Friday, January 10, 2020

Reminder Letter TO UFBU

Shri S. K. Bandish,
United Forum of Bank Unions

& It's Constituents:

Dear Sirs,

We have to invite your kind attention to our various communications, which you have received, but, as stated by your emissary, you did not take cognizance of 'such' communications or reply, as your monotonous policy. However, having made various issues fore, we reiterate followings at most opportune time of final set, you all have before you, we mean ensuing talks on 23.1.2020:

1. In ensuing Settlement wages & allowances should adequately and comparably be raised taking into considerations various wage determinators, including external (market) wage conditions. Internal relativity, which had lost relevance & eloped in last several settlements, please be redeemed to abridge the horrible gap among different cadres in the Banks. 

2. Pension is a inseparable part of service conditions which had suffered huge setbacks due to inflationary tarpidos and no matching revision to replenish that. As RBI pension/ family pension have had under gone revision, Bank men pension/family pension too please be revised accordingly, in terms of Pension Agreement dated 29.10.1993 from 1.4.2019.

3. The bank men across industry and cadre look to 'composite' and a 'wholesome' settlement on their wages, allowances, pensionary benefits and other service conditions. Hope, no more dereliction is prevailed upon from you & your constituents side, as had happened in past.

4. Further, bank men look to no lapses this time, as had happened in last settlements, where IBA could be successful to under cut tentative growth, which they had earmarked. Later, LIC secure 2.5% more than bank men. As a matter of fact, Bank men were getting more than LIC since bilateral system started in late 1960s. Please be noted that to come close to aspirations of Bank men and address little bit comparative wage, minimum 25% increase is the bare need of the hours, for which you must insist  & achieve..

5 . Bank men, whom your constituents represent, are of considered opinion that your constituents should no more wear management/ ownership cap on their heads, as Unions are not there to demand any 'bonus' , 'exgratia' or 'incentive', ( components generally based on surpluses), but to bargain fair and adequate wages & allowances increase, revision of pensionary benefits etc. (unavoidable operational imperatives), which hold no relevance of bankers' plea of 'financial difficulties' of Banks.

6. We draw your kind attention to your negligence that has been playing havoc in pensioners health affairs. Your settlement in this regard pushed 75% pensioners out of health cover. It warrants immediate review. Bankers must provide minimum health cover as welfare measure from Welfare Funds as directed by DFS vide their letter dated 24.2.2012, which you and IBA jointly suppressed for reasons best knownn to you.

7. Your policy in Retirees/Pensioners Unions matter is quite disappointing, frustrating and dismaying. You haven't given them even fraternal status what to think of inclusion in UFBU. We have been raising this issue and wanted to know the strategies behind your such stand, but you have been maintaining stoic & studied silence. Landmark question stands, when you don't give them right to sit beside you, how IBA or management can be expected to give them cognizance? These bodies are facing persecution from your side. Please review this scene and cut to make your picture more live.

8. It was dreadful wrong on the part of your constituents to push out their retired members from their Unions. It is the just pushing the aged parents in old homes, a new social phenomenon in our great new civilization. Not only this, your constituents have made these retirees Unions as concentration camps. Your constituents never looked back 'inmates' of these concentration camps, to enquire as to whether are they getting minimum needs of foods, medicines, clothing fulfilled under human rights or not. It's glaring instance, sometimes of those your constituents, who express their concerns on concentration camps, harp of human rights etc for illegal immigrants, but do just against these ills to their old veterans.


1. Bank men look to adequate & fair wage, allowance increases and revision of other service conditions.

2. Bank men look that you make it a point to get 25% increase load, so as to abridge the galloping gap between Bank men and others. 

3. Bank men look to 'composite & wholesome' settlement of their entire issues related to  pay, allowances, superannuation & other service conditions.

4. Bank men look to Pension/Family pension revision, as done in RBI, in compliance with Pension Agreement dated 29.10.1993.

5. Bank men want, proper health cover of all  their retired veterans from Welfare Funds.

6. Bank men want, Retirees /Pensioners Unions included in UFBU, accorded equal status and allowed as observer in bipartite talks OR they should be abondoned and retirees taken back in their parent organizations to esteemline organizational system. Existing scenario is just damaging the credibility of Unions as an indispensable Institution in an Industry of Banking eminence.

If these issues are not justifiably done with, please note, Bank men shall treat your settlement as BLACK DEED counter it by observing BLACK DAY across the country.

Hope, such ugly situation never arise.


( J. N. Shukla)
National Convenor,
Forum of Bank Pensioner Activists

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