Friday, May 15, 2020

Bank Employees Contributed Their Share in PM CARE Fund

Some people are doing nothing to help people  in pain on account of Covid 19,  even in their neighborhood  but criticising  day and night Modi and central government who has to take care of 130 crore Indians. 

When migrant labours were trapped in other states, people cried for bringing  them back to their states.  Now when they are being brought back,  people are complaining  of fare or of food or of discomfort  in journey.  

Government  never asked labourers  to go on foot to reach their home town.  It is their own apprehension  or misleading  information  given to them by some extraordinary  talented persons that they decided to start their home journey  on foot.  

Several individuals, police personnels, armed forces, NGOs  and social service organisations  are working day and night in helping affected poor persons and  to reduce their pain to the least.  But Modi haters are bent upon searching black spot in each of his good work.  

As a citizen  of India some people never help their  colleagues in pain but always criticise Government  in failing to mitigate problems.

How a government  can dream of what is going on in your mind and minds of labourers .  None could imagine and visualise before that Covid19 pandemic  will be so much disasterous and it's intensity  will be so much grave and of damaging nature. Even USA and developed European  countries  could not foresee the monstrous form of Covid19. It is India where Modi came forward and motivated for lockdown  and since then he is monitoring progress every minute and everyday. And that is why we Indians are least affected by fatal virus. 

As and when Modi felt the pain he took all possible  steps to mitigate  pain of common men. He motivated all state governments  to do the best.  Medical workers,  cleaning workers,  police personnels, government  employees  are doing good their best in containing  and defeating Corona virus. 

So far financial  contributions  to accomplish  the gigantic  task is concerned,  Modi made an appeal  long before to donate in PM care fund.  Entire media is making appeal for donation. But those who have not contributed a single Pie are loudly crying against  government and citing skeleton  cases of persons suffering  from pain. 

It is easy to criticize  work of others but very difficult  to do the work. 

We must see positive side of the situation  you will find hundreds  of good work. A guardian  has to earn and arrange resources  for making future of his children  .But some of Children in some cases are habituated in criticising  parent. 

People are creating and collecting  some emotional photos reflecting  pain migrant labourers are facing but they could not see thousands  of people appreciating  and praising help extended to them by the government.  It is government that thousands of NRI  trapped in foreign  countries  could come back to  India by special flight.

Some people  want exemptions and waivers  in GST , some want reduction  and waiver in income tax,  some want increase in salary and in their pension,  some want free ration,  free travelling,  free medical care and so on.  It means some people are suggesting more and more spending  by government and at the same time suggesting all tools sufficient  for  reducing resources  of the government. 

Some people  want waiver of interest on their loans,  some want waiver of loan,  some want collerteral free loan, some want extension  of EMI and so on.  But they never think where from money will come in bank when give loan and then write it off. On the other hand, these people want more and more interest on their deposits and more protection for their savings in bank. How much contradiction lies in their desires may be seen by an intelligent  person. I need not enlighten  on repercussions out of their aforesaid advices to government. 

 They say Modi should do this,  should have done that,  did not do this and that,  this could have  been better, Modi  failed and so on but they never say what they should do,  what they have done in helping  poor in pain.  

When their performance in containing pain of poor  is assessed they make excuse of little resources but when they suggest  to government  they seldom think of resources  available  to government. 

Our PM Narendra Modi is dealing with an exceptional crisis. No PM has had to face such at situation that has impacted every part of India and every aspect of our lives. If a family member is seriously ill we get shaken. Here, 130 crore people are at risk. Some say lockdown should’ve been earlier. Some say Army should’ve been called. Some are saying intelligence failure while still others say that he is trying to appease by announcing certain measures.

 Everyone has retrospective opinions but NONE are ready to bear the responsibility of 130 cr people. Only he has to.

If the lockdown doesn’t succeed then he gets targeted. If it does, still he gets targeted because the economy is hit.

Our PM's timely call for a lockdown has been appreciated by all Nations, the World over. If he had not called for a lockdown, he would’ve been hounded for lethargy even if it had kept the economy going. *He has always been at the receiving end by the opposition and it's cronies & followers who have their own axes to grind*. These people keep saying that he has called for a nation of 130 cr to stop work; for the poor to risk going without food. The rich are crying that their earnings have stopped and their lifestyles thwarted. While the middle-class criticise by saying: ‘you’re not doing enough to help us financially.’

A 69 year old man is bearing the weight of 130 cr people and their expectations without flinching, without digressing, without leveling accusations at anyone, and without giving excuses is going about doing selfless service to the Nation. 

And here, some people who do not appreciate what he does, sit at home and try to become obstacles in his endeavors!!

Yes, Does his work because he feels it is his responsibility.

But then, he too is human and the pressure is enormous.  Despite all the criticisms leveled against him he is doing his job with single-minded devotion & focus. This devotion and dedication is unparalleled in our history. Never had our PM, even once asked for praise. One after the other he has been dealing with India’s core issues.

The Covid -19 is the toughest of all problems Narendra Modi has been faced with.

His strong will and efforts to overcome this unique, daunting problem will also succeed. 

As law abiding citizens of Bharat let us all send him positive vibes, instead of complaining and criticising him. Let us all pray for our PM's Good Health and wish him all success in his fight against Covid-19.

I stand with my country and my Prime Minister....

Dkj 16.05.20

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