Sunday, October 6, 2019

Communists, Banks and Life

By Sri JN Shukla

In China - a communist country - there is no Trade Unions or any democratic institutions or any other political party. In other words, it's dictatorship rule. The Govt itself decides, what are good to workers & civil societies. No demands, no bargains, no settlements, no protests, no agitations, no demonstrations-dharanas- strike actions etc. As against targeted work, fixed wages and in case the targets are not achieved, punishments therefor are also envisaged that includes physical assaults as well.

Communists in India talks a lot of freedom of expression, impression, right to association, fundamental rights, human rights etc., but they in these matters, maintain stoic silence when it comes to China. People might recollect, how did they oppose new economic policy, liberalization or FDI when it was initiated in 1991. All these reforms, China had adopted sometimes in late 1978, some 23 years ahead of India in 1991.

Indian Communists were outsourced by China to play as stumbling block against New Economic Policy, liberalization, FDI to give free passage to China to advance & become world economic power. It could enable China to become second world economic power, while India trailed far behind by Hindu growth rate.

After collapse of communism in Russia and failure at Indian domestic turf, CPI & CPM, both, united for their survival and both shared power at Centre with Congress at different point of time. It happened, as they lost political relevance in national context.

They stood exposed for their anti- national stands on numerous occasions and issues. Today, they are just pseudo. In the back drop of these development they totally baptized themselves with Communist Party of China.

In China, despite Communist rule, China has not compromised with its cultural ethose, while in India, Communists are dead against Indian cultural heritage and its values, because that relate to Hinduism, oldest civilization of mankind. Wherever, now they are just heap of stinking garbage wherever communist dustbin is found. Working class movement is not at all exception. Wherever they have some presence, they show their colour. Banking industry is epicenter, one may see the end results. There exists complete anarchy & intolerance. Only handful people have enslaved the whole workforce and banking industry. The very identity of bank employees are jeopardized, leave aside economic & working conditions.

Here, in India, Communists are regarded as the champion of working class and plead for Trade Union rights as fundamental one. India is democracy so there are many privileges and freedoms given as fundamental rights in Constitution. In India, Communists project themselves as saviour of working class, protector of rights to TU and organization, but in China where Communist Party rules, there is ban on TU movement, fundamental rights etc. Wonderful situation, two contradictory stands and status!

However, in India Communists want to hold their broker status for working class in TU guise. Trail goes back long to history, which shows, instead working out solutions, communist led trade Unions first drag the issues for possible length, agitate, demonstrate, resort to strike actions with two objectives: one that they are 'fighting' - pretentious- and second they want working class to feel literally 'tired and exhausted' -actual- which cause an inclination in them to console with whatever achievements are brokered by their Unions.

Further, instead resolving issues on stable fundamentals, they resort to ad-hocism and settle issues in piece meal. In Banking, if you look to over six decade of bilaterism, despite protractedly bargained and brokered wages & service conditions, glitters have been fading away and today banking workforce is one of most discontented workforce in an important sector like Banking. Banking is a premier sector that constitutes the backbone of national economy. It made tremendous stride to expand, extend it's out reach, mobilized huge resources and played great role as reliable credit dispenser to every sector of economy, but it's workforce have been rated below, under paid and even demeaned sometimes, contrary to facts that it's very honest, dedicated and par excellent force in country where people work as custodian to people's savings, that counts as national wealth. Country's territories are guarded by Indian Forces and people's wealth & nation's economy is guarded by Bankers.

Banking is not a formal business. It's core of entire businesses on earth, under ground or sky. It needs to be better cared and best nurtured by government, the owner. But, if ills we find in Banking, in regard to Industrial Relations and Human Resources issues, we shouldn't hesitate to accept the truth that it's our own tailored attire, made of our own spunned threads, fabrics, cut, design etc., that we find unfit in today's context. All that we have in as salary, pension, service conditions etc that's duly bargained and agreed to by our Agents/ Brokers. Better, we should understand first our faults, before we raise an accusing fingers on others.

In the end, I would like to quote below what the famous Actress Sophia Lawrence had said in life matter:

"When I got enough confidence, the stage was gone….. When I was sure of Losing, I won……. When I needed People the most, they Left me……. When I learnt to dry my Tears, I found a shoulder to Cry on…… When I mastered the Skill of Hating, Someone started Loving me from the core of the Heart…… And, while waiting for Light for Hours when I fell asleep, the Sun came out….. That’s LIFE!! No matter what you Plan, you never know what Life has Planned for you…… Success introduces you to the World……. But Failure introduces the World to you……. ……Always be Happy!! Often when we lose Hope and think this is the end… God smiles from above and says, “Relax Sweetheart; It’s just a Bend, not the End..!"_

-J. N. Shukla,
Prayagraj, India

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