AIBOC Circular dated 21.05.2019
AIBOC holds a meeting with major Pensioners’ and Retirees’ organisations of Banking sector on 20th May, 2019 at New Delhi
We have the pleasure to inform you that as we decided in the last GS Meet of all affiliates of AIBOC held in New Delhi on 12th March, 2019 to hold a broad-based consultation with the major Pensioners’ and Retirees’ organisations of the banking sector on different issues affecting the interest of retirees, we had approached the leaders of such organisations and invited them at a meeting in New Delhi organised by the Confederation for this purpose. Although it was contemplated to be an unofficial one, the presence of very senior leaders of the pensioners and retirees movement and the gravity of deliberations made by them virtually made the meeting held in New Delhi on 20th May, 2019 a very meaningful one. We are very happy to share that the leaders of SBIPA, AIBPARC, all the affiliates of CBPRO and AIBRF remained present in the meeting at the invitation of AIBOC.
2. The undersigned, in his initial address, briefed the house about the present stalemate persisting in the industrial relations scenario of the banking industry arising out of the issue of fractured mandate. He expected that IBA would resume talks after formation of popular government. This is high time, he felt, that the fight of retirees and the serving people should be synchronised and the sentiment of retirees should be addressed with all earnestness and sensitivity. It is matter of hope that each and every constituent of UFBU has already started showing interest in resolving the issues of retirees and pensioners but the degree of intensity is probably not the same. He once again reiterated that AIBOC is committed to resolve the issues of retirees before any agreement is formalised.
3. Very senior leaders viz. Com. S.C. Jain (AIBRF), Com. Gandhi and Com. Ramesh Babu (SBIPA), Com. K.V. Acharya and Com. S. Sarkar (AIBPARC), Com. Ahuja (RNBOC), Com. A.K. Goel (FORBE) of the pensioners and retirees movement took part in deliberations. The following points were discussed and stressed upon:
a) Although this has been an informal meeting, the leadership of AIBOC should take initiative to carry forward all the demands of retirees and pensioners to a logical conclusion.
b) The notification of GOI in the matter of updation of RBI pension has created a new hope in the minds of retirees and there is a need to study the financial and legal implication of RBI updation; utmost importance should be given on improvement of family pension; the hiking of medical insurance premium, which was virtually unaffordable and IBA/GOI should be urged upon to issue necessary directions to banks to bear the premium. IBA/GOI will have to think about the pathetic plight of super senior citizens who have crossed 80 years of age and been drawing a pittance in the name of pension / family pension.
c) In Pension Regulation 35(1), the modalities of updation of pension have already been spelt out and in subsequent govt notification, this provision has been made all comprehensive. It is unfortunate that Govt/IBA has denied to understand and implement this provision in letter and spirit. Officials of Govt of India have already executed an affidavit that they are not in a position to allow updation of pension in RBI because it has a larger ramification. Now when pension in RBI has been updated, it cannot be denied in banking industry. The unresolved issues of special allowance and stagnation increment should also be looked into.
d) The fight launched by different sections of RBI employees and officers in favour of retirees is noted with satisfaction and same kind of involvement of UFBU in regard to demands of retirees / pensioners is also hoped.
4. Com Sanjay Manjrekar, Senior Vice President, AIBOC also addressed the house. He assured the leaders present that Confederation has always been sympathetic and sensitive to the issues of Retirees. He also expects that other constituents of UFBU will also be coming forward with the same degree of intensity. Com Harvinder Singh, former General Secretary of AIBOC also addressed the house. He mentioned that the promises made by IBA in the Record Note should be carried forward to a logical conclusion.
5. The undersigned in his concluding remark, opined that this meeting was the beginning of a consolidated movement. In future, when the negotiations will resume in full swing, the consultative process will continue and he wanted that a small committee should be formed in this regard. Booklets prepared by AIBPARC and AIBRF on legal and financial implications of pension updation and improvement of family pension were also handed over to the undersigned for information. Com Dipak Basu (SBIPA) proposed the vote of thanks on behalf of Pensioners’ and Retirees’ organisations and pledged that all the organisations would extend all possible support to AIBOC in the days to come.
6. We note with satisfaction that this meeting has been an enlightening one for each one of us. The sharing of information and thought was appreciated by all present in the meeting. The undersigned also acknowledges the support received from SBI Officers’ Association (Delhi Circle) for shouldering the responsibility of hosting the meeting at a very short notice.
With greetings,
Comradely yours,
(Soumya Datta) General Secretary
Hope and trst AIBOC is the only orgn. to resolve the pension updation issue.
ReplyDeleteLong live our beloved leaders who are wholeheartedly striving for pensioners issue.
Well done AIBOC.
ReplyDeleteLong live AIBOC leaders.