र और राज्य सरकारों के कर्मचारियों/ अधिकारियों में पेंशन लाभ को लेकर काफी क्षोभ है। वे पुरानी पेंशन योजना की बहाली के लिए आंदोलन कर रहे हैं। कुछ राज्यों ने ओपीएस को बहाल कर दिया है। ओपीएस को लेकर नाराजगी रिजर्व बैंक, नाबार्ड, सार्वजनिक बैंकों, जीवन बीमा, सामान्य बीमा आदि जैसे अन्य सार्वजनिक उपक्रमों तक फैली हुई है, जहां केंद्र सरकार की तर्ज पर पेंशन योजनाएं लागू हैं। सरकार ढांचागत सुधार तथा मामूली आर्थिक योगदान से, ओटीएस बहाल कर सकती है।
( 2 ) कमुटेशन की 12 वर्ष में वापसी
पेंशन कम्यूटेशन की बहाली, जो अभी 15 साल बाद हो रही है, उसे 12 साल में बहाल करने की मांग की जा रही है। गणितीय गणना से 12 वर्षों में कम्यूटेड राशि ब्याज सहित वसूल हो जा रही है। ऐसे में कमुटेशन वापसी 15 वर्षों में करने का कोई न्यायोचित कारण नहीं है। सरकार भी नाजायज वसूली की मंशा नहीं रखती, फिर भी यह हो रहा है। अतः सरकार को इस मांग को तथ्यों के आधार पर स्वीकार कर लेना चाहिए। कमुटेशन 12 वर्ष में वापस कर सरकार पेंशनरों को न्याय दे सकती है।
( 3 ) पेंशन रिवीजन
बैंकिंग जैसे कई संस्थानों में जहां पेंशन स्कीम्स, केन्द्रीय पेंशन योजना के आधार पर प्रचलित हैं, वहां वेतन के साथ पेंशन संशोधित नहीं की जा रही है। आरबीआई में 1.3.2019 से पेंशन संशोधित की गई, लेकिन वित्तमंत्रालय ने सार्वजनिक बैंकों के पेंशनर्स की पेंशन संशोधित नहीं की। वित्तमंत्रालय जानता है कि सार्वजनिक बैंकों में लागू पेंशन का तार रिजर्व बैंक की पेंशन से जुड़ा है। पेंशन समझौते में स्पष्ट लिखा हुआ है कि पेंशन रिवीजन सहित सभी शर्तें "आरबीआई लाइन" पर होंगी। अकेले बैंकिंग और अन्य वित्तीय संस्थानों के 15 लाख लोगों के जीवन से जुड़ा यह मामला है। सरकार को हस्तक्षेप करना चाहिए। अंततः ये सरकारी उपक्रम हैं, जहाँ इस तरह की विसंगतिपूर्ण स्थिति, अंततः सरकार को कटघरे में खड़ा करती है।
( 4 ) दिहाड़ी के कर्मचारियों का स्थायीकरण
अकेले सार्वजनिक बैंकों में 1.5 लाख से अधिक दिहाड़ी मजदूर स्थायी रिक्तियों पर काम कर रहे हैं। हम अन्य सरकारी उद्यमों में दिहाड़ी मजदूरों की संख्या के बारे में नहीं जानते हैं। हमें कल्याणकारी राज्य के कर्तव्यों को याद दिलाने की आवश्यकता नहीं है, जिसके आप मुखिया हैं और जिसका राजकीय कर्तव्य यह सुनिश्चित करना है कि एक भी नागरिक के साथ अन्याय न हो। स्थायी रिक्तियों में बिना नियमित वेतनमान और अन्य लाभों के प्रति दिन छोटी राशि पर काम करने वाले दिहाड़ी मजदूर भी इस महान देश के नागरिक हैं, जो विकसित देश की ओर एक लंबी छलांग लगाने के लिए तैयार हैं। हो सके तो प्रधानमंत्री जी आप, इस निचले पायदान पर बैठे दिहाड़ी मजदूरों के नियमितीकरण का निर्णय लें।
सरकार तथा सार्वजनिक उपक्रमों के विशाल कार्मिक समूह से संबंधित इन मुद्दों को सरकार आसानी से हल कर सकती है और सरकारी कर्मचारियों एवं नौकरशाहों के साथ-साथ सार्वजनिक उपक्रमों के कार्मिकों का भी ख्याल रख सकती है।
( 5 ) पुरानी पेंशन के फंडिंग की रणनीति
जहां तक वित्तीय रणनीति का संबंध है, सरकार को बैंकों में अपनाए गए पेंशन मॉडल पर गौर करना चाहिए, जहां इसे राजस्व से पूरी तरह से अलग रखा गया है और पेंशन भुगतान पेंशन ट्रस्ट से किया जाता है। सार्वजनिक बैंकों ने पेंशन ट्रस्ट की स्थापना की है और वहां नियोक्ताओं के पीएफ अंशदान रखे हैं। उक्त पेंशन फंड से पेंशन दी जाती है। फंड का आंकलन वार्षिक आधार पर होता है और यदि उसमें कोई कमीं दिखती है तो बैंकें उसका अनुपूरण अपने लाभ-हानि खाते से करतीं हैं। सरकारें पेंशन संबंधी लाभों के भुगतान के प्रबंधन के लिए एक स्वतंत्र "पेंशन निधि प्राधिकरण" का गठन कर सकती हैं और संपूर्ण एनपीएस की राशि ब्याज सहित पेंशन निधि प्राधिकरण को सौंप देनी चाहिए। चूंकि एनपीएस योगदान अब 14% है, जो पहले 8.33% और 10% था, हमारा आंकलन है कि 14% योगदान के साथ, पेंशन फंड मजबूत बने रहेंगे और बिना बजेटरी प्रावधान के पेंशन भुगतान होता रहेगा।
प्रार्थना ...
हमारी आपसे विनती है कि उपरोक्त मुद्दों पर सहानुभूति पूर्वक विचार और यथोचित निर्णय लेकर आप बढ़ते असंतोष को रोकें। सरकार अपने कर्मचारियों, अधिकारियों तथा सार्वजनिक उपक्रमों के कार्मिकों की, जो सरकार के क्रियाकलाप और निष्पादन में सीधे सामिल हैं, जायज मांगों का संज्ञान ले। उम्मीद है, आप इसे गंभीरता से लेंगे।
(जे एन शुक्ला)
OF DESTRUCTION LAST 20 YEARS..."ALL GREAT TRUTHS BEGIN ASBLASPHEMIES."- George Bernard ShawWe talked about the difference between politicians and leaders in our articles dated 21.4.2022 and 5.5.2023 and left it to the Bankmen to decide in which category the leaders of their Unions fall - Politicians or Leaders? In the above articles we have analyzed the personality traits of politicians and leaders. We think, it will be easy for Bankmen to conclude to who are running their organization today, politicians or the leaders?Staying away from the characteristic evils of politics, accommodating all ideologies, the founders of AIBEA have kept the organization away from politicization since its inception. As long as Parwana ji was alive, he preferred leaders based on merit and integrity in AIBEA, rising above political considerations. After him Prabhatda also nurtured the same ideology.It was Tarakda who laid the foundation of aberration. He continued to be the General Secretary of AIBEA after his retirement, bypassing the principle of Prabhatda. He did not consider any successor in his place, who was then in the Banking service, while AIBEA had decided in 1980 under the leadership of Prabhatda that in future the General Secretary of AIBEA would be a person working in a Bank and in compliance with this decision, Tarakda was elected General Secretary of AIBEA in 1980.After his retirement in 1986, Tarakda remained the General Secretary till his death in 2003. It was from 1986 under the leadership of Tarakda the process of retaining the retired people in the top positions of the organizations begin. Before this, be it Parvana Ji or Prabhatda or P.L. Syal ji, they all were who were fired from the Bank service because of Trade Union activities. K. K. Mandalji was not a Bank employee. Under Tarakda watch, from bottom to top, AIBEA and its District, State, Bank-wise Organizations were completely captured by retirees.And, today the leadership of AIBEA has all those evils which are there in crook politicians. AIBEA is run by professional. Everyone wants to capture the organization by any means. May the interest of bank employees/pensioners/ temporary peons go to hell. No State Organizations or Bank- wise Organizations or AIBEA is free from battle for supremacy.The financial position of the organizations is quite sound with assured regular funds flow. The battle to capture it continues. Everyone wants to capture and enjoy it. In short, AIBEA and its affiliated organizations have become centers for the rehabilitation of retired professionals. Whether the pension increases or not, it is no matter for them. Levies and subscriptions are sure, on which they are sitting.It's leaders try to show that "Tiger is alive" only through graphics & colourful posters, messages showing red flags in hands. In reality, Tiger has gone old, his nails have fallen & teeth broken. Now he is just grunting and grunting.AIBEA & it's units do meetings & conferences as events, waste money like water now because they have crores of rupees. Big speeches in air-conditioned auditoriums, accommodation in five-star hotels, delicious dishes in the best restaurants, expensive wines from wineries, air travel etc are their new identity. Their presence has been erased from the ground. Its leaders do not agitate on issues, they just release hot air to flirt and divert the attention of Bank employees. The movement has become a balloon, in which they fill air and then take out the air themselves. The leaders has become a compromiser and the organization (AIBEA) revisionist, which has been the basic character of Communist Party of India.The Central Bank wrote off them. Bank of Maharashtra threw their bags and baggage on the road in Pune. Stopped talking to the retired leader. The largest Public Sector Bank union AIPNBE Federation has split into two factions. One faction is led & controlled by PR Mehta and the other splinters by Lungiwal group. Lungiwal does not accept Mehta. Why? Because Lungiwal fears Mehta. Bypassing Mehta, small timers of PNB are made office bearer of AIBEA who by their track record of broker, have become leader. By doing this, Mehta is being shown down.Mehta is a leader of better mass base. Then why the fuss? If his disqualification is retirement, then everyone in AIBEA is retired. In reality, Lungiwal has been afraid of Mehta. The same fear that Prabhatda and Tarakda once had from DP Chadha ji. They couldn't get Chadha out despite their all out attempts. Mehta is not being allowed to enter AIBEA due to fear. We believe that you can ignore PR Mehta, but cannot eliminate him.There is panic in Bank of India. Lungiwal has a PNB-like attitude with Union Bank. Union Bank's Shankar is like a dust particle in the eyes of Lungiwal. A conspiracy is going on in the Indian Bank to bypass e-Allahabad Bank leaders and do the coronation of Ernakulam to set Madras equation. In Bank of Baroda the number is 50:50. The war between Canara Bank and Syndicate Bank continues, not yet decided who rules the roost. IOB has zero.We have already told about the condition of Central Bank, Bank of Maharashtra. No one knows where UCO and Punjab Sindh Bank are in the organization. State Bank union runs in its own way. It has no concern with other bank employees, pensioners. All the problems are of 11 Public Sector Banks, who are facing the crisis of uncertainty and the mastermind behind all the disputes is Lungiwal, who is tearing the organization apart by making everyone fight, with sole intention to protect his position. He fixes all contenders at their turf, keeps AIBEA turf free from any tussle.Overall, it needs to be understood in a nutshell that AIBEA has collapsed. It has been buried under the weight of its own contradictions and the selfishness of its old and tired leaders. Now it is not an organization, it is a monastery. This math is the Rehabilitation Center for retired-tired professionals crooks, which runs on subscriptions and levies from Bankmen and works against Bankmen interests as well. Today it cannot do any movement in any Bank on its own. By the time the Pension Agreement was reached in 1993, Tarakda had understood the downing future of AIBEA. He tried for some preventive measures by forming the "United Forum of Bank Unions". Little did he know that the UFBU would also one day become a victim of his successor's arrogance, autocracy and selfishness.(J. N. Shukla)
The Secretary
Law Commission of India
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Subject: Our suggestions for immediate
implementation of Uniform
Civil Code.
We, Forum of Bank Pensioner Activists, Prayagraj, representing the interest of Bank Pensioners in particularly and working Bank employees in particular
fully endorse & support the State police of Government, be it five trillion economy or status of developed Nation by completion of centenary year of Indian independence in 2047.
To attain these objectives 'development for all and appeasement to none' is most important. Demographic imbalance or population explosion is a serious threat to India's development. National interest is first. If Nation is in danger, no citizen is safe.
The only route for reaching this goal is immediate and urgent implementation of Uniform Civil Code. We request Law Commission to recommend this step to Union Govt at the earliest.
Dear Activists/ Pensioners
Yesterday, we have sent a letter in Hindi to the Honorable Prime Minister, which you must have seen.
Today, we have also sent the English version of the above letter to all the Cabinet Ministers. We have sent the letter to Shri J.P. Nadda, National President, BJP with a brief note requesting him to consider the seriousness of the issues and take appropriate steps.
In a brief note to Shri Nadda, we have stated how all Central/State Government employees, officers and officers & employees of PSUs have been put on one platform for restoration of Old Pension Scheme and restoration of Pension Commutation in 12 years . Their number is in crores.
In the note written to Mr. Nadda, we have written emphatically that it would be against the political interest of the government to anger such a large section of people who have heavy responsibilities of government works and businesses. We have left it to him to assess its advantages and disadvantages.
We call upon all activists, pensioners' groups to intensify their movement. This is high time to act and achieve.
(J. N. Shukla)
National Convener
कल हमने माननीय प्रधानमंत्री जी को हिंदी में एक पत्र भेजा है, जो आपने देखा होगा।
आज, हमने उपरोक्त पत्र का अंग्रेजी संस्करण सभी कैबिनेट मंत्रियों को भी भेजा है। पत्र को हमने श्री जे.पी. नड्डा, राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष, भाजपा को भी एक संक्षिप्त टिप्पणी के साथ भेज कर मुद्दों की गंभीरता पर विचार करने तथा समुचित कदम उठाने का निवेदन किया है।
श्री नड्डा को लिखे संक्षिप्त नोट में, हमने कहा है कि कैसे पुरानी पेंशन बहाली और पेंशन कम्युटेशन का 12 वर्ष में वापसी को लेकर सभी केंद्रीय/ राज्य सरकारों के कर्मचारियों, अधिकारियों और सार्वजनिक उपक्रमों के अधिकारियों और कर्मियों को एक मंच पर खड़ा कर दिया है। इनकी संख्या करोड़ों में है।
श्री नड्डा को लिखे नोट में हमने जोर देकर लिखा है कि इतनी बड़ी संख्या वाले इस वर्ग को, जिन पर सरकारी कामकाज और व्यवसाय की महती जिम्मेदारियां हैं, नाराज करना सरकार के राजनीतिक हित के विरुद्ध होगा। हमनें इसके फायदा-नुकसान का आंकलन उन पर छोड़ दिया है।
सभी एक्टिविस्ट्स एवं पेंशनर समूहों से आह्वान है कि वे अपना अभियान और तीव्र करें। यह कार्रवाई करने और परिणाम हासिल करने का सुनहरा अवसर है।
Letter to Prime Minister dated 15.06.2023
Sri Narendra Modi ji,
Hon'ble Prime Minister,
Govt. Of India
New Delhi
Respected Prime Minister,
Developed India is your cherished dream, which you want to achieve during Amritkal by the end of centenary of Independence Day in 2047. This will be possible only when you remain in power. How will you deal with the twin challenges of a developed India and staying in power is the big question before the nation, the nation which is poised to become a developed Nation. We wish, you remain in power to achieve developed nation status.
Big campaign of trickery:
It is said that 'the memory of the masses is short-lived'. It will not be surprising if people forget with the passage of time what you have done for the upliftment of the country and different sections of the society in the last 9 years. Such people can be tricked by any other kind of inducement to prove that your contribution is insufficient.
This campaign has started. We hope, you are aware of these things. There is also a large section in the country, which have nothing to do with the country or its pride. They are only concerned with meeting the bare necessities of life. They have nothing to do with big things like developed India, Great India. It's great dilemma.
Real Issues:
There are some real problems, which we are mentioning below. These problems are directly related to people who run the government businesses. The government should take them seriously and move towards a solution. If the problems are legitimate, then the government should not hesitate to solve them. This will create a positive & pleasant atmosphere, which will have a direct impact on the image & functions of the government.
( 1 )
There is a huge vociferous resentment among the employees/officers of the Central and State Governments regarding the pensionary benefits. They are demanding & agitating for the restoration of the Old Pension Scheme. OPS was abondoned by Atal Govt. It's quoted as stigma on BJP Govt. as well. Some States have restored OPS, of course under political compulsions to reap electoral benefits.
The displeasure of the OPS also extends to other institutions like the Reserve Bank, NABARD, Public Sector Banks, LIC, GIC, Railways etc., where Pension Schemes on the lines of the Central Government are in vogue. Government can restore OPS with minor structural reforms, as we hinted in point 5 below.
( 2 )
The restoration of Commutation of Pension is another contentious issue. Presently it is taking place after 15 years. Pensioners demand is to restore it in 12 years. This demand is based on mathematically calculation which proves that commuted amount plus accrued interest is recovered in 12 years. On the basis of this fact Pensioners feel that the Govt is unjustifiably recovering it another 3 years. Pensioners question is: When the recovery of commuted value with due interest is recovered in 12 years, then why should commutation be restored in 15 years? We don't think, govt has any intention to recover extra from Pensioners. Therefore, the government should accept this demand on the basis of facts. Gujarat Government restores it in 13 years.
( 3 )
In many Institutions like Banks where Pension Schemes are in vogue on the basis of Central Pension Scheme, Pension is not being revised with Pay & Allowances. Pension was revised in RBI, but the concerned Finance Ministry did not revise Pension in Public Sector Banks. The basis of Pension applicable in Public Sector Banks is the Pension of the Reserve Bank. It is clearly written in the Pension Agreement that all the terms including Pension Revision will be on "RBI line". This is a matter which touches the lives of 15 lakh pensioners of Banking and other Financial Institutions alone. Why shouldn't the government intervene? These are Government Institutions, where such apathy ultimately puts the government in the dock.
( 4 )
More than 1.5 lakh daily wage workers are working against permanent vacancies in Public Sector Banks alone. We do not know about the number of daily wage workers in other government enterprises. We do not need to remind you the duties of the Welfare State of which you are the Head and whose official duty is to ensure that injustice is not done to a single citizen. Daily wage laborers working in permanent vacancies for small amount per day without regular pay scale and other benefits are also citizens of this great country which is ready to take a quantum leap towards developed country. If possible, Prime Minister Sir, you may please decide to regularize the daily wage laborers sitting on the lower rung. It will be a great event in this government in Amritkaal.
The government can easily solve these issues related to vast chunk of govt. and Public Sector Staffers. Bureaucrats are also cared.
( 5 ) Strategy for funding of OPS:
As far financial strategy for OPS funding is concerned, government should look into the Pension Service models adopted in Banks, where it is totally delinked from revenues and sourced from funded scheme. PSBs have established irrevocable Pension Trusts and parked there employers' PF contributions. Pension is served from the said Pension Funds income . Little bit short, if any, are replenished by Banks. Same way the Governments can constitute independent Pension Funds Authority to manage the payment of Pensionary benefits to govt staffers.
The govt may examine the financial position of Authority each year end and if any short fall, govt can make good from budgetary allocations. Since NPS contribution is at 14% which was earlier 8.33% and 10%, we are of the view that with 14% contribution, Pension Funds shall continue to be robust.
We request you to stop the growing dissatisfaction by considering the above issues sympathetically and taking appropriate decisions. The government should take cognizance of the legitimate demands of its employees, officers and personnel of public undertakings, who are directly involved in the activities and execution of the government policies & programs. Their satisfaction matters. Hope, you will very kindly take it seriously, resolve and not allow to precipitate and flare up.
We came across an open letter addressed to the General Secretary, AIBEA, Chennai by Bro Ramesh Chandra Agarwal, Ghaziabad, a former trade union leader of eminence. His hurt feelings are not without reason. His pain is the pain of thousands of veteran Pensioners, who have taken up AIBEA as a career.
As far as the importance of Pension is concerned, no doubt AIBEA achieved Pension on its own despite all the criticism and hindrances not only from the management but also from other Unions of the time. This happened because of the strenuous efforts, dedication and committed attitude of the then AIBEA leadership group, where first generation people were at the top leadership of the organization. The Pension Scheme has proved all its detractors wrong over time. Pension is the best form of social security after retirement.
However, it is out of place to discuss AIBEA as an organization. All organizations are good because they are established with some defined goals and objectives. The subject of discussion is the actions and behavior of those who hold the reins of the organization. In this context, AIBEA can be divided into two periods on the basis of leadership before Tarakada and after Tarakada and conduct of leadership can be analyzed.
Pensioners have not only been associated with the emergence and development of Banking, but Pensioners have played the vital role of 'Nal and Neel' in building AIBEA. How can the present leadership of AIBEA ignore the contribution of 'Nal and Neel', which it has been determined to do for the last twenty years.
From 1946 till Tarkada's death in 2003, AIBEA has a long chain of achievements to its credit, the last of which is the Pension Policy in Banking. The beginning of UFBU dates back to 1997. Under its leadership, the beginning of the 7th settlement begins with the weakening of pensionary benefits by infamous 1616/1684 scales.
It is not just in the minds of Bankmen that everything is possible if AIBEA is there. This is the reason why today although there are 9 Unions working in banking and all together there is United Forum of Bank Unions, but AIBEA is put in the dock for every failure be it Pensioners or Working Bankmen. People feel that the Leader of this organization is deliberately shying away from the struggle on the issues of Bank Workers and Pensioners, has become compromisers and is making compromises by bowing down.
The subject of discussion is purely the activities of the last two decades. Criticize or praise the Shikhandis, they do not change their character. Who is with the management today, this fact is no longer hidden from anyone. It is the misfortune of the Bankmen that the leader of AIBEA has changed sides.
No broker can be a leader by wearing the robe of a leader. It is unfortunate that this is happening. Such brokers are neither the owners of the Banks, nor the management, nor God! Then, why so many expectations from such brokers, better called thugs? Whether money is there or not is not the issue. Is there fight is the issue. There is no money for Pension Revision, PR, when this is said, then the question is bound to arise that if there is no money for PR then how is there money for salary revision? This is blatant hypocrisy, rhetoric.
Management is doing arbitrariness on the injury of unarmed stings. Privatization may or may not happen, but privatization of the jobs of Banks is happening indiscriminately. Lakhs of people are working on permanent positions on daily wages. Regular work is outsourced. The oldest and biggest Union of Banking is silent.
Bankmen are not getting what they should be getting according to their performance and professional exposure, in the guise of paying capability. How the workforce can be subjected to paying capacity? Bank employees do more risky work than the employees/officers of Life Insurance Corporation of India, but in terms of salary and facilities, Bank staffers are behind. Decreasing salary on one side and increasing work on the other side, Bank staffers are being crushed between these two sides! On top of that the Union is busy in extorting and amassing money.
Some Pensioners are suspicious that the condition of Pension updation was there in the agreement and later this condition was reiterated in the Small Committee meeting in 1994, then why this condition did not come in the Pension Regulations, 1995? Such people ignore the fact that the consent of the "Bank Pension Scheme" was completely in line with the "Reserve Bank Pension Regulations" and that the Reserve Bank Pension Regulations had been finalized in 1990. In the agreement dated 29.10.1993, it was clearly stated regarding the Pension conditions that 'all terms & conditions including pension revision will be on RBI line'. In such a situation, whatever may be the conversation, but the decision had to be taken on the basis of the basic terms & conditions of RBI Pension Regulations. So, what was not there in the RBI Pension Regulations, 1990 how could it be there in the Bank Pension Regulations, 1995?
Pension Revision happened in RBI in 2003 due to RBI Regulations like of Banks. It is a different matter that the Government had rejected the RBI revision in 8/2008. Based on the same Regulations, the Reserve Bank Unions filed a petition in the Bombay High Court and won revision. The Government also approved the Pension Revision of RBI in March 2019 under the same Regulations. We mean to say that Pension Revision is not happening because of any lacuna in the Regulations, it is not like that. The reason is the lack of initiative of that level, the level of initiative and action taken in RBI. Therefore, the fault is not in the Pension Regulations, but the fault is completely in the Unions. Finding loopholes in Regulations means 'Naach na aawe aangan tedha'.
Say anything about the incompetent leaders, it will be little because there is no limit to the inefficiency of the leaders. Calling him the General of the Army of Bankmen is a direct insult to the General of the Army. In the eyes of the Union, the Bankmen have no courage and the Pensioners are moving corpses with time, who are being buried with the passage of time.
(J. N. Shukla)
Sri Adarsh ji, GS, NOBO &
Sri Manmohan Das ji, GS, NOBW
Dear Brothers,
We saw your joint letter dated 16.6.23 addressed to UFBU.
It appears, you have towed UFBU line to combine all issues in one basket to initiate talks. It's contrary to the committed stand of UFBU constituents and IBA before the CLC (c) where in June last year it was agreed that two important residual issues, 5 days Banking and Pension revision, would be first discussed and settled.
On 21.10.2022, while submitting COD the four OAs have very categorically stated that first above two issues be discussed and then talks should commence on new COD.
Contrary to above, it seems to be strange that UFBU on it's own has diluted the said priority, decided and asked IBA to hold talks on new COD, OPS, 5 days Banking, Revision etc. It's obnoxious design, goes unnoticed by most of organisations.
What's wrong UFBU that it's moving in its own fashion, unmindful of AOs and smaller outfits? UFBU has become handy tool of IBA. It's taking same line as outlined by IBA. You all know who is behind the game, but you both and many others are silent. Atleast you have shown your concerns, while other big constituent like AIBOC, AIBOA are silent.
Bank employees and officers are worried to see the casual and callous attitude of Unions, resorting to all tricks to drag, delay & defeat settlement on issues with ulterior motive. In this process all attention diverting tricks in different names are played. First, delay was done in submitting COD and despite permission from govt within three months of COD, talks have not yet commenced. We see going on hobnobbing between IBA & Unions.
It's very frustrating & dismaying situation. Hope, Unions don't betray the confidence of their members and move strictly on issues as outlined, i.e. first discuss and settle two issues followed with talks and Settlement on COD. Time pass tricks please be avoided.
(J. N. Shukla)
National Convener
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फोरम आफ बैंक पेंशनर एक्टिविस्टस्
Forum of Bank Pensioner Activists
न त्वहं कामये राज्यं न स्वर्गं नापुनर्भवम्।
कामये दुःखतप्तानां प्रणिनामार्तिनाशनम्॥
।। धन्य: अस्मि भारत्वेन ।।
We have before us the letters dated 16.6.2023 addressed to UFBU by NOBW, NOBO, AIBOA, BEFI, all the four constituents of UFBU, which make the following points in common:
1. All letters are in response to UFBU's letter dated 15.6.2023, along with which three enclosures were also sent. The details of what were the attachments have not been revealed at the moment.
2. All letters demand an immediate meeting. The last meeting was held on 12.1.2023.
3. All the above Unions demand a joint meeting of all the NINE Unions. BEFI has said that the UFBU is constituted by nine Unions, so the meeting should be held in the presence of all the nine Unions. This point of BEFI raises the question: whether the UFBU wants to drop any Union and hold the meeting?
4. AIBOA has stated in it's letter that it is a founder member of UFBU. Why so? UFBU doesn't know it? It is an independent organization in itself. In what context did they say this? Their statement indicates that someone is challenging their contribution and independent. There seem to be some conspiracy to get AIBOA out of UFBU.
5. NOBW and NOBO have spoken of non-interference in the internal affairs of any Union, which makes one think that there is an organization which is interfering in the internal affairs of another organization. Both the associations have insisted on mutual discussion and consensus building before meeting the IBA on 21.6.2023.
6. Expressing concern over the deepening frustration of the Bankmen due to delay in resolving 5-days banking and other issues. All the Unions have talked about immediate talks and settlement.
It will be interesting to see what turns out in the UFBU meeting ahead of the meeting with IBA on 21.6.2023. Constituent Unions of UFBU are feeling suffocated. This is evident from the above letters of four organizations. Deepening dissatisfaction and anger among the employees/officers is tarnishing the image of the Unions. Just as one rotten fish conteminate the water of the whole pond, same way some brokers are polluting the UFBU.
(J. N. Shukla)
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