Monday, January 13, 2020

Outcome Of Talks Held Today on Bipartite Settlement




Dear Comrades,

Bipartite Talks with IBA today on 13..1.2020

Another round of bipartite talks was held today in Mumbai. IBA team was led by Shri Rajnish Kumar, (Chairman, SBI), Chairman of IBA. We were represented by all our constituent unions. Continuing the talks held on 5-12-2019, IBA Chairman narrated the general scenario in the banking sector and the constraints under which all of us were working, particularly in the Public Sector Banks. He pointed out that our demands for wage revision will have to be resolved keeping these constraints in mind to keep the competitive edge. He also stressed on the job security available in PSBs which cannot be overlooked while discussing the remuneration package.

With this preface, IBA stated that it was difficult to improve their earlier offer and that the distribution will have to be within the overall quantum offered. IBA also explained their revised offer on PLI.

Further IBA also offered encashment of 5 days PL every year in lieu of our demand for increasing the PL encashment at the time of retirement. IBA informed that they were not ready to accept our demand for 5 days banking.

On our not accepting their offer, after discussion, IBA offered as under:

Wage revision: 12.25 % with 2% loading.

Merger of Special Allowance : not possible due to cost implications

Revised PLI Offer:
   Increase in Operating Profit (Y to Y) ➢ 5%to10%
➢ 10%to15%
➢ 15%
No. of days of PLI 10days 14days
21 Days
As % 2.75  3.84  5.75

            In Banks, which will not register net profit but increase operating profit more than 5%, the PLI will be limited to 10 days/2.75 %.

Encashment of Leave during service: 5 days PL per year ( in addition to encashment at the time of LFC).

For employees with less than 5 years service: 7 days encashment per year.

Improvement in Family Pension : IBA is already seized of the issue.

Updation of pension : Cost needs to be worked out and thereafter the issue would be addressed.

After mutual discussion amongst our constituent unions, we expressed our inability to accept their offer.

Thereafter, meeting of UFBU was held and decisions were taken to launch agitations and strike actions.

Separate Circular is being issued in this regard.


Human chain was formed by bank retired staff today at hazaratganj, Lucknow before Central Bank of India at the call given by AIBRF & implemented by Federation of Bank Retirees Association UP to realise pending demands of the retirees, which include family pension improvement to 30%, pension updation on the lines of RBI, removal of GST on health insurance premium, minimum 9% rate of interest for senior citizens & bank deposit insurance limit to be increased to 10 lakh to ensure that the hard earned savings of senior citizen of the country are not washed away with the collapse of the banks.


  1. Is there any count limit of bipartite talks? If the leaders have no guts to take decision to go on indefinite strike then they can take decision easily not to join any meeting bps untill IBA n govt call them with request and promise to go forward with respective wage hike.

  2. Nothing else just shame. To IBA. And ufbu. Just shame on you

  3. I submit below nice comments made by respected Sri Madhav Kelker on Facebook

    BPS present position 13/01/2020.
    1.. When both the parties agree that the Banks are facing Financial Constrains, the COD and the demands included therein have no meaning.
    All exercise will ince again be to fit all possible items / demands within the consensus that will be reached ultimately.
    Today, it was 12.25%.. may be it may improve further say max. 15%.
    ( Whether IBA really propsed such % itself is a debatable qurstion. IBA never issues official circular confirming the outcome of discussions held.. its one way communication.
    Even UFBU officially never writes to IBA rejecting so called offer of 12.25% as reported. )
    SUCH ambiguity gives chance to leadership to project that IBA was admant on offering very low increase and because of efforts pf UFBU IBA has to increase it to 12.25 and will increase further by say another, 2% after strike call.

    2...WHEN its now certain that first the consensus will reach on rge % increase.Naturally items having least priority in the agenda of UFBU will stand excluded.
    What are those likely non- priority issues.
    a...) May be 5 days week is first casualty as it is common subject affecting All Finacial Institutions, banks ine among them.
    b..) Increasing % load in Basic Pay.. most likely it will be 2% as was agreed in 10 BPS. Balance will be once again in other items like Special Pay.. naturally limiting opportunity of getting substantial increase in Pension.
    These are items directly affecting to some extent Serving Emoloyees also. Whereas there are other issues which will affect specifically to existing retiree's.
    3...Family Pension Revision.. partially it will be accepted however still some ceiling will be maintaied to reduce *Cost Burden*
    Other wise UFBU will have to accept reduction of some other items available to Serving Employees.
    Its clear indication that both IBA and UFBU do not support theory that Increase in Pension can be easily met from surplus funds available in Pension Funds.

    4....When there is resistance to offer full 30% Family Pension on the grounds of *Cost Burden* how we can expect any possibility in *Updating of Pension* being considered favourably.
    It will definately add huge additional finacial burden on banks.
    The idea of waiting for Reports of Acctuaries is just an eye wash.
    When its crystal clear that fundung for Updation in Pension has to be carved out from budget( %Increase say 15%) IBA will have to disclose *at least now* how much portion will be earmarked towards funding Updation.
    for argument sake assume that its 2.5 % whether UFBu will agree to fit Salary Revision in balance 12.5( 15 minus 2.5).
    If not Updating itself will not be considered.
    When there us ni consensus in amount to be set aside for Updating , where us need to go for Report From Acctuaries.. which will definately project much higher amount than whatever IBA and UFBU are ready to sacrifice as Updatiing cost.
    Even after RECEIPT of Report from Acctuaries, the Updating will be stalled as the limited funds will be already stand utilised towards items aleady agreed and guven effect.
    IBA will never agree to put additional amount and Updating will be ibce again just a dream.
    We are already having live example of benefit of stagnation increment denied to a very small section of officers to avoid *Monetary Impact*
    It was agreed cas notiobal benefit only so that burdn will be met through Pension Fund not affecting P& L of banks.
    To project that we achieved fanrastic increse in 11BPS UFBU will add 2.75% PLI to agreed % say 14% and say that total increase is 16.75..much more than previous settlement.

    However its just illusion.
    The actual cost of PLI will never be 2.75 as it is linked to Salary Earned by the Employees in Previous year..the salary does not consume whole 14% that may be agreed.

  4. Why these leaders quit their seats and nullify BPS system.Let IBA implement all issues of its own.I don't think this can be done. Government will have to bring in CPC.

  5. The position that was existing at the start of the negotiations were not like this. This was dragged to this stage by the IBA so that they can reduce the increase in pay and other benefits. The ufbu fell a prey to the machinations of IBA. Probably for some benefits to the leaders.
