Saturday, November 23, 2019

Message For Bank Employees

Bank staff are being used by leftists to serve their political  agenda. They are provoking  bankers  to raise slogans  against  Modi,  BJP and economic  policies of current government. They are ridiculing  our Prime Minister  Mr Narendra Modi on social sites and now on roads too.   In this course of action bank employees are digging  their own grave. In my opinion we being part of the government should refrain from such mud slinging process and try to focus on what we are supposed to do and what we are supposed to get in return.

Not only Bipartite  settlement  is getting abnormally  delayed,  but  image of bank employees  is also getting tarnished  in public domain. Bank employees  are working  sincerely  on government  sponsored  schemes sacrificing their own future but become victim of their trade union leaders who simply exploit them,  ask for levy and enjoy their life lavishly. Similarly  only a few bankers are corrupt but they are spoiling image of bank employees in general.

Some of bank employees  blame BJP and Modi for delay in Bipartite  Settlement. As a matter of fact, it is bank staff who chose  for Bipartite  settlement  decades ago and Modi  Or any PM or any FM has got no right to intervene  directly. 

It is heads of Banks known as Indian Bank Association who represent government  and it is trade union leaders known as United Forum of Bank Unions who represent bank employees.  Members both in IBA and UFBU, are chosen from amongst  bank employees  only. As such bank employees are themselves  more responsible. They have to motivate their bank heads as well as trade union heads.  Members both in IBA and UFBU should mutually decide what is best suited for bank employees .

Bank employees  have to introspect  why profitability  of their bank is getting eroded year after year. Are bank employees  also guilty in making NPA or it is solely the fault of political  masters? 

How far they can stop or reduce corruption  and bribe led lending  decisions in their branches has to be explored.  They have to introspect ,assess and find out reasons why service standards  of public sector  banks is not admired by their customers . 

Why customers  are opting for private banks despite higher service charges realised there has to be analysed honestly and try to keep customers as happy as possible. 

First lesson taught to bank staff while joining was that customers are God and accordingly they have to worship customers to the best extent possible under available  resources  and infrastructure. 

Trade union leaders should also teach bank staff how to move  in right direction  for good health of Banks. Unfortunately left minded leaders never fought for bettering future  of bank staff in the past  but always tried for improvement  in their political and financial status using working class as a whole.

Bank employees  have to understand this ground reality, change their leaders,  remove retired persons from negotiating team,  seek opinion  from branches, and /or join hands with We Bankers.  Instead of playing words and quotations  game on Facebook, bank employees  should conduct periodical meetings  at branches to review  their performance  and public image. Self glorification  is not the solution if Bank employees  want to gain public support  and to attract real attention  of the government. 

I agree that majority  of bank employees  are performing  well honestly  and sincerely but only a negligible  section of them are damaging  the image of entire banking  fraternity.  I know all leaders are not disloyal  to bank staff but only a few of leaders are backstabbing bank staff.  Similarly  this is also true that not all top officials like flattery and bribery, but only some  of top officials are enough to cause enormous and irreversible damage  to health of bank. We bankers staff have therefore  to be alert 365 days and weed out those who are injecting  slow poison  in minds of Bank staff to serve their selfish  interest.

Self introspection and self purification  is more important  and powerful  than always  pointing  out accusing  fingers against  others and specially government. 

No doubt that politicians,  advocates,  administrative  officials,  judges,  magistrates, valuers,  Chartered  Accountants,  auditors etc have contributed  a lot in making public sector banks sick.  Still I believe Charity and modifications  should begin from self and from home. If bank employees are right in their course of action , they will have the inner courage and energy to protest and stop actions and ideas of mischievous elements. Our morale should be high first, this is my way of thinking , some of you may differ or have different point of view.

Let us try to do better.  We being part of the government  are responsible  to our society .We should win the heart of all we are supposed to serve. Outcome  will be better,  there is no doubt in it.  And our militancy and energy to fight for  our rights  will definitely  increase. Our slogan is “We help you help yourself”.


  1. No one knows. How to change retired leaders in our tenure of service we never voted. To choose a leader. Because these leaders are never elected. By voting. How they can be. Removed. No one knows. All employees know. How to elect. Pm. Or. President. But how are these. Elected or selected. Only God. Know

  2. No one knows. How to change retired leaders in our tenure of service we never voted. To choose a leader. Because these leaders are never elected. By voting. How they can be. Removed. No one knows. All employees know. How to elect. Pm. Or. President. But how are these. Elected or selected. Only God. Know

  3. All these days, what i just know is sbi people eats lunch , and sit lazy
    what i just heard is psb people are lazy, slow working, and
    all these days - i heard , they do nothing and pvt banks do everything ,privitazation solve everything .

    all these days , , , i heard various comparisons b/w pvt banks / psb
    .but now a days ,

    i am hearing ,

    4 cr accounts penalized of 30 cr
    how lazy sbi/psb walaa create that many 🤔🤔
    .i am being heard now a days, crores of poor people got pension/ daily labour / other small a/c opened by lazy psb waalaa
    .they r saying sbi is robbing ,looting

    may be , it might be pvt banks that might do such hard work .. But to my surprise, all these by lazy psb waala
    and pvt banks has no entry to such people ? 😳
    wont they go to houses ofthose people, answer their queries and ppen account for them ??--- i heard pvt banks go to customers home , while psb people r lazy ??
    .all these days, what i heard is : as majority of people in cities prefer pvt banks, better to privatise banks
    now , they r saying what about poor in cities 🤔🤔
    means dont pvt banks serve these people , u fb pages supported all these days ??
    .so, all these days

    u media people supporting robbery ??

    except reading single para columns in news papers that : " adhaar seeding/kyc saved 70000 Cr in govt schemes every year , lakh crores saved for public by avoiding n bribery of middle man ,, or few thousand crores tax because of tracing transaction "
    i didnot hear any big news .
    the only thing i know is "sbi / psb gave loan to mallya"
    .but now i am seeing pensions/subsidies of crores pf people being charged 50-100/-

    but my first doubt is when psb employees done these multiple schemes ??? I never heard big ??

    all these days, u media people encouraged anti poor polocies by supporting pvt banks ??
    all these Days , U people compared time taken to work 30 Lakh vs that of 30cr .??

    still u say , privatization leads to solve all problems where 99% has no entry ,???

  4. When bank charges low : you people have to introspect why people going to private banks in spite of higher charges.

    When bank hikes service charge : you have to introspect, where should people go if you hike charges

  5. All your advice to bank employees will not have any impact.

    AIBEA is misguiding their comrades by distracting their attention from their welfare measure to merger and all other issues which is irrelevent to us.
    No other union or association in India is least bothered about the political decision of ruling govt.
    Once upon a time all envelopes of NCBE was printed with the following slogan.


    Keep in mind here outsider means retired leaders who are now misguiding their follows for their political gains.
