Thursday, February 13, 2020

Which is More Important --Wage Revision or Protesting Merger And Alleged Privatisation?

T O   F A L L ?

A Note of Advisory has been issues by a UFBU constituent union leader in his commanding role preaching rest 8 leaders of constituent Unions, i.e. AIBOA, NCBE, AIBOA, BEFI, INBEF, INBOC, NOBW, NOBO that sky is offing to fall that calls for 'utmost urgency' ( thank God not emergency) and 'necessity' ( of course greater than wage, pension service conditions revisions) that warrants 'serious' struggle and 
'intense strike' actions ( perhaps greater than indefinite strike on hand from coming April, 1). In his advisory, these actions must start from 'last week' of March itself.

God knows, whether these 8 organizations have no inkling of issues that a leader is telling them, under role of supreme commander! Really, doesn't it mean to show himself more smart, enlightened, vigilant and in supercop role, while others in deep slumber and lying down? 

In essence, it's a dictate to them. Ignore/surpass/ take it granted UFBU has always been his intention. At all if he wanted to express 'his' feelings, well, he should have taken liberty to write to UFBU, who in turn would have conveyed it to rest constituents. Discipline, decorum, decency all are thrown in wind in bit to impose oneself on others, is how far correct? 

We don't know, how these 8 organizations react to it, but it's too much suffocating, according to us, and totally secondary subject given the entangled wage, pension, service conditions revision issues. Now, we would like to  discuss the issues mentioned in the advisory:

1. Merger: Is it any more relevant subject? According to us, it's burnt issue, but he is  churning. By now, all SBI Associates are merged, Dena-Vijaya-BOB are combined, PNB-OBC- UNITED & Allahabad Bank-Indian Bank are moving towards merger. 

It's done, dealt & disposed off issue, where is possibility of retreat? 

Can, now, SBI Associates come back or VB, DB? 

Then how it matters or make a sense to keep remaining few Banks in their small shape? 

It needs senseful acceptance, instead be synical.

2. IBC route is identified/termed as tool to 'glorification'. More 'stringent measures' are desired by him. What's 'stringent' is not defined. There is the rule of law. Banks are not court. Even courts give due opportunity and natural justice. Indian courts are not Kangaroo courts and not like of China! 

How defaulters are glorified in IBC? 

Earlier, there was no law, now if law is framed under IBC, IBC can't hang one. It can confiscate properties/assets/ punish/penalize the delinquent borrowers. IBC is doing it. Banks can't be police, judge in itself. We take it simply an idea of bankruptcy of thought.

3. IDBI 47% sale: All PSBs can have disinvestment up to 48% as per existing law. So, how it's a new subject? 

Disinvestment is a contentious issue. When the law of disinvestment was brought in, it was just protested by Bank men. No strike. Initial Disinvestment just invited protests, decided not to purchase share. Protest was held, but people purchased shares. But now every disinvestments follow strike. 

Let us recall to attention that when Atal Bihari Vajpai government brought a bill to increase disinvestment up to 74% it was protested. 

Com Tarakeshwar declared that in case this bill is passed, there will be indefinite strike. Bill was referred to some committee, lapsed, govt dethroned. Gimmicks that followed in last 20 years that to go on strike even for permitted disinvestment, had made this issue irrelevant in the eye of Banking fraternity.

4. Deposit Insurance: 

Government  had increased insurance  coverage from 1 lakh to 5 lakh. 

Is it anti- depositor? 

Issue is made out that it would result in more insurance Cost. He is not worried about the Health insurance cost of Retirees which went up from Rs.5600 in 2015 to Rs.25000 in 2019. But he is worried, if depositors money is insured upto Rs.5 lakh. He says, what's need of it, since section 45 of BRA is there. We give below section 45 of Banking Regulations Act:

"Section 45. Power of Reserve Bank to apply to Central Government for suspension of business by a banking company and to prepare scheme of reconstitution or amalgamation."

Section 45 is meant for different purpose, but he is confusing bank men over enthusiastically terming it as falling sky.

5. LIC disinvestment: 

If disinvestment of PSBs are possible, how LIC disinvest is such alarming as to think of intense actions in Banking? 

Does he run Banks Union or of LIC or of Financial sector? 

Let LIC people take a view, we can give them moral support. Sky is not falling.

6. FRDI Bill: Is it? Let people take a stand. Bank men can give moral support. Indication is that this is further in consideration, but no time frame, no decision. Where it calls of alarm?

Extremely nervous this gentleman, has been trying to hide his incapacities, incapabilities, incosistencies saturating over time to keep up him self as only relevant piece in system. But, cat is out of bag. Read him without mistake. 2% wage rise initiation had his concurrence. Rise up went as he desired. On 9% rise he tried to put a spanner in wheel by open circular that 9% rise offer is greater than last time load. 11%, 12, 12.25, 13, 13.5% all was well. 

On 13.1.2020, first time rise was quantified as 20% by UFBU. Remember: we wrote a mail to UFBU on 10.1.2020 asking 25% as minimum rise demand so as to reduce the gap between bank men and other sector. 

Remember: on their 20% demand, we said to them that this time if LIC is parked at 17.5% increase then bank men should get 2.5% over it, which they were given less in 2015 making 20% for this revision. Here their demand itself was 20%. This too dipped on 30.1.2020 in the afternoon to 15%, which Bankers agreed to, but even then strike for 2 days. 

W h o  has been beating the drum of heavy fund requirement for Pension revision? 

At whose instance and at what basis, IBA said Rs.95000 crore requirement for pension revision? 

Now tukde-tukde pension revision who made the headline? 

Behind all these obnoxious developments there is one devil spirit, hunting banking fraternity, whether in service or retired.

Read circulars and adjudge the drama of 30.1.2020 followed by 2 days strike and now the advisory in question to reach to conclusion; which is on stake and which is more important: bank men wages, pensions, service conditions or politics at the behest of CPI/CPM or any other political party!!

(J. N. Shukla)
National Convenor,
Forum of Bank Pensioner Activists,

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