Sunday, March 24, 2019

Think Well Get Well

*A research in California conducted by psychotherapists proved that Energy Flows where Attention Goes*

*Everything in our Universe is Energy.*

*When you say, “ I don’t want War.” you are giving your attention to war and where you give your attention, your Energy will flow there.*

*Law of Attraction will match your Energy with that and bring it in your Three Dimension reality.*
*So instead of saying, “ I don’t want War.” you should say  “I want Peace.”*
*Then your attention is on Peace, so you are giving your Energy to Peace and Law of Attraction will match your Energy with Peace and your life will be Peaceful.*

*This Universe works on Vibrations. So similarly change your statements*

*Instead of saying, I don’t want to fail, say  I want to Win!*

*Instead of saying, I don’t want to be sick, say  I want to be healthy.*

*Instead of saying, I don’t want to have a struggling job, say I want to have a happy and exciting job.*

*Instead of saying, I don’t want to fight with my husband,  say I want to have a happy relationship with my husband and so on..*

*Our thoughts are very powerful because Energy is transmitted through thoughts.*

*If you think and speak about what you don’t want, you will attract what you don’t want!*

*But if you speak about what you want you start attracting only what you want!*

*Also remove words from your dictionary like,*
*Depression, Hatred, Failure, Illness, Disease, Jealousy, Misunderstanding, Problem*

*Instead of telling  problem, you should say challenge.*

*Words are very powerful. Use words properly. That's called "power of spoken words",as you keep on repeating the same words again and again, as if you apply energy/force to the word & it starts multiplying & the effects manifest in your Life.*

*Also do chant following positive affirmations everyday.*
*I am Happy*
*I am healthy*
*I am wealthy*
*I am worthy*
*I am  hopeful*
*I am helpful*
*I am humble*
*I am blessed*
*I am thankful*
*I am greatful*
*I am unique*
*I  am a genius*
*I am kind*
*I am courteous*
*I am confident*
*I am courageous*
*I am  loving*
*I am caring*
*I am honest*
*I am hard working*
*I am going to make best out of this life.
*Be Happy,  Keep Smiling.ЁЯМ╣ЁЯМ╣

1 comment:

  1. So Union leaders instead of saying Pension Updation is not possible must say Pension Updation will beresolved in this BPS.
