Wednesday, April 3, 2019

What Is Prayer AND How Far is GOD

I liked this interpretation of prayer

*What is Prayer ❓
Prayer doesn't just happen when we kneel or put hands together and focus and expect things from God⁉

✅. . . .Thinking positive and wishing good for others - *That is prayer*

✅. . . .When you hug a friend - *That's a prayer

✅. . . .When you cook something to nourish family, friends & poor people- *That's a prayer*

✅. . . .When we send off our near and dear ones and say ' _*Drive Safely*_ ' or ' _*Be Safe*_'- *That's prayer*

✅. . . . When you are helping someone in need by giving your time and energy - *You are praying*

✔ Prayer is a Vibration- *A feeling*- *A thought.*

✔Prayer is the voice of *love*, *friendship* and *genuine relationships*


The Best *"om"* is *home* . .
The Best *"age"* is *"courage"* . .
The Best *"mile"* is *smile* . .
The Best *"stand"* is *understand* . .
The Best *"end"* is *friend* . .
The Best *"day"* is *today* . .

 Pass it on to your dear ones & i wish you all a great day ahead

 What's​ the size of God? 

Excellent reading

A boy asked the father: _What’s the size of God?_

Then the father looked up to the sky and seeing an airplane asked the son:

 What’s the size of that airplane?

The boy answered: It’s very small.

 I can barely see it. So the father took him to the airport and as they approached an airplane he asked: And now, what is the size of this one?

The boy answered: Wow daddy, this is huge!

Then the father told him: God, is like this, His size depends on the distance between you and  Him. *The closer you are to Him, the greater He will be in your life!*

Loved the explanation....

*ईश  न्याय,  दृढ़,  खरा,  अटल ।*
*यहाँ न रिश्वत, चापलूसी सफल ।।*

✍ हम भारतीय, ईश्वर को न्यायकारी और समदर्शी मानते हैं ।
✍ ईश्वर शरीर रूप में अदृश्य है, परन्तु विश्वास में एवं महसूस करने में मौजूद है ।
✍ हम यह भी मानते हैं कि ईश्वर चापलूसी पसन्द और रिश्वतखोर नहीं है ।
✍ फिर भी हम उसको चढ़ावे/मन्नत/प्रसाद आदि के माध्यम से रिश्वत देने का प्रयास करते रहते हैं ।
✍ रिश्वस्त/घूसखोरी के माध्यम से काम करा लेने की चाहत, हमे अकर्मण्य बना देती है ।

दिनाँक 4 अप्रैल, 2019, गुरुवार

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