Thursday, November 14, 2019

Strong Letter To UFBU

न गर्व और न पूर्वाग्रह,
सिर्फ आग्रह
( Friends, it's SOS message to UFBU & it's other Constituent Unions. Please flash it to all your friends. Let us make all possible efforts to deal with them with all out might.)

Shri S. K. Babdlish,


Constituent Unions:

Dear Sir,

A day before 15th Nov.2019, when you are scheduled to meet IBA with your team, we write this mail under total despair due to unfair treatment being met to bank men, whether they are in job or retired. Though, a very obnoxious narrative has been offered that you don't give cognizance to such correspondence or reply. Your reply is not very much important that way, as it's not the God message, but bank men desire their work done for which they pay you money and respect as well. We think, you shouldn't be deceitful to most faithful people, which bank men are. 

Bank men across country and cadre, working or retired, look forward to positive development in their core issues, which we have raised in our letter/ mail dated 10th followed with another mail dated 12th instant. Arrogance from any quarter doesn't help resolve issues or restore trembling/ shaking confidence of bank men in trade Unions & leaders. Bank men has chosen unions & leaders of their choice to look after their problems and in turn bestow them best regards and recognitions. How could they be so hostile to bank men interests and behave like  dictator with banking fraternity? Or, say categorically not to take cognizance of their messages?

You know your incapabilities, failures guilts and unethical practices and agreement or strength, so one need not to script the same. You have raptured & wrapped Pensioners' interests through capricious and deceitful deals with IBA, it's none of secret. Retirees are worst victim, left in financial distress and to die of diseases in absence of any health care support from Banks, despite govt directive. 

Who are these Retirees? 

Did they fight many crucial battles including for Pension Scheme under pioneering role of Unions only for this day?

How same Unions can now ignore them and treat unfairly? 

How the needs working & reyirees are evaluated on human parameters by different scales?

Whose need is greater, fully paid working staff or meagerly paid retirees?

Who deserves more welfare measures, those who are well paid- as you say- or poor retirees?

Who needs greater health problems, young working staff or retirees? 

How UFBU or it's Unions can be so inhuman, ruthless and brut that they left aged and ailing people on the mercy of God?

Bank men just want to know your compulsions under which such a situation has been surged. Bank men want to know the 'constraints' beyond your control, as pointed out by one if your constituents. Are these not taken as lame excuses to cover 'willful' decisions against the interests of working and retired employees?.

Bank men never want you failing. Please, therefore, share the so called 'constraints' with your stake holders. 

Why the hide & seek play with your members? 

Be transparent, clear, clean and fair to them. It will help bank men to understand your constraints under which you operate. Otherwise, bank men take you enjoying & mery making on unions wealth and at the largesse of IBA. But if you work in deceitful manner, you become mysterious and doubtful. It is sheer apathy and a dilemma that bank men do not know the level of progress made in last 2 and a half year, except squabble on your turf to for supremacy. 

Dilip Ray very rightly made a comment: 'a tree is known by d fruits it bears. Observing d attitude & d role of UFBU in d bipartite talk, d apprehension of d Bank men that they r playing second fiddle to IBA can not b whisked away only by denial. It requires to act accordingly in d interest of d staff & retirees to uphold ur clean image'.

Despite war among your constituents, bank men look to UFBU as a source of ultimate hope & their destiny. Therefore, UFBU must preserve it's iconic identity and shouldn't allow constituents to cross their limits and usherp the space of UFBU. Bank men, if they support you, carry out your instructions, they have an inherent right to claim, blame & admire you. You can't disown the truthful facts that you have miserably failed to deliver the desired outcomes. Better, accept it, instead arguing.

One thing more, leaders must note that this is no more old era- later of 20th century- of bank men. It's modern time, highly educated and talented people work in Banking and they are proud to be honest, dedicated and performing. So, leaders shouldn't try to acclaim themselves as some super-cop  and behave with arrogance and swollen heads. Such people are taken as rolling stones of no count by bank men.

We look forward to outcome of tomorrow's meeting. Be frank to throw light to dispel the darkness. Dispel the dark side of IBA & some of your constituent's equation that tarpedoes total well-being of banking fraternity. Better, you take cognizance of IBA's status and review as to how deal in days to come.


( J. N. Shukla)
National Convenor,
Forum of Bank Pensioner Activists


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