Pension Revision Not In One Go...
To Do It in tukde-tukde
An invention of New Idea...
by WHO, IBA or Someone else ?
Well, the news are afloat of pension revision, but not in one go, a new idea whether invented by IBA or someone having proximity with tukde-tukde gang offered it is not yet disclosed! Good idea indeed. However, to keep pensioners under illusion and to hide their misdeeds, such tricks they have been adopting since long. Revision of Wages, allowances & service conditions can also be considered in tukde-tukde, as Banks are financially in difficulties! It's good idea to handle wage revision under distressed financial conditions of the Banks. No need to do Bipartite in one go. In first tranche this time revise Basic. In second tranche revise Special Pays/allowances, & other service conditions in 2022. Another option. In first tranche wages, allowances & service conditions can be revised up to 2000 or 2005 joinees. Next time in 2022 of remaining rest joinees.
Unions must be open to such noble experiment, ideas and alternatives to have such settlements in piecemeal to manage financial position of Banks and keep workforce engaged perpetually in wage and service conditions revision tangle. We hope, Unions shall have open mind to this idea, as they are seem to be inclined to toe similar idea of IBA in Pension revision matter, as evident in discourses in Union circle on pension revision issue. It is being said that IBA has signaled to consider Pension Revision, but not in one go, but in tukde-tukde.
It has not been yet made clear as how this tukda will be determined and who shall get and who shall not, because of financial difficulty. Yes, in wage revision too, there has been financial difficulty. Disease is one, so line of treatment should be one.
Financial difficulty is in wage and pension revision, so if by tukde-tukde method pension revision is looked to be addressed, then from same method wages should also be settled.
We can wish them Grand Success.
पेंशन रिवीजन एक बार में नहीं..
टुकड़े-टुकड़े में करने का
नया आइडिया आया .. पर
किसका, आईबीए या किसी और का?
कुछ दिनों से यूनियन सर्किल में संदेश तैर रहा है कि बैंकर्स पेंशन रिवीजन करने पर सहमत हैं, लेकिन एक बार में नहीं, बल्कि टुकड़े-टुकड़े में. आईबीए ने टुकड़े-टुकड़े का आइडिया स्वयं ईजाद किया है, या इसे टुकड़े-टुकड़े गैंग से नजदीकी रखने वाले किसी यूनियन नेता ने दिया है, यह स्पस्ट नहीं हो पाया है. बहरहाल पेंशनरों का दिल बहलाने और अपनी करतूतों पर परदा डालने के लिए लोग ऐसे हथकंडे अपनाने में माहिर है. इस नये फार्मूले का पहले प्रयोग कार्यरत बैंककर्मियों पर हो तो बेहतर होगा, इसके गुण-दोष का पता चलेगा. मौका भी है. इस बार केवल सन 2000/2005 तक भर्ती हुए लोगों का वेतन रिवाइज हो और अगली बार उसके बाद वालों का. या, इस बार केवल मूल वेतन रिवाइज हो और शेष भत्तों और सेवा शर्तों का रिवीजन 2022 में हो.
यह केवल आईडिया है, आजमाया जा सकता है. उम्मीद करता हूं, यूनियनेंं और आईबीए इस नूतन प्रयोग, विचार और विकल्प की दिशा में एक मत से आगे बढ़ेंगे. इससे बैंकों की खराब वित्तीय स्थिति का खयाल भी रखा जा सकेगा और बैंककर्मियों को वेतन रिवीजन के मामले में लगातार उलझाये भी रखा जा सकेगा.. चूंकि यूनियनें पेंशन को टुकड़े-टुकड़े में रिवाइज करने की बात पर आईबीए से सहमत दिख रहीं हैं, तो वेतन, भत्तों और अन्य सेवाशर्तों को टुकड़े-टुकड़े में रिवीजन के मामले में उन्हें कोई आपत्ति नहीं होना चाहिए. कहा जा रहा है, आईबीए पेंशन रिवीजन को तैयार है, पर एक बार में नहीं, बल्कि टुकड़े-टुकड़े में, क्यों वित्तीय कठिनाई है. वित्तीय कठिनाई तो वेज रिवीजन में भी है. मर्ज एक है तो दवा भी एक ही होनी चाहिए. वेज और पेंशन रिवीजन में आर्थिक कठिनाई है और आईबीए और यूनियनें पेंशन रिवीजन टुकड़े-टुकड़े में करने की मंशा रखती हैं तो उन्हे वेतन को भी टुकड़े टुकड़े में करने से परहेज नहीं करना चाहिए.
हम उनकी बड़ी कामयाबी की कामना करते हैं.
J. N. Shukla
National Convenor
Forum of Bank Pensioner Activists
On tukde-tukde invention,
we have written a letter to
FM today as under:
टुकडे़-टुकड़े खोज पर हमने
वित्त मंत्री को आज एक पत्र
लिखा है, जो नीचे दे रहा हूं
Sister Nirmala Sutharaman,
Hon'ble Finance Minister,
GOI, New Delhi
Respected Sister,
IBA works on tukde-tukde idea
to address bank men issues
We have been drawing your kind attention, since long, to enept handling of Bank employees issues by IBA, creating perpetual trouble & unrest in Banking. Due to very such attitude, bank men were forced to go on 2 days strike. This strike could have been averted, but for such attitude, it took place and put banking public to avoidable troubles.
Banking is tangled in wage, pension, allowance revision issues, to which IBA has very casual and callous approach. Despite 41 round of sittings, spread over about 2.5 years, no head way could be made.
In Pension revision matter, as acclaimed by Unions, IBA has shown inclination to revision, but not in one go, but in tukde-tukde. It's very dangerous idea, IBA extracted from tukde-tukde gang of JNU. How, such an approach can they justify to deal the pension revision issue in tukde-tukde, God knows, but if so why not wages, allowances, service conditions can be settled in tukde-tukde?
If for pension revision financial difficult is a reason, the same reason lies for wage revision as well. Financial difficulty is common disease, so there can be one remedy for both.
We are extremely sorry for deplorable condition of entire banking fraternity, whether in service or retired. They are very badly hit and maltreated. Since PSBs are owned by Govt, bank men have a reason to believe that it's all being done by IBA as per govt directive. But, we know 2% wage increase offer was not of govt approval.
We, therefore, request you to please take personal initiative in these regards and look to issues of wages, pension, allowances, service conditions improvement by a composite settlement with a view to restore industrial peace in Banking. Most important is to restore the confidence of Bank men in management, which is all time low and lost impacting adversely the individual and collective performance of banking staff. It deteriorates customer services and performance too.
Awaiting your intervention to avoid further precipitation.
With Respectful Regards,
(J. N. Shukla)
National Convenor,
Forum of Bank Pensioner Activists,
cc to: Hon'ble Prime Minister,
GOI, New Delhi
- acts of IBA is taken as acts of government. Bank men are not happy with the treatment that IBA does to them. Bank men pension is never revised, awaiting for 25 years. 72000 widow pensioners are getting just 15% pension. No medical facility by Banks, despite govt sanction. Bank men wages are depleted like water level these days. 2 days strike was forced upon. Please take necessary step not to force further to resort to strike.
Discrimination among bank retirees will raised when the updation of pension is not done in one go by the IBA. Well planned tactics is being used by IBA to break the unity of bank retirees. UFBU should not accept it at any cost.