पता चला है कि आज हमारे नेता हैदराबाद में नए वेतनमान को लेकर मंथन करेंगे और फिर अपना प्रस्ताव आईबीए को प्रेषित करेंगे फिर आईबीए और नेताओं के मध्य १२ मई को वार्ता होगी. २३ फ़रवरी को बनी सहमति के अनुसार २३ मई तक द्विपक्षीय समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर हो जाने हैं यानी मात्र १५ दिन का समय बाँकी है.
कारण कोई भी हो लेकिन यह एक निर्विवाद सत्य है कि सबकुछ रहस्मय अंदाज़ में गोपनीय तरीके से चल रहा है. किस्मत के मारे बैंक कर्मियों की कौन कहे बेचारे राष्ट्रीय पदाधिकारी तक यह बताने की स्थिति में नहीं हैं कि आखिर लोड फैक्टर कैसे निर्धारित किया जाएगा और संभावित नया वेतनमान और महंगाई भत्ते का फार्मूला क्या होगा. सबकुछ १०-१२ शीर्षस्थ नेताओं के इर्द गिर्द घूम रहा है और वो पूंछे गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर रहस्मय अंदाज़ में दे रहे हैं, एक ऐसा अनोखा अंदाज़ जिसमें दिए गए उत्तर से किसी तरह का निष्कर्ष निकालना सम्भव ही नहीं है.
अब यह तो स्वाभाविक ही है कि जब पारदर्शिता का आभाव होगा और सबकुछ रहस्मय और गोपनीय तरीके से चल रहा होगा तो अफवाहों और चर्चाओं का बाज़ार गर्म होगा. पहले माह के दूसरे और चौथे शनिवार को अवकास के बारे में झूठी ख़बरें इस अंदाज़ में प्रसारित हुईं कि बैंक कर्मी तो बैंक कर्मी अनेक अखबारों के संवाददाता तक फिरकी में आ गए और उन्होंने खबर छाप दी जो झूठ साबित हुई. अब एक अफवाह बड़ी तेजी से फैली है कि आईबीए ने ३० अप्रैल की अपनी मैनेजमेंट कमेटी की बैठक में वेतनमान को लेकर जो निर्णय लिया है उसमें ग्रेड पे दिया जाना सुनिश्चित किया है और बताते हैं कि आईबीए की मंशा न तो ग्रेड पे पर महंगाई भत्ता देने की है और न ही ग्रेड पे को टर्मिनल डूज़ में शामिल करने की और इससे हमारे नेता कुपित हैं और जल्द ही २ दिन की हड़ताल का आव्हान करने वाले हैं. अब सच्चाई क्या है ये तो शीर्षस्थ नेतृत्व ही जाने.
एक तरफ सरकार एक के बाद एक योजना के क्रियान्वन का भार बैंक कर्मियों पर जबरन थोप उनकी दयनीय दशा को नारकीय दशा में बदल देने को आमादा है, दूसरी तरफ नेता हैं जिनके लिए वेतनमान का निर्धारण करवाना टेढ़ी खीर साबित हो रहा है, वे सरकार द्वारा बैंक कर्मियों का उत्पीड़न और शोषण करने वाले तरीकों पर मौन धारण किये हुए हैं.
लगता तो यह है कि सरकार की मंशा लोकलुभावन किन्तु बैंकों को हानि पहुंचाने वाली योजनाओं के जरिए एक ऐसी स्थिति चालाकी के साथ पैदा कर देने की है कि अगर बैंक कर्मी इन लोक लुभावन योजनाओं का विरोध करें तो उन्हें आम जनता के रोष का सामना करना पड़े और अगर योजनाओं को क्रियान्वित किया जाए तो बैंको की लाभप्रदता इतनी काम हो जाए या फिर वे घाटे में आ जाएं ताकि बैंकों के निजीकरण की मांग उठने लगे और बैंक फिर से बड़े औद्योगिक घरानों के हाथों में चली जाएँ, बैंकों में श्रमिक संघ आंदोलन बिल्कुल नष्ट हो जाए और बैंक कर्मी बंधुआ मज़दूर बन जाएँ.
अगर ऐसा हुआ तो इस सबके एकमात्र जिम्मेदार हारे थके बूढ़े नेता होंगे जिन्होंने निहित स्वार्थों के चलते बैंकों में आई नयी युवा पीढ़ी का सदुपयोग और मार्गदर्शन न कर ट्रेड यूनियन को इतना कमज़ोर कर दिया कि सरकार के लिए मनमानी और तानाशाही करना आसान हो गया.
अब भी समय है, ईमानदारी के साथ अपनी भूल स्वीकार करने का, स्वार्थ से ऊपर उठ के पारदर्शिता के साथ यूनियन में क्रांतिकारी बदलाव के जरिये चुनौतियों का सामना करने के लिए युवाओं के हाथों में यूनियन सौंप उनका मार्ग निर्देशन करने का.
Profitability and social objectives are two distinct and separate matters. Both can't run together. When major Banks were nationalised way back in 1969, this aspect of profitability and fulfilment of social objective was debated in length. While involving banks to fulfil social objectives of the government, you can't expect public sector banks to deliver large profits. The effects of Government Schemes on profitability of Banks need to be assessed objectively and loss sustain...ed by banks in fulfilling the social objectives of the Government must be quantified.
After PMJDY, Modi ji is going to launch 3 social security schemes on 9th May from Kolkata. So far as objectives of these schemes are concerned we welcome these schemes.
But then our concern is its adverse impact on existing work force of the banks and on profits of the bank. Most of the public sector banks are suffering from acute shortage of staff due to unreasonable, unscientific, irrational and subjective staff strength assessment techniques adopted by the bank instead of scientific and objective assessment. As a result, existing work force is subjected to late sitting and working on holidays. Banks have not been able to fulfil required formalities of PMJDY till now due to abnormally increased world load of the scheme. Now the role of banks in implementation of these 3 social security schemes is going to create vicious circle. Further for implementation of the Rs.330 scheme, Rs.30 have been allocated for bank. Out of these Rs.30/, only Rs.11/ would be available for the bank, rest amount will go to business correspondent. A simple Registered Letter would cost bank Rs.40/. Thus a net loss of Rs.29/ already without quantifying the cost of manpower.
Government must use banks as tool for implementation of its social security schemes because its major stake holder but them how same Government deny equality in the matter of Salaries, Pensions and other benefits at par with its Government Employees in the name of paying capacity? On the one hand you are assigning unprofitable loss making implementation of Government Schemes to public sector banks and on the other hand you talk about profitability and show your helplessness in bringing bank employees at par with government employees citing paying capacity?
These questions must agitate the minds of bank employees in general and those apex leaders in particular who are negotiating on behalf of bank employees with IBA.
But then our concern is its adverse impact on existing work force of the banks and on profits of the bank. Most of the public sector banks are suffering from acute shortage of staff due to unreasonable, unscientific, irrational and subjective staff strength assessment techniques adopted by the bank instead of scientific and objective assessment. As a result, existing work force is subjected to late sitting and working on holidays. Banks have not been able to fulfil required formalities of PMJDY till now due to abnormally increased world load of the scheme. Now the role of banks in implementation of these 3 social security schemes is going to create vicious circle. Further for implementation of the Rs.330 scheme, Rs.30 have been allocated for bank. Out of these Rs.30/, only Rs.11/ would be available for the bank, rest amount will go to business correspondent. A simple Registered Letter would cost bank Rs.40/. Thus a net loss of Rs.29/ already without quantifying the cost of manpower.
Government must use banks as tool for implementation of its social security schemes because its major stake holder but them how same Government deny equality in the matter of Salaries, Pensions and other benefits at par with its Government Employees in the name of paying capacity? On the one hand you are assigning unprofitable loss making implementation of Government Schemes to public sector banks and on the other hand you talk about profitability and show your helplessness in bringing bank employees at par with government employees citing paying capacity?
These questions must agitate the minds of bank employees in general and those apex leaders in particular who are negotiating on behalf of bank employees with IBA.
PMJJBY and PMSBY Accounts-By Sri Pannvalan Pann
For opening one PMJBY/PMSBY account, you need to talk to the identified person for minimum 6 minutes, to explain things, answer his queries and clarify his doubts. (This is the least estimated time). Then you take additional 6 minutes to fill up the form, get his signature and issue acknowledgement. Then you enter the particulars in the system and get it verified. It takes another 3 minutes. Thus, at least 15 minutes you need to spend for successfull...y mobilising one account.
For opening one PMJBY/PMSBY account, you need to talk to the identified person for minimum 6 minutes, to explain things, answer his queries and clarify his doubts. (This is the least estimated time). Then you take additional 6 minutes to fill up the form, get his signature and issue acknowledgement. Then you enter the particulars in the system and get it verified. It takes another 3 minutes. Thus, at least 15 minutes you need to spend for successfull...y mobilising one account.
Most of the people we met - including the well educated ones - do not want to fill up any forms. They simply dictate to us, saying "Show the place where I have to sign; you fill up the remaining particulars".
Even the particulars of 'Nomination', they want us to copy from the deposit account opening form without any change.
Alright, for linking 500 accounts, you need a bare minimum of 7,500 minutes. Even assuming that a staff works for 8 hours a day (average of a Clerk and an Officer), you need 15.625 man days, if one person is made to attend to this job exclusively without a break, suspending all other banking activities.
In a small branch, even if 2 persons are made to attend to this job exclusively without a break, suspending all other banking activities, you need 7.8125 man days, as explained above.
I have not included in this, the time spent on identifying target group, visiting them at their place of work/residence and getting back to the branch. If this time is also added, you have to add several more man days. This part is the most challenging one and most time consuming, but no objective assessment of this part of job can be made.
I have also not included the time spent on opening of fresh accounts in case of non-account holders.
Even for enrolment under PMSBY by paying Rs.12, people think a lot.
They are asking several questions and say so many things.
1. How long I have to pay this amount?
2. Suppose nothing happens to me, will you pay back this amount to me?
3. I have to consult my wife/father/brother/son and let you know tomorrow.
4. Suppose something happens to me, in the absence of a separate policy or at least a certificate from the bank, how will others in my family remember that I have taken such policy? Will not this problem arise, after a few years?
5. If any other party/coalition comes to power at the centre, what will happen to this scheme and whether those who are already into the scheme and paying annual premium regularly will continue to be covered?
6. Will the bank help in processing and settlement of claims?
Now, you tell me, in a branch of say 3 to 7 staff, how many of these accounts can be opened in 4 days time?
Even the particulars of 'Nomination', they want us to copy from the deposit account opening form without any change.
Alright, for linking 500 accounts, you need a bare minimum of 7,500 minutes. Even assuming that a staff works for 8 hours a day (average of a Clerk and an Officer), you need 15.625 man days, if one person is made to attend to this job exclusively without a break, suspending all other banking activities.
In a small branch, even if 2 persons are made to attend to this job exclusively without a break, suspending all other banking activities, you need 7.8125 man days, as explained above.
I have not included in this, the time spent on identifying target group, visiting them at their place of work/residence and getting back to the branch. If this time is also added, you have to add several more man days. This part is the most challenging one and most time consuming, but no objective assessment of this part of job can be made.
I have also not included the time spent on opening of fresh accounts in case of non-account holders.
Even for enrolment under PMSBY by paying Rs.12, people think a lot.
They are asking several questions and say so many things.
1. How long I have to pay this amount?
2. Suppose nothing happens to me, will you pay back this amount to me?
3. I have to consult my wife/father/brother/son and let you know tomorrow.
4. Suppose something happens to me, in the absence of a separate policy or at least a certificate from the bank, how will others in my family remember that I have taken such policy? Will not this problem arise, after a few years?
5. If any other party/coalition comes to power at the centre, what will happen to this scheme and whether those who are already into the scheme and paying annual premium regularly will continue to be covered?
6. Will the bank help in processing and settlement of claims?
Now, you tell me, in a branch of say 3 to 7 staff, how many of these accounts can be opened in 4 days time?
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