Monday, November 18, 2019

Eyebrows Against Role Of IBA and UFBU

न गर्व और न पूर्वाग्रह,
सिर्फ आग्रह

15TH NOV.,


As usual, another day, 15th Nov, passed off, as usual in cock & bull stories. As expected... date after date... starting with tea, snacks, followed with mid-day meal, departing tea, coffee, cookies etc etc. and CUT.!

This time, IBA is bent upon to get through 'PLI offer'. Note, anything 'offered' is never without a price tag. Since it is an offer, like buy one - get one free, one is required to examine the relative price of the offer. At a time when Banks are in financial difficulties, prospect of wage increase is bleak, how PLI can be taken as glittering or gleeful offer, we commoners need to appraise, as lay man. It's well studied and articulated scheme of IBA, to it's best advantages, as IBA does only the things, which benefit Banks and not it's workforce. According to us it's honey trap at best, to implicate workforces in allurement, dismantle uniformity in work and compensation and lay the foundation of division. It will create internal conflicts of interest, shall not bring self contentment among workforces. We are yet to get in details, but at first hand issue a notice of caution not to fall prey, defer and de-link it from main course of wages, pension and service conditions revision task. UFBU's giving nod in principle is wrong, way out is to keep at bay now, settle first core issues.

In Banks there have already been performance linked Welfare Funds, sanctioned by MOF, through which various welfare schemes are in operation. The Welfare Fund based schemes are motivational to achieve greater productivity. There is no agenda from either side, Unions & IBA, as such as to demand more allocation of WFs and shift the basis to Operating Profits. Why? Why should IBA & Unions not jointly approach govt to increase allocations? Is it not linked to productivity or performance? If IBA has true intention to reward performance, it should have gone for increase of WFs allocations and make uniform Welfare Schemes. Wage is wage. It can not be substituted or compromised by incentives. Wage is meal, while incentive is cold drink. Decide which is more important, whether quality meal or cold drink?

Agreeing to Special Pay in last settlement was itself wrong. It was detrimental and to deprive terminal benefits. First question is why it was agreed to? Was it not agreed with full application of mind?. Hence, UFBU should condemn itself first to be wrong and in IBA lap & trap. It was deliberate and obnoxious decision to cut Pension entitlement, like the one of 1616/1684. There is nothing wrong to self condemnation. People take admission of guilt as a very upright step and forgive too.

Self righteousness, self certification, self glorification, boasting, projecting oneself  larger than their organization are some epidemic diseases with which  UFBU constituents and their leaders suffer these days. On these fronts there is war among UFBU constituents trying to defeat one another. It's in open that people are not eye to eye, rather trying to poach one another. IBA didn't know it only, but has been actively involved in it. Just see, their way and approach, you will find IBA as main operator behind UFBU squabbles. One section is totally in IBA lap, while others want to de-lap one and occupy themselves. Members should take very pragmatic view of this scene. We don't know, why Unions are in race to identify themselves with IBA, while they have different role to play on behalf of their members?

Though, UFBU circular of 16th Nov.,19, doesn't make any such news, but in social media there is total raze on comment purported to be made by IBA in their chit-chat on 15th. Look as follows:

"IBA Wants to get rid of Pensioners, Complains for increased
life expectancy, wish them die early!"

"It is learnt that in chit-chat on 15th Nov, 19 with Bank Unions, the IBA pointed out that the average life expectancy of Bank Pensioners has increased to 86 year and it would not be possible to pay Pension without additional financial jack-up, which Banks can't do. Implied meaning is, denying Pension at future date.

"Now, it appears that IBA in very calibrated move first deprived health group insurance to Retirees from Welfare Funds to result in early death for want of medical support. Through this method, they could dump 75% retirees in death trap. Their pious desire is to reduce head count by death. If it is so, what could else be bigger heinous crime than this? If their statistic is correct, it shows them failing in their nefarious game plan. Has it any link to govt intention? We don't think, govt has any such wish at all. It's crook mentality of IBA. Under Central government Pension rules on attaining 80, 90 and 100 years of age Govt Pensioners get increased pension as  80%, 90% & 100% respectively. In govt scheme, higher age is rewarding by higher pension.

"Black part of this episode is that when IBA executives were cursing, veterans of trade Union movements, oldest to new one and biggest to small one of banking industry were all together listening carefully."

How sinful & sinister thought is this, if really it happened to be? It speaks of criminal intentions towards Pensioners. We don't know, how far it occurred and pray God to be it wrong and untrue as if it really not happened, because it's shameful for all.

Pensioners are hateful subject by their own e-Unions. There can't be anything mean than this. The Unions which boast themselves to be champion of working class and too often call, workers of world unite, must look into their back yard where their aging, trembling, ailing and dying their earstwhile 'comrades', friends & companions' skeletons do exist in abundace as... moving corpse . Workers of World may unite or not, they get relief or not, it all don't matter, but these back yard people were well united and now neglected by same unions, Unions matter in their lives!  Why Unions cheat innocent people?. Unions must see that if Retirees are dying of illness or ailing without treatment, it's ill-will gift of Unions. Govt has asked IBA to give health security to Retirees from WFs, but Unions agreed to self borne scheme, which retirees couldn't afford.

Over a lakh widows/widowers, as family pensioners are languishing anywhere between 6 to 10 thousand Pension. How could they pay health insurance premium or get two time meal in such amount, can be guessed by any one.

Are they Really Leaders or monsters/ tormentors of the short?

- J. N. Shukla
National Convenor,
Forum of Bank Pensioner Activists,
( Knowledge Bank)

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