Government guidelines on partial opening of lockdown is as follows.
Ministry of Home A ffairs exempts 'shops in residential complexes and market complexes, except shops in multi-brand and single-brand malls, outside limits of Municipal Corporations'
Easing lockdown restrictions further for non-containment zones, the Union home ministry has now stated that shops in residential complexes are now allowed to re-open.
In an order passed late Friday night, the MHA stated that "all shops under Shops and Establishment Act of States and union territories, including shops in residential complexes and market complexes, except shops in multi-brand and single-brand malls, outside limits of Municipal Corporations," have now been exempted from the Centre's revised consolidated lockdown restrictions.
The premise for reopening these stores now rests strictly on store owners operating on a "50% strength of workers with wearing of masks and social distancing being mandatory".
My Observations are as follows.
Ministry of Home affairs have yesterday announced opening of markets with certain terms and conditions. But it may prove fatal if guidelines are misused and not executed in its entirety.
Normally people will understand what freedom they have got but not what they have to ensure as duty, like social distancing , wearing of mask, avoid social function etc.
People wear helmet only when there is police active on road to punish violaters of rules.
Similarly permission to open shop etc from today will be success as visualised only when there is strict and adequate police on road to ensure execution of guidelines in toto and in true spirit.
Self control and self imposed discipline is the key to success. But in practice, people in general violates the rules but preach others to follow the rule . They commit mistake and when caught they will cite examples of other rule breakers.
It is important to point out here that irresponsible behaviour by one person can harm hundreds of responsible persons. As such , demand of time is that police and administration act effectively to ensure social distancing and wearing of mask in public places.
Let us pray God Almighty to protect us from evil forces.
सरकार एक निश्चित समय तक ही lockdown रख सकती है l धीरे धीरे lockdown खत्म हो जाएगा l सरकार भी इतनी सख्ती नहीं दिखाएगी क्योंकि,
सरकार ने आपको कोरोना बीमारी के बारे में अवगत करा दिया है, सोशल डिस्टैंसिंग, हैण्ड सेनिटाइजेशन इत्यादि सब समझा दिया है l
बीमार होने के बाद की स्थिति भी आप लोग देश में देख ही रहे है l
अब जो समझदार है वह आगे लंबे समय तक अपनी दिनचर्या, काम करने का तरीका समझ और सीख ले।
*सरकार 24 घंटे 365 दिन आपकी चौकीदारी नहीं करेगी*
*आपके एवं आपके परिवार का भविष्य आपके हाथ में है*
लोकडॉन खुलने के बाद सोच समझ कर घर से निकले एवं काम पर जाये... तय निर्देश एवं नियमानुसार ही अपना कार्य करे l
*जिंदगी आपकी फैसला आपका*👍🙏
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