Pls spare 10 minutes and read this, a reply to AN Agent of Dynasts 👇👇
Sri Avay Shukla, Retd IAS, posted a mail on 22.5.2021, raising several questions on Prime Minister Modi about his rule and governance. In his lengthy article, he did not raise any thing of public good, rather concentrated on already defined narrative, cult and rhetorics which have been in public domain from day one from all opposed to Prime Minister Modi since he came in power. Let us take it as extension of toolkit or as Indian version of foreign media. We have my own observations, as ventilated below, about the contentions the former bureaucrate has put forth:
It would have been better if 'rule' and 'governance' was defined in context of all PMs since independence that would have facilitated readers to know them in person and in authority rituals. Country needs comparative narrative to strike a fair judgement about PMs and their rule & governance.
Read his entire piece of writing and in conclusion it is totally based on defined narrative, cult & rhetorics of dislikes. Nothing new to peruse. Not a single point he raised in public good. All have been, as if to please 'His Masters'.
However, there is no such nothing, which may not attract some comments. Even clowns or madaris attract some crowds, clapping, laughs, coins too. We take his article in same spirit.
His grievance is Modi's not learning from two old adages. Yes, Modi could not learn in extreme difficulties, perhaps, which he didn't hide or acclaim to be what he was not. In his educational matter, he needs not to explain like "typographical mistake". The adages Shukla quoted, if not read ( not to burn the bridges behind you, because you may need them again & that be courteous to the people you cross on your way up because you will meet them again on your way down), it is beneficial to his antagonists! Here, for all practical and political purposes, Shukla meant to say that Narendra should honor, protect & preserve dynasty & its people. Why should he? Given a look to treatment metted out to Modi ji, by UPA rule, which left no stone unturned to grill & put Modi ji behind bar, when he was Chief Minister, does it really warrant as desired in adages or by Shukla? That was sheer vendetta to use CBI as caged parrot by MMS regime. Thank Hon'ble Supreme Court monitored SIT that rendered justice to Modi ji. Today Shukla wants protection, but under which rule, dear?
Given a look to last over 7 years, we never witnessed them standing with people in ant critical days of crisis. Rather efforts were made to pull Modi Ji down from day one. Modi ji, tea wala, has been intolerable. It was same Congress dynasty which offered a tea stall to Modi in it's conclave, (recollect Manishankar Aiyyar). He was never looked upon as elected Prime Minister by people, constitutional authority to govern the nation. Since he is Prime Minister, pulling him in war like situations, at best be expected from 'enemies' or 'friends of enemies', or both. Though, Modi ji has been it's target, but in fact target has been nation and people as well. Well, even Shukla seems to be suffering from acute wisdom crisis as apparently appears from his pointing out 'his tea selling job' Modi Ji shared with his father in his childhood. Shukla wanted to demean Modi ji for his initial job. While doing it, he should have looked into his the jobs during his childhood or as student, because he was not born with silver spoon in his mouth. It would have been better if he would have listed the (1) bridges, Modi ji destroyed, (2) peers (?) he antagonised and (3) the institutions he decapacitated. It's just vague ado to supplement & support the anti-Modi brigade. One may please do it, no issue, but if in national interest. But, here issue is quite reverse. People see dynasty destroying bridges, antagonizing peers and decapacitating institutions in all it's 60 years of rules after independence.
Shukla's hypothesis with regard to 3 broad phases of destruction: demonetization, 2019 & Covid do not augur well with the given ground realities. Demonetization! How demonetization intimidated the media and made it subservient silence? Were it media who held black money? We don't know in his second inning, he destroyed any Federalism, rather we see how Federalism is highheaded now a days that cause mass killings, loots, arson etc in WB post election. How, CBI court was gheraoed by Chief Minister, law officer intimidated and bail extracted? Governor is constitutional head, his carcade was obstructed. We didn't see, despite such anarchy, President rule under 356 is not clamped in WB. Should any one know from him, how many governments were toppled under 356 in old regime by Congress dynasty?
What's his pain with Kashmir? It's Indian affair. But he joins Pakistan rhetoric. How shameful! If any government is pulled out because of their own contradictions, Shukla wants the PM should do the patch work? He is against 370, 35A, CCA, NRC etc. He sees it as rewriting relationship! He has crossed all limit by alleging that Ram Mandir judgement was 'extracted' by Modi, obviously from Supreme Court judges. Sometime people emerge greater by their provocative behaviours that attracts punitive actions. We foresee Shukla's motive to say Ram Mandir judgement as "extracted", that somebody pull him under contempt of court to make him hero. What's wrong, if minorities are demarketed why not majority should be identified? It's Hindus land, Hindustan.
As far his 3rd point is concerned, it amply explains his mind set. In vaccination matter he appears to be advocating for international Pharma lobby. He invented new nomenclature of "Corporate Hindu Rastra" matching to "Hindu Terrorism" by Chidambaram/ Shinde of UPA. In his write up he has incorporated all such issues which have been raised by Pappus. Be it Farm laws, Chinese occupation etc. etc. Hope, he is not so innocent at this point of time that he doesn't know about Chinese Bhai-Bhai aggression in 1962, Dynasts conclaves with Chinese President and meeting with diplomates in the darkest hours. A very nefarious roles, now we say, Shukla's masters have been playing in national context against the decisions taken by Modi government since came in power. Not only wrong propaganda on recent Chinese aggression, but on Indo-Pak conflicts Shukla's masters have been doing quite against official State Policy.
Mrs Gandhi & her entire coterie is in court, really shocking, defending their alleged offences, on premises that king does no wrong. Shukla's pain is appreciable. But, all his efforts and articulations are just 'old wine in new bottle.' In his Master's time indian agencies, CBI, ED, CVC, Judiciary, Armed Forces, Police etc were cage parrots. Now, these parrots are doing their job freely or uncaged, Shukla sees their free working as Modi factor. He wants that Modi should cage these parrots to cover dynasts so that they remain safe.
If above agencies are working sincerely, Shukla sees in them arrogance, insensitivity, ruthless, crushing of dissent of dynasts. Please don't bring "public" in frey. People have seen Republic day hooliganism in New Delhi, in which government maintained overbearance of patience. Govt maintained all time high patience in dealing with CCA, NRC violence too and we need not to say about the tolerance in so called farmers movement. Acts and stands of Shukla's masters in these events are itself great ingredients of propaganda in favour of Modi.
It's extreme side of Shukla's hate that make him write, " wear the N-95 masks over their eyes instead of their noses." Shukla, are you trying to catch or surpass Shashi Tharoor? Bravo. Modi always put mask very gently, as he enjoys great sense of dressing, much disliked by 'Fate Jebwala Pappu'. We know, you are in hurry. In hurry you can flush out only shit to clear your stomach, but not the institutional dispensations.
Jugglery of words, Mr. Shukla, can't address the tricky issues of politics. You are not an authority and you need not be judgemental as to how public view the role of your Masters in present national crisis. It's people's idea that all opposition should unite and support Modi, since people find that they are bent upon pulling Modi legs in every matter, be it Pak, China, Terrorism, Kashmir, pandemic etc. Public want your masters should correct their posture, but you twist it in different manner that speaks of your swallen mind.
With regard to his job in last seven years, definitely he has eaten away Congress political agendas. Congress have no agenda now. Congress only agenda is Modi hate. Public have no interest in such nonissues. Now, Congress tries to manufacture political issues, but, Mr. Shukla, in politics, issued are not manufactured, but they come up on their own. Mother and son were very much in hurry so they made curry out of manufactured potatoes. Now Congress is a Dhaba where synthetic menus are served. Yes, your masters divided Indian secular society in SC/ST, OBC, Brahmins, Thakur, Bannias etc right after independence. Your Masters carved out 'minorities' to sensitise religion factor. Your master invented 'socialism' & 'secularism' with a view to sensitize and fragment social structure, basically both these alien words. Were it not fragmentation, Mr. Shukla, on caste, creed, religion, sex basis? It's just reshaped and refurbished version of Nehruan, Indiran brand. Yes, Hindu polarization is there, because your masters forced them to see it as ultimate specie in danger. We exist and shall rise if occasions so arise.
You are using your skill to propogate that Modi govt has gone after every dub-set of society with vengeance- student, farmers, intellectuals, journalists, scientists, blue color workers, NGOs, and so on. We don't know in which category you fall now! May be intellectuals or ultra urban naxals, journos who were working as power brokers, NGOs which were siphoning millions every year, so called intellectual on Congress government pay rolls! Yes, such shops are closed. They were deem national wastage, so present government stopped feeding these specific breeds of Dogs. Why should a citizen worry if the brokers are put at bay?
How did you shut your eyes that during 2009-14, MMS government sold 26 PSEs in 33 tranches. ICICI, HDFC, Axis were government Banks. Who made them Private? Who decided to dilute govt holding in PSBs? Further, it's liberty that people have been agitating for their interest. Was there any lathi charge, firing, canning, tear gas, water cannon, on agitating people? In democracy these things are integral part of our structure. How can you forget that your mentor didn't grant OROP to defense for 42 years. How intolerant were your masters who killed thousands sikhs for no sane reason. How intolerant were your masters, who clamped national emergency, suspended civil rights & liberties and put entire Democrats under cage?
Look to States ruled by your mentor who pushed labourers, workers from their States last year in pandemic. Maharastra, NDelhi, Punjab, Rajsthan, Chhattisgarh to name few. Now, have a ground report of UP & Bihar to which these migrants were. Please don't be shameless to defend such States who caused great trouble to helpless citizens, just to defame Modi ji.
Country needs 'no Congress' of dynasty. The problem is that Congress can't survive without dynasty. But nation does not want dynasty. Let it find out genuine alternative. Time will find out, believe, congress is not opposition. It's dynasty in existing shape & size.
We find your article not properly edited, as most of the narratives are mentioned twice/ thrice. We think, you should have done better home work, looked in this aspect to make it sound and speaking. It's just speech of class three leader, poor and of Pappu standard.
We appreciate your pain on account of CBI, ED, IT, CVC, Police, Judiciary, Army because your masters have been used to use them for their pernicious purposes. Now if they work, you cry. Is there any rule that they can't act against politician? Have such looters any legal protection under law?. If they can, why not common citizen, why only politician?
J. N. Shukla
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