Thursday, April 30, 2015

DA From May 2015

D.A. increased by 4 slabs = 0.60%

 (0.15% per slab as per IXth Bi-partite Settlement).


 Now total slabs =738 =110.70% for the quarter
May to July'15....


Dearness Allowance Increase  for Bankers from May  2015 to July 2015 Rajesh goyal
Now CPI for all the three months has been announced for relevant months and the same is as follows:-
January 20155797.78
February 20155774.95
March 20155797.78
Based on the above calculations the new DA is to be @ 110.70%, for the months of  May,  2015 to July  2015.   [The DA for February 2015 to April  2015 was  110.10% ] i.e. increase  of  0.60%. (increase of 4 slabs)  We give below the DA for May,  2015 onwards vis a vis existing DA, alongwith  the increase in DA at various levels of scales:-
[FOR PENSIONERS RETIRED AFTER 1/11/2007, the above rate will be payable and there is an increase of 0.90% from August 2014]
Officers Staff :- [ All the calculations are based on present scales which are likely to be revised as per Xth BPS which is under negotiation. ]
      Actual DA  Actual  DA  Actual  Increase 
  Officers   From Feb 2015 From May  2015 in DA Amt from May.'15
Stage Scale Basic Pay 110.10% 110.70% 0.60%
1 I,II,III 14500 15964.50 16051.50 87.00
2 I,II,III 15100 16625.10 16715.70 90.60
3 I,II,III 15700 17285.70 17379.90 94.20
4 I,II,III 16300 17946.30 18044.10 97.80
5 I,II,III 16900 18606.90 18708.30 101.40
6 I,II,III 17500 19267.50 19372.50 105.00
7 I,II,III 18100 19928.10 20036.70 108.60
8 I,II,III 18700 20588.70 20700.90 112.20
9 I,II,III 19400 21359.40 21475.80 116.40
10 I,II,III 20100 22130.10 22250.70 120.60
11 I,II,III 20900 23010.90 23136.30 125.40
12 I,II,III 21700 23891.70 24021.90 130.20
13 I,II,III 22500 24772.50 24907.50 135.00
14 I,II,III 23300 25653.30 25793.10 139.80
15 I,II,III 24100 26534.10 26678.70 144.60
16 I,II,III 24900 27414.90 27564.30 149.40
17 I,II,III 25700 28295.70 28449.90 154.20
18 I,II,III 26500 29176.50 29335.50 159.00
19 I,II,III 27300 30057.30 30221.10 163.80
20 I,II,III 28100 30938.10 31106.70 168.60
21 I,II,III 28900 31818.90 31992.30 173.40
22 I,II,III 29700 32699.70 32877.90 178.20
23 I,II,III 30600 33690.60 33874.20 183.60
24 I,II,III 31500 34681.50 34870.50 189.00
25 I,II,III 32400 35672.40 35866.80 194.40
26 I,II,III 33300 36663.30 36863.10 199.80
27 I,II,III 34200 37654.20 37859.40 205.20
28 I,II,III 35100 38645.10 38855.70 210.60
1 IV 30600 33690.60 33874.20 183.60
2 IV 31500 34681.50 34870.50 189.00
3 IV 32400 35672.40 35866.80 194.40
4 IV 33300 36663.30 36863.10 199.80
5 IV 34200 37654.20 37859.40 205.20
6 IV 35200 38755.20 38966.40 211.20
7 IV 36200 39856.20 40073.40 217.20
1 V 36200 39856.20 40073.40 217.20
2 V 37200 40957.20 41180.40 223.20
3 V 38200 42058.20 42287.40 229.20
4 V 39300 43269.30 43505.10 235.80
5 V 40400 44480.40 44722.80 242.40
1 VI 42000 46242.00 46494.00 252.00
2 VI 43200 47563.20 47822.40 259.20
3 VI 44400 48884.40 49150.80 266.40
4 VI 45600 50205.60 50479.20 273.60
5 VI 46800 51526.80 51807.60 280.80
1 VII 46800 51526.80 51807.60 280.80
2 VII 48100 52958.10 53246.70 288.60
3 VII 49400 54389.40 54685.80 296.40
4 VII 50700 55820.70 56124.90 304.20
5 VII 52000 57252.00 57564.00 312.00

4th Rule in Double Entry Book Keeping By Pannavalam
In Double Entry Book Keeping, there are 3 Basic Rules.
1. Debit the Receiver and Credit the Giver (Personal Accounts).
2. Debit what comes in and Credit what goes out (Real Accounts).
3.Credit all Income/Profit and Debit all Expenditure/Loss (Nominal Accounts).
Now, there is a 4th rule.
"Debit who works more and faces greater risks and hardships and Credit who works less and faces less or no risks/hardships".
This is just the opposite of 'Principle of Equity' which says "One should not unduly enrich oneself at the expense of another".
Another analogy is "Robbing Peter and Paying Paul".

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