Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Pension scheme was introduced in Banks in the year 1995 as second benefit in lieu of PF contribution by banks.  It was broadly on the lines of pension scheme of the Government/ RBI. It is not mere understanding but every  part of pension scheme that was framed was made identical to the Central Government Pension Scheme.(see regulation 56)

Even after two & half decades of introduction, still the following issues are not in line with the Government pension scheme. It may be observed that PSB pension is paid out of the pension funds created by the banks from the PF contribution of employees  not from the consolidated fund of the Govt.

Pension Updation – Pension is revised with every Pay Commission for Govt. employees whereby the pension of bank retirees never revised in past years. Similar updation was agreed to be provided in the pension settlement signed in 1993. This was duly incorporated in the Pension Regulations under Reg.35 which provides for updating pension as per formula given in appendix-1. The formula given in appendix 1 is nothing but the formula obtaining in Central Government in 1986. As the only persons who required updation at the time of implementation of pension in 1995 were those who retired under IV Bipartite Settlement and their pension was updated by notionally revising their pay in line with V Bipartite Settlement  Pay. However the pension updation that was agreed, provided for and implemented was  discontinued unilaterally.

 However  GOI is updating the pension of their retirees at every Pay Commission and have also started upgrading their pension after the age of 80 where a pensioner reaching the age of 100 years get his full pay updated as pension. Bank retirees are not even getting pension updation, not to speak of pension upgradation though the bank’s pension scheme was framed on the lines of government pension scheme.

RBI Pensioners got updation after order from court & DFS approved the formula.Our is the same case,but GOI attitude in un human with us. Our pension must be updated on same lines,as there is no load on banks our trust fund are sufficient to take care of updation of pension without effecting banks P&L a/c

Family Pension – When bank pension is framed on the lines of Government pension scheme Uniform family pension at 30% of pay without ceiling as obtaining in Government and in RBI should be extended to banks too. As the scheme exists, family pension payable to wards will be too negligible because it is very rare for pensioners to have wards drawing family pension. So mostly the spouses would only be family pensioners and in fact many pensioners would have no spouse alive or wards eligible to draw family pension. Even the spouses alive may not have long life expectancy which on an average may be less than 10 years. Inasmuch as pension ( at 50% of pay) itself is provided for the full life span of every employee as per AS 15(R) standards and family pension sought at 30% without ceiling should not entail any additional cost. With every death the provision already made at 50% of pay becomes excess and banks would be able to write back the excess provision.  So only a portion that would be written back has to be spent to give family pension at uniform 30% without ceiling which will not impact the profits of the bank in any way. Further the number is too low and it is also inequitable to have discriminatory percentage for family pension alone while pension for every pensioner is a uniform 50% of pay without ceiling.

In current scenario, the family pension of General manager of the bank will be less than the family pension of clerk of central government*. It is not out of place to mention, RBI had amended the family pension in line with Central Government, but the same is being denied to PSB retirees.

It is absolute necessity to introduce uniform 30% pay without ceiling as family pension in line with Government and RBI*.  Further the unmarried and financially dependent daughters of pensioners should be made eligible to get family pension in line with the provisions of central government pension.

Medical Insurance:- World costliest medical insurance Premium is thrust upon Poor Bank Pensioners to suck their blood,needs to be investigated by CBI,As some corruption is involved in it.We demand CAG audit & an inquiry into it.



Whether Unions Have No

Tell Bank Men Frankly!

In UFBU-9 There Is a Black Sheep,
Who confides Bankers!!

Is it not a fact that if IBA has no mandate for Pension Revision, Unions too have no mandate to have a settlement without Pension Revision! Is there any, we ask to all 9 Unions, such sanctions/decisions, that to settle wage revision only, they have from any of their forums, please bring the same to notice of banking fraternity?

Why it was not told in unambiguous term to IBA, what were the causes & considerations of such laxity and conspicuous silence on the part of Unions in Pension Revision issue? How Bankers could understood that only wage revision would make Unions agree? Definitely, it leads to suspicion that there was some one from amongst UFBU-9, as black sheep, who confided IBA with such mindsets in back and that's why Bankers have been talking about pay rise on payslip components and Unions too have been engaged in same.

In none of the sittings, so far, including in the crucial meeting of 30th January last in two tranche, issue of Pension revision figured at all. Whatever has been discussed, it has been about wage rise on payslip basis only.

What's the hitch to be clear & categorical in demanding Pension Revision as wages & other service conditions, Unions should have spelt out their difficulties in this regard, instead keeping bank men in dark. Tell frankly to banking fraternity even at this stage. How such a pathetic apathy can be tolerated anymore?

Pensioners are dying with their fixed pensions on retirement, their spouse  are getting 15%. Pensioners are denied health support despite government sanction. 75% pensioners are medically unsecured. 72000 widows are languishing in financial distress. Leaders have no concerns, they are roaming in Rome. They have become totally uncharitable to their own senior brethrens.

Unions are duty bound for pension revision, because it is their Agreement. But, how unfortunate scenario is that 'Unions' are replaced by its leaders as 'Trade Center'. Leaders have become Traders. They trade in tears, distress, disease, pain, hunger and death of pensioners.

We don't know, how can they show their ugly faces among trade Union fraternity? They boast among them to be most powerful, trend setter and what's not? Bank men know better the wonds they have, patches & scars. They are the lowest paid employee in Public Sector. They are head down and work laden. They are the best and honest performers. But, poorly paid is the other side a hard reality.

Wage & Pension settlements and revision thereof are two sides of the same coin, totally inseparable. Both are bilateral issues, based on settlements under law. That's very simple and peculiar thing, which Banks know well, but Unions have been blinking their eyes on all occasions in past on Pension Revision with stitched lips. Crossed all limits, when they signed a joint notes of no contractual relationships between pensioners and their respective Banks on 25th May, 2015.

Working Bank men shouldn't expect any miracle going to happen in their matter. Unions take them granted for any type of settlement. All the time they praised their settlement. This time again they will do the same. They will boast, this is when Banks are in Red. None of bank men is going to counter when this is possible in Red, why 15% was taken last time when Banks were in pink? If in Red days 8000 crore is possible then why in pink time Rs.4800 was termed landmark? This settlement shall unveil the grand game leaders have had played in earlier settlements. One can understand when so treacherous they could be to those who pay them subscription then that can do with pensioners who are nothing in their scheme.

क्या यूनियनों के पास
पेंशन रिवीजन न करने
का मांडेट है?

बैंककर्मियों को स्पष्ट बताओ!

यूयफबीयू-9 में कोई दगाबाज तो है,
जो बैंकर्स को गुप्त सलाह देता है !!

क्या यह तथ्य नहीं है कि यदि आईबीए के पास पेंशन रिवीजन का मान्डेट नहीं है तो यूनियनों के पास भी बिना पेंशन रिवीजन के वेतन समझौता करने का भी मान्डेट नहीं है! हम यूयफबीयू की नवों यूनियनों से पूंछते हैं कि क्या उनके पास उनके किसी फोरम की स्वीकृति या निर्णय है कि वे केवल वेतन रिवीजन पर समझौता करेें? और यदि ऐसा है, तो उसे बैंकिंग फ्रैटर्निटी के संज्ञान में लाया जाना चाहिए!

यूनियनों ने पेंशन रिवीजन की बात को आईबीए को बिना लागलपेट स्पस्ट तौर पर क्यों नहीं बताया? इस शिथिलता के पीछे क्या कारण और कंसीडरेसंस थे? बैंकरों को कैसे पता हो गया कि केवल वेतन रिवीजन से यूनियनेंं सहमत हो जायेंगी. पक्के तौर पर यह संदेह पैदा करता है कि यूयफबीयू की नौ यूनियनों में कोई एक काली भेंड जरूर थी, जिसने आईबीए को यूनियनों के आंतरिक माइंडसेट से अवगत कराया और यही कारण है कि बैंकर्स और यूनियनें केवल पेस्लिप कंपोनेन्ट की वृद्धि पर बात करती आ रहीं हैं!

अब तक की हुई किसी बैठक में, यहां तक कि 30 जनवरी 2020 की दो चरणों में हुई महत्वपूर्ण वार्ता में भी, पेंशन रिवीजन मुद्दे का अतापता तक नहीं था. जो भी वार्ता हुई वह केवल  पेस्लिप पर वृद्धि तक सीमित रही.

वेतन और पेंशन रिवीजन की मांग को साफ और स्पष्ट तौर पर मांगने में किस बात की हिचक थी, बैंककर्मियों को अंधेरे में रखने के बजाय, यूनियनों को इस बात को स्पस्ट करना चाहिए था. अब भी बैंकिंग समुदाय को स्पष्ट बताओ. इस तरह कि दयनीय दुर्दशा को अब और कैसे बरदाश्त किया जा सकता है?

पेंशनर सेवा निवृत्ति पर बनी पेंशन को लेकर मर रहे हैं, उनके आश्रित 15% पर गुजारा कर रहे हैं. पेंशनरों को स्वास्थ्य सुरक्षा से वंचित किया गया है, बावजूद सरकारी आदेश के कि स्वास्थ्य सुरक्षा दी जाये. 75% पेंशनर स्वास्थ्य सुरक्षा से बाहर हैं. 72000 महिला पेंशनर्स आर्थिक अभाव से ग्रस्त हैं. नेताओं को कोई चिंता नहीं है और वे रोम का भ्रमण कर रहे हैं. ये अपने ही वरिष्ठजनों के प्रति पूर्णतः निर्दयी हो गये हैं

पेंशन रिवीजन यूनियनों का दायित्व है, क्योंकि यह समझौता उन्हीं ने किया है. लेकिन कैसी विडंबना है, नेताओं नें 'यूनियनों' को 'ट्रैड सेंटर' में बदल दिया है. यूनियन नेता व्यापारी हो गये हैं. यूनियन नेता अपने ही वरिष्ठ साथियों और पेंशनरों के आंसू, विपन्नता, बीमारी, दर्द, भूख और मौत के व्यापारी बन गये हैं!

हम नहीं जानते कि ये नेता अपना गंदा चेहरा ट्रेड यूनियन बिरादरी में कैसे दिखायेंगे. ये खुद को  बहुत शक्तिशाली होने, ट्रेंड सेटर और क्या क्या होने की डींगे मारते रहते हैं. बैंककर्मीं अपने घाव को अच्छी तरह समझते हैं, पैच और निसान हैं. वे सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के सबसे कम बेतन पाने वाले लोग हैं, काम के बोझ से सर झुका हुआ है. सर्वोच्च निष्पादन देते हैं, ईमानदार हैं. लेकिन दूसरी तरफ यह सच्चाई है कि वे सबसे कम वेतन पानेवाले लोग हैं.

वेतन और पेंशन का समझौता और उनका रिवीजन एक सिक्के के दो पहलू हैं, पूर्णतः अपृथक और अभिन्न. दोनो द्विपक्षीय विषय हैं,  कानूनी समझौते पर आधारित हैं. यह बहुत साधारण और सामान्य बात है, जो बैंकें जानती हैं, लेकिन यूनियन नेता हर अवसर पर पेंशन रिवीजन के सवाल पर आंखें मीचे, मुंह सिले देखे गये. हद तो तब हो गई जब इन नेताओं ने 25.5.2015 को एक ऐसे संयुक्त करार पर दस्खत कर दिया, जिसमें लिखा था कि पेंशनरों का अपने बैंकों के साथ कोई अनुबंधीय संबंध ही नहीं है.

कार्यरत बैंककर्मीं अपने विषय में किसी चमत्कार की आशा न पालें. यूनियनें उन्हे कुछ नहीं समझतीं, ऐसा मानकर चलती हैं, जो समझौता करेंगे, लोग उसे स्वीकार कर लेंगें. हमेशा वे अपने समझौतों की बढ़ाचढ़ा कर प्रसंशा करती रही हैं और इस बार भी वे यही करेंगी. डींगें मारेंगे कि इस बार तो बैंकें घाटे में थींं, फिर इतना लिया! कोई बैंककर्मीं ऐसा सवाल करने का साहस नहीं करेगा कि इस बार जब बैंकें घाटे में हैं तो 15% वेतन वृद्धि हो रही है, तो 2015 में 15% वृद्धि का समझौता क्यों हुआ, जब सभी बैंकें बड़े लाभ में थी? अगर हानि के दौर में रु.8000 करोड़ का लोड मिल सकता है, तो 2015 में जब सभी बैंके लाभ में थी,  रु.4800 करोड़ का लोड क्यों लिया गया, जिसे बड़ी उपलब्धि बताई गई थी ? आने वाला समझौता नेताओं द्वारा पिछले समझौतों के महाखेल का पर्दाफाश करेगा. कोई भी समझ सकता है कि जब नेता लोग उनलोगों के साथ इस तरह की दगाबाजी कर सकते हैं, जो उनको चंदा देते हैं, तो पेंशनरों की क्या बिसात है, जो उनकी स्कीम में हैं ही नहीं !!

राष्ट्रीय कंवेनर
फोरम आफ बैंक पेंशनर एक्टिविस्ट्स
प्रयागराज 211 004


  1. Bankers pension has no provision for conveyance allowance as well as medical allowance & old age allowance may also be provided for as the pension is paid by central government

  2. Bankers pension has no provision for conveyance allowance as well as medical allowance & old age allowance may also be provided for as the pension is paid by central government
