Friday, January 24, 2020

ढाक के तीन पात ! 39 सिटिंग, पर नो सेटिंग!!

कथनी-करनी के दोहरे मानदंड !!!

39 बैठकें, लेकिन कोई सेटिंग नहीं, ठीक है! 'ढाक के तीन पात' की कहावत चरितार्थ हुई! वस्तुतः क्या यह समझ में आता है कि नेताओं की समझ में दूसरे पक्ष की बकवास समझ में नहीं आई या यह दोनोंं तरफ की मिलीभगत से मुद्दे को अटकाये रखना, एक दूसरे के हितों का खयाल रखना और उसे सपोर्ट करना भर है! 2% वेतन वृद्धि का प्रस्ताव ही आईबीए की मानसिकता को समझने के लिए पर्याप्त था और तदनुसार रणनीति तैयार करना चाहिए था. यूयफबीयू के विभिन्न पक्षों के मतभेद से जुड़ा नुकसान और कीमत तो चुकाना स्वाभाविक है. 

आईबीए की गोद में बैठ विरोधियों को नीचा दिखाने के प्रतिफल में ऐसी स्थिति का होना स्वाभाविक है. अंदाज लगाइए, 39 बैठकों में ये लोग कर क्या रहे थे! ये बिना सामान्य सोच के अपने अपने स्टैंड क्या नहीं बदल रहे थे? आईबीए की टीम इन दसों युद्धरत महारथियों के खिलाफ एक रही है. हम नहीं समझते कि इनमें से किसी में साहस है कि वे अपनी भूमिका का आत्मावलोकन और विचार करेगा, जिससे यह स्थिति उत्पन्न हुई है.

पीयलआई हनी ट्रेप जैसी है. जहां उचित वेतन अब भी दूर की कौड़ी है, पीयलआई की बात बेइमानी है, वह भी एक पूर्वशर्त के रूप मेंं आईबीए की तरफ से आ रही हो. पूर्वशर्त बनाने की मंशा समझना जरूरी है. यह आईबीए का प्रस्ताव है, आईबीए कोई दयालु तो नहीं!

अवकाश नगदीकरण! क्या यह वाकई कोई अतिरिक्त लाभ है? यह मात्र अवकाश का नगदीकरण है. यह बैंककर्मियों का अर्जित अवकाश है चाहे वे इसका अवकाश के रुप में या नगदीकरण के रूप में इश्तेमाल करें, इसे उनके विवेक पर छोड़ देना चाहिए! बजाय 5 दिवसीय कार्य के, जो प्रतिदिन एक घंटे से ज्यादा काम बढ़ा देगा, और अवकाश की पात्रता मागनी चाहिए थी. वैसे भी काम का समय आज कोई है नहीं, लोग देर तक काम कर ही रहे हैं. अवकाश लेने या नगदीकरण का अधिकार यूनियनों की मांग होनी चाहिए थी.

पहली बार आईबीए ने 'रोजगार सुरक्षा' को कम वेतन के औचित्यीकरण के लिए एक बिंदु बनाया है. बैंककर्मियों ने जाब सुरक्षा को कभी मनी टर्म में नहीं देखा, बल्कि कानूनी अधिकार के रूप में देखा. यूनियनोंं की इस पर कोई प्रतिक्रिया नहीं दिखी.

आईबीए डिप्टी चीफ के 21.1.2020 के दो पेज के  पत्र में फेमिली पेंशन, पेंशन, स्वास्थ्य बीमा के विषय में एक शब्द दिखाई नहीं पड़ रहा है. यूनियनें ऐसा कहती रहीं हैं कि फेमली पेंशन लगभग तय है, पेंशन रिवीजन पर आईबीए बात करने को तैयार है, एक्चुअरीज का नाम मांगा है, स्वास्थ्य बीमा पर पुनर्विचार होगा. पर पत्र में जो बातें हुईं हैं उनका विस्तार से व्योरा है, लेकिन पेंशनर्स के मामले में एक शब्द नहीं है. इससे पेंशनर्स के मामले में, यूनियनों के कथनी और करनी के दोहरे मानदंड का खुलासा होता है.


39 settings, but no setting !!

In deed-speak Double Stand !!!

39 settings, but no setting, well! Befitting of Hindi praverb, dhakh ke teen paat! Really, does it appeal to sense that it did'nt come to leaders' sense the nonsense of other side or it was a friendly zestful endeavor from both sides helping each other to drag & attain their respective interests? 

2% wage increase offer itself was enough to read the mindset and strategize accordingly. Division & disunity among constituents have the collateral damages & relative costs. Sitting in the lap of IBA to annihilate opponents is bound to bring such situation. Guess, whats' they all were doing in all these 39 sittings! Just not, were they shifting their stands without any commonality? IBA & it's team has been one as against 10 different warring warriors among themselves. We don't think, anyone has any gut to appraise and introspect their own approach that breed into such troublesome situations.

PLI is a honey trap. Where, yet fair wage is not achieved, it's dishonest proposition to talk of PLI that too when IBA made a precondition. Precondition itself make a sense to understand their motive. It's IBA offer, naturally, it is intended to serve IBA interest.

Leave encashment! Is it really any additional benefit? 

It's simply leave increasement! It's bank men's earned leave, paid leave, whether they avail it or encash it, it must be their choice. Instead 5 days week, that will increase one hour working on remaining days. These days timings have no meaning. Why Unions didn't demand more leave entitlement instead?. Asking choice to avail or encash was Unions issue. 

First time, IBA made job security a point, obviously to justify less pay out offer. Bank men never thought, job security in money terms, but took it in legal terms. There was no reaction from Unions on this stand of IBA.

In 2 page letter dated 21.1.2020 of IBA Dy Chief Executive not a single word is mentioned of family pension, pension or health insurance of pensioners. Unions have been giving impression that IBA is ready to discuss pension revision, family pension is tentatively agreed, names of Actuaries are demanded by IBA, health issue would be reviewed etc. Letter, in question, mentions all issues vividly, minus pensioners! Does it not cast a shadow on Unions statement among banking fraternity towards Pension revision? Yes, it speaks their double stands of Unions.

J. N. Shukla
National Convenor,
Forum of Bank Pensioner Activists,


War is never won by 
militia head count, 
but by head application
of General & Soldiers  


We have been involved in analytical processes with regard to Unions operating in Banking. Earlier, where Unions were held by Banks as 'force' to reckon with,  now it's just passing wind of the sort. Bank management freed themselves by assigning certain intricate HR issues to their Association, IBA. IBA has enormous muscles of man and money powers. Purse controls the politics, is a proverb, which we can see in case of IBA manuevering and manipulating during last two decades to win the game by whatsoever means, fair or fouls.

We don't find wrong men all across the Unions, but handful wrong men ruling across the Unions. This way wrongs perpetrated by certain individuals become a collective wrong, being justified by all, including right people. Ee don't know their compulsions.

As we understand, Sanjeev Kumar Bundlish is seasoned person but in wrong company. He is Convenor, so he must have the rein in his hand and a right to take final view. There are 9 constituents. Difference of opinion or approach is very natural phenomenon in such pandora box. It's not a bad idea to have someone as high command, that Convenor is. Here, situation is different.  Someone has imposed himself as extra constitutional Convenor, thus high command. We miserably fail to see in such men any extraordinary talents, capabilities, knowledge or speciality, except bit greater dia throat and hoarse voice. Such men got the position by maneuvers and manipulations, not because of their competence. By these tricks of maneuvers, manipulations and resorting to divide and rule in organization they have been holding their seats and now by same modus operandi they are controlling UFBU.

Dispute is around this issue. 'If he, then why shouldn't I' is an issue around which every thing is golmol. 

For Bank employees and their Unions, circumstances have never been rosy. There were clueless troubles & ceaseless struggles, no idea of end results, but Unions emerged victorious.

Leadership task is to manage the circumstances not to succumb to circumstances. 

If compared to their counter part, IBA, yes, we may say, these Unions guys have no amount of necessary matching talent, which made bank men pay huge cost & collateral damages from time to time. Bank men problems are attributable to weak and incompetent leaders at the helm of affairs. 

As against one or two, they all become spineless, of course for unsustainable reasons. Rest are not that way less important, but treated so. We don't find any reason to be so to remain in company and become party to wrongs.

There is no dearth of honest and dedicated people in Banking, but if someone picks up a guy from gutter, rest have no point to rally around him any more, must apart & distance. 

In organizational spectrum there is nothing personal at all and if all are under one bond, they must have some discipline to adhere to, treat all equal. Hegemy war must end. Extraconstitutional high command must be dismantled, all constituents treated equal and interest of entire fraternity whether in service or retired must be the only task. Fragmented view and fissiparous tendencies must come to end to bring Unions on right track as instrument to deal with emerging situations in Banking and it's working front. Otherwise, situation shall continue deteriorating and leading from bad to worst.

Forum of Bank Pensioner Activists



  1. Please drop PLI IT is like honey trap due to which wage revision is not going forward for settlement

  2. Please drop PLI IT is like honey trap due to which wage revision is not going forward for settlement

  3. Please drop PLI IT is like honey trap due to which wage revision is not going forward for settlement
