Thursday, April 9, 2015

Illegal Acts Like Drinking Smoking Generates Revenue

Ban On Drinking: Wine drinking is injurious to health. This warning is displayed in all bottles. Government also displays such notices on boards in their offices. But it is government which gives license to shopkeepers and hotels for selling and serving of wine. Government does not like to impose ban on manufacturing of wine. It may punish persons who consume it and cause loss to public property. Everyone knows it very well that majority of crimes like loot, dacoity, burglary, rape, murder etc are committed only after consuming wine .

Everyone in Government knows very well that drinking is injurious to not only who consumes it but it harms society and disturbs family peace and harmony also. The key reason given for such insane approach on use of wine is that it gives billions of rupees to Government as revenue and it also gives job opportunity to traders in wine. In such position it is cleverly preached by every leader and every government that drinking wine is injurious to health but no action is taken to stop drinking. Government issues license to Hotels and restaurants to serve hotels to visitors and then it cannot expect good culture in the society and neither can it expect reduction in crime rate.

Ban On Smoking And Other Tobacco Products: Similarly smoking is injurious to health and such type of warning in invariably printed on each pack of cigarette and boards displaying such warning are hanged at prominent places in every office, schools and colleges. However it is only the government which allows manufacturing of cigarettes and Biri. Tobacco is injurious to health. Likewise, consuming Gutka, Khaini, Pan Masala etc are injurious to health and cause fatal diseases like cancer to those who chew these items. In spite of all losses to human lives, government does not have courage to ban manufacturing of such products.

Government is concerned with the revenue they earn by allowing manufacturing of such poisonous and killer products and least bothered by lacs of persons suffering from cancer caused by use of tobacco products and smoking cigarettes and finally losing their life. Government think it wise to earn money and fool people by making Display of warning on prominent places as mandatory or by preaching sermons during meetings.

IN last week, Maharashtra government banned sale of gutka, khaini, pan masala etc in the state of Maharashtra but did not have courage to ban manufacturing of the same. .Police personnel also rebuke owners of pan shop or sellers of gutka on road side who earn their livelihood by selling such products. None of regulating agency wants complete eradication of poisonous products from the market.

Remove Old Vehicles It is now announced by Delhi Government that vehicles older than 10 years will not be allowed to move on Roads and will not be allowed to enter such vehicles from other states. They say diesel vehicles and older vehicles cause pollution problems and may harm health of resident of the area. Government cannot stop manufacturing of diesel vehicles. It is the owner of diesel vehicle and owner of old vehicles who have to bear the brunt of the bad policies and ill-motivated decisions of the government.

If the government really wants to control such old vehicles entering into Delhi or moving on Delhi road, they need adequate manpower to handle problems arising out of such whimsical decisions. Since they do not have enough manpower, they will empower police t earn side money to allow movement of older vehicles. But in no way one can stop such older vehicles and diesel vehicles because these vehicles have been bought by owner of these vehicles in a legal way and under the policy of the government which prevailed hitherto. How can government suddenly change the police and cause loss to owners without giving them compensation.

Government want to earn revenue of all goods and services, even if the goods are injurious to health. Even pornography is not restricted in Internet services even if causes many times rise in cases of rapes and assaults on woman.

How To Enhance Government Revenue Earning:But to enhance the prospect of revenue earning by the government I would like to suggest to issue license to consumers of wine, consumers of tobacco products and users of older vehicles and diesel vehicles. If government charge Rs. 100 per bottle (500 ml) of wine per month , it will generate huge revenue and also restrict consumption of wine to a great extent. Similarly if users of tobacco is forced to pay monthly Rs.100 as license fee and only license holders be permitted to consume, Khaini,gutka etc I think it will generate huge money for poor government.

In the same way , state government may restrict accepting road tax fee for ten years at normal rate and then should charge double and triple of normal rate as road tax.

Similarly manufacturers of cigarettes and other tobacco products will have to pay double the normal excise duty and traders will have to pay higher amount of sales tax. Car manufacturers who produce diesel cars and trucks will have to pay more taxes so that the car become unaffordable for common men. Banks should be advised not to sanction loan for diesel vehicles. Police working as traffic controller should be asked to ensure compliance of all road rules by all vehicle owners. Making of laws and rules and preaching of sermons to people of India is easier for any government but it is very difficult to get it executed in true spirit. As such need of the hour is first to invent and discover how to enforce a law which government want to formulate.

It is pity that in our country government staff do not care and take proper actin against those who violate rules and then it becomes a problem whose solution become a social problem and cause new brand of crime. First encroachment on roads is allowed and then its removal adversely affects social peace and generates protests from common men who wilfully installed their shops on road sides. Similarly houses are constructed on unauthorised land and then it becomes difficult for state government to destroy it and invite the anger of those who purchased flats in such unauthorised apartments.

Role Of Certificates: It is sad that in our country department of pollution control issues certificate if the concerned officers are paid their fees. Chartered accountant certify a fake balance sheet if they are paid higher fees. Valuers of landed property gives inflated value of any landed property if the are higher fees. Fake certificates of passing of graduate course or post graduate course or BE or matriculation are available in the market. Drug inspectors allows sale of fake and spurious medicines if they are paid their fees.

Government officials register a sale of house at rate lower than market rate if they are paid fees. Black money is every moment generated in Delhi and elsewhere and it is visible in form of sky touching apartments and houses in every nook and corner of the country , but the government is searching black money in foreign countries. Maps for construction of house in violation of existing rules are passed by concerned authorities if they are paid their bribe.

Functioning Of Banks: Loans are sanctioned by banks to even ineligible persons if they are paid their share of gifts and bribe. Bad loans are written off if the bank officials are paid bribe. and so on. When bad debts in public sector banks goes out of control the clever officials abuse global recession or higher interest rate regime or bad policies. Actual guilty is never booked to task. Always some scapegoats are searched and booked to task to save top officials and VIP politicians.

This is India , where health of a person or a company depends not on his ability and capacity but on the basis of certificates. issued by specified authorities. Income of a person may be in lacs but if he gets a certificate of lower income from circle office he will be issued Red Card or Ration card or other subsidies. Industries are constructed on papers and not on land because department of Industries work on certificates. Roads are constructed and repaired on papers and huge amount of money is pilfered out of system only on the basis of certificates issued by engineers . This is corrupt culture where Doctors do not hesitate in carrying our Heart surgery of a healthy person just to earn money and they do not hesitate in prescribing various avoidable tests just to earn commission .

Even rating agencies issue Certificate of Rating of the grade AAA or AA or A to companies if they are ready to give thousands of rupees and lacs of rupees as fee to rating officials and thus companies may get hundreds of crores or rupees from banks and financial institutions.

Block Administration: Block level and district level agriculture officials issue certificates of loss of crop and forces insurance companies to give compensations to farmers. Similarly claim settling officials or Surveyors of insurance companies gives certificate of loss of ten lacs rupees even if actual loss is less than one lac , issues certificate of death of cattle even if the cattle is not actually dead or not even bought and so on to enable easy settlement of claim in favour of insured after taking illegal money in lieu of it. Genuine claims of genuine losses on the contrary cannot be sanctioned and compensated by the insurance companies for months and years if the victim person or company is not ready to pay the demanded bribe to surveyors. This is India.

Government as such need to first understand the ground reality if they want real reform in the culture of the persons, officers and leaders who rule and who oppose.

Role of Media:-Media men who are supposed to be watch dog on all illegal activities going on in their area of operation are actually problem creators and leg pullers of good persons. They search negative points on each event , in each incident and each accident and present the event in totally arbitrary manner, they oppose if they do not like a person or a party and they support if they like . They can present any event in such a manner which may make or mar the social peace.

If a Christian person is killed , media men will give a news as if there is attack on entire community of Christian. If a Muslim woman is raped, media men will blame BJP and give a news as if majority community Hindu is bent upon assaulting Muslims. Hundreds of Hindus are killed every day, but if a Dalit woman is killed , media men will give the news as if upper class community has attacked on weaker class. It is media which aggravate ignite fire , aggravate it and forget it . The main work of media men is to create animosity among parties, discourage good performers and damage national image as also affect interest of common men just to increase their own TRP

If Modi's performance is good , media men will not praise it , thy will criticise how Modi is spending lavishly on dressing materials. If a farmer dies due to sickness, media men will give the news that due to burden on bank loan , farmers are committing suicide. Whimsical news given by aid media has badly tarnished the image of media community and hence they are also not trustworthy. This is India.

Role of Politicians: Similarly politicians do not discuss and debate policies and mode of execution of policies in the light of its suitability to common men . They discuss, support and protest any policy not based on its merits and demerits , but support it if it is framed by its own government and oppose if it is by other party. This is India. Even Aam Admi Party which took birth for doing a different politics become a party of differences.

Performance and success of a government is measured in terms of how much fund it has allotted for different sectors. If a government allots one lac crore rupees for development of infrastructure and irrigation facilities in India compared to fifty thousand crore by previous government of other party , it is considered as growth oriented. There is no one to assess whether the fund allotted is really put in use for creation of quality infrastructure and irrigation facilities .

If the team of engineers issue Utilisation Certification to the department concerned, it is assumed that all work has been done. Funds are normally withdrawn in the month of March and surprisingly Utilisation certificates are submitted also in the same month. This is India. If actual investigation is done by unbiased and honest body, it will be found that there is no road where road is said to be constructed and there are no irrigation facility in farm lands where it is declared as facility of irrigation is available. Farmers are helped many times on papers by government bodies.

Achievement By Cooked Data: This is India where achievements are measured on the basis of certificates and not on the basis of actual performances. Drinking, smoking, tobacco chewing ,pornography etc are all good if there is certificate of warning printed on each packets. Government wants reforms on papers and not on ground where common men reside. Mr. Ramlingam Raju of Satyam Computers has been sentenced Today by court of law with 7 year imprisonment only because he himself admitted his fault of commission of mistake and because any detecting agency detected the fraud.

Regulators And detective Agencies Fail To Detect Fraud Otherwise world famous team of Chartered Accountants called as PWC had given certificate of good accountancy and good performance to the company called as Satyam Computers year after year. Rating Agencies similarly assigned AA and AAA rating to Satyam Computers only because they were playing in money and company was openly cheating poor investors who had invested in the company on the strength of Certificate of good performance.. No one even from the then government doubted the integrity of CAs or rating agencies. There is no question then of punishing the corrupt team of CA and officials of rating agencies who worked based on bribe money.

In the same year 2009 when episode of Satyam Fraud came to light , many of public sector banks were also found manipulating and inflating profits artificially by not making adequate provisions for bad debts and for terminal benefits payable to bank employees. In this way banks booked extraordinarily higher profit by manipulation and cheated investors to please the then government and to brighten their own careers. Government again believed on certificate of good health and certificate of compliances submitted by auditors and defaulting bank's chiefs.

This is India where thieves certify that no loss has occurred to where stealing act took place openly. UPA government minister gave a Zero Loss Certificate to Man Mohan Singh government when CAG detected loss of lacs of crores of rupees. Auditors are good as long as they give report as per whims of persons who employ them , otherwise they are shown the exit door.

Intention of Government And Regulators: Neither government nor people of India try to learn lessons from cases of cheating and cases of frauds . Non Banking companies and chit fund companies every year collect lacs of crores of rupees from poor villagers and poor traders and then fly away from the area leaving behind lacs of investors weeping and crying . RBI, CBI, CVC and police bodies along with the concerned government promise to provide justice to victim investors , constitutes committees to stop recurrence of such loot by chit fund companies, but none could stop such cheating .All Regulating bodies are happy with certificates of compliances only. They do not have time or they do not have enough manpower to verify the veracity of these certificates.

Similarly anti corruption cell and vigilance officers earn bribe and exonerate bad and corrupt officers by giving them certificate of honesty and integrity. Employers promote an officer on the recommendation of VIP but hesitate to promote a really good performer if he has not submitted desired certificates in tune with bosses.

Role Of Certificates:We Indians become honest by taking oath of working honestly in the month of November every year and then we are free commit all sins without any hesitation and government is satisfied only after getting confirmation from all banks and all departments that a oath has been taken for honesty by each employee. This is India where certificates are more important than actual facts and figures.

If a bad students gets a certificate of good character, he can get many of his works done easily. On the contrary if a school teacher denies a certificate of good character to a really good student, he will have to face many problems in getting admission in colleges of higher education or in seeking job. This is India.

There are many examples where banners, notice boards displaying rules and policies , certificates of goodness are treated enough for judging performance of any person or party or a company.

Role of Bribery And Flattery : There are many industries in the country which emit poisonous fume in the air and cause much harm to residents of that area. There are many shops where bad smoke is emitted by generators used for lighting the shop . But there is none to punish them because they do have purchased Clearance Certificate from Pollution control department. On the contrary many industries could not start functioning only because they were not ready to pay bribe to officers of pollution control departments for getting Clearance Certificate.  Similarly there are hundreds of medical shops in the country which are not manned by a Doctor  or a trained compounder as per rules in this regard. But local drug inspectors collect their bribe periodically and allow these shops trading in medicine, even if they sell illegally manufactured fake medicines.

In the same way there are many tax consultants in every town who have developed good rapport with tax officials and they work as mediator in assessment of tax related files of the businessmen and professionals and it is they who teach assesses how to evade various taxes and how to get Tax clearance certificates.

Integrity of Chartered Accountants : There are many CAs in every towns and big cities which work as a mediator between bank officials and businessmen and prepare attractive set of papers and documents right or wrong to ensure sanctioning of loans and other credit facilities without any problems. A set of good papers are enough for a banker to sanction hundreds of crores of rupees as loan to any unscrupulous company or to any individual even if there is no business which match the value of  loan demanded. On the other hand if business men do not pay bribe and commission and do not offer gifts to CAs and Bank officials , he cannot dream of getting loan sanctioned comfortably and as per need of the project. It is team of CAs who are clever and who know how to  prepare files and balance sheet as per need of loans and who can inflate figures or conceal bad points as per whims and fancies of loan seekers and banks function normally on papers, documents and certificates .This is India

Expectation From Mr. Modi :I however hope the honest , active, efficient, hard worker and visionary Prime Minister like Mr. Narendra Modi will be able to improve the working quality of all departments . I have no doubt in the ability and capacity of Mr. Modi. God Bless him and save him from dirty leaders of opposition groups who are putting hurdle in all bills only to tarnish the image of Modi by hook or by crook.

I pray God to awaken all patriots, well wishers, social reformers , intellectuals  and academicians and motivate them to help Modi in achieving the desired tasks successfully and in making India number one in the world.

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