13th April 2015
Dear Comrades,
Filing of Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in Hon’ble Supreme Court of India (SC) by Former President of AIBOC, Com. K.D. Khera, challenging arbitrary & discriminatory advertisement Dated 26.02.2015, issued by Department of Financial Services, Government of India inviting applications for the post of Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer (MD & CEO) in A-category five large Public Sector Banks (PSB) viz. Bank of Baroda, Bank of India, Canara Bank, IDBI Bank Ltd. and Punjab National Bank
Our Members are aware that the Government had deliberately & discriminately designed eligibility criteria for the TOP MOST POST for five large PSBs, viz. Bank of Baroda, Bank of India, Canara Bank, IDBI Bank Ltd. and Punjab National Bank to make only private sector applicants eligible. On account of cut in age criteria and requirement of three years experience at Board Level, almost all existing Executive Directors (ED)became ineligible to apply for these posts. This was nothing but a well thought out attempt to privatise PSBs by benefitting certain set of private persons and institutions in order to control the resources of Public Sector Banks.
Apprehending that this may jeopardize the investment of common man and national economy, our Confederation immediately opposed the move of the Government by representing to Hon’ble Finance Minister and Prime Minister, vide letter no. 2015/40 dated 3rd March,2015& 2015/45 dated 12 th March 2015,respectively, seeking to appoint the MDs and CEOs as per process already in place.However, on receiving no response from Government Authorities, an alternative path was explored. We sought assistance from Com. K.D.Khera, one of the Former President of the Confederationand a knownface of our Confederation.
We are happy that Com. K.D.Khera filed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) no. WP10909 of 2015, through Advocate Sndeep S Ladda, in Hon’ble Supreme Court under Article 32 of the Constitution of India challenging the advertisement dated 26.02.2015 published by Department of Financial Services, Government of India inviting applications for the post of Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer (MD & CEO) in five Public Sector Banks viz. Bank of Baroda, Bank of India, Canara Bank, IDBI Bank Ltd. and Punjab National Bank.
We have received a large number of responses appreciating this landmark step which not only opposes the discrimination of Government against the Public Sector Banks but also against another move towards privatization. Our sole aim has been to safeguard the time tested existing policies of the Public Sector Banks in the interest of the general public and very existence of PSBs, who have been instrumental in executing all the policies of the Government in the interest of the Nation. Some of the Organisations are approaching Com. K.S. Kheda for joining to implead in the PIL, to take political mileage and publicity. The motive of PIL is entirely non political and therefore, we call upon each and every one to desist from taking any personal advantage.
We are attaching, herewith, the copy of the petition filed by Com. K.D.Khera for your information and sharing only for creating awareness and not for publicity. We also request you to be in readiness for any call of action, if the need be.
With comradely greetings,
Comradely yours,
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