Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Cloud On Beauty Of Leave

What's Leave Bank?

At all if it's a prevalent concept, bank men should know it's origin & operational modelities and if it's new one, bank men  must know base modalities. It can be a Welfare Scheme for community benefits subject to certain set norms of contributions and distributions.

Basis is made of such leave going to lapse. Lapse is defined in Leave Rules. Why should management convert it into a benefit?

However, if Unions have any benevolence in mind to help such employees and officers who are in need of more leave on account of prolonged illness etc. there can be other best way of contributing leave to such people. We know some Banks have such policy as to deduct a fix amount from salary of all employees in case of death of an employee in service and pay the same to bereaved family. In leave matter too, why not, in such cases, leave can't be deducted & credited to needy employee?.

Unions couldn't look beyond the box to formulate welfare measures  de-linked from wages & service conditions settlements. Is there any endeavor in these regards, except Pension in 1980s?

IBA offered leave encashment of 5/7 days annually. Principally Unions took it as financial gain.

How selling of earned leave is a wage gain?

IBA wants, bank men shouldn't avail leave and encash that. It will help them to put cap on further recruitment. It will create more working days for existing employees and cause mental stress & fatigue.

Then why 5 days Banking is asked for?

Was there no better option?

We suggested in some columns to increase leave entitlement, instead 5 days working. Further 5 days working is subject to increase of working hours and density of work load on remaining days.

One side people are oppressed and crying of heavy work load, officers demanding defined working hours, award staff held up for late hours and not paid over time, other side unions supplement & help execute the nefarious design of IBA to make Banks the best exploitative institutions.

Unions have no their Vision. They just act upon the 'vision' of IBA. IBA is best, given their tasks and achievements. Your loss is there gain. Your stress is their ease.

Naturally, it automatically cast a shadow on Unions to call them worst for their class and community. Some of them are working as IBA agent disguised as Union representatives. It's very ugly scenario. Bank men are worst sufferer at the hands of their own people.
Once you become corrupt you can't fight corrupt people. Corruption necessarily not mean money wise, it may be decision wise as well. Let us turn our blind eyes and deaf ears to 4.5 lakh pensioners, including 72000 widow pensioners who are languishing in most distress financial status and of them 75% pushed in death trap, since they have no medical support, under UFBU scheme.

(J. N. Shukla)
National Convenor,
Forum of Bank Pensioner Activists,

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