It is bank staff who are working at least 10 hours per day and even more than that. They work on Sundays and Holidays too to clear backlog if any. It is only banks among all PSUs which keeps all books well balanced and well audited. It is banks where task of branch expansion and ATM expansion is undertaken at the call of RBI and GOI without addition of manpower. Business of banks have increased many times during last ten years but number of manpower have remained almost the same.
Each public sector bank has almost doubled their number of branches in the country despite restraint on recruitment imposed by GOI many years ago. It is bank staff who despite huge work pressure complete the task of salary disbursement to employees of many departments sacrificing their core work of banking. It is bank staff who perform the task of many Non-banking work like insurance, mutual fund , demat services etc on the advice of government .Ninety nine per cent of bank staff work honestly and devotedly to extend best possible services with available resources. And so on.
Still bank staff are considered as lazy and not proactive. God knows and Mr. Modi will tell what term will be appropriate to define the work done by Railways, post offices, airlines, government run hospitals, schools, colleges, and many government departments under central or state governments.
Banks have to suffer loss due to exploitation and misuse of banking channel by politicians , But when bank employees demand wage hike , it is denied by IBA and GOI on the plea that banks do not have paying capacity. On the contrary employees of many PSUs are paid higher salary at par with Central Government Employees despite the fact that they are running in loss or they are totally non-functional. BSNL, Indian airlines, Railways are running in losses but they are not only paid higher pay but also bonus in the name of exgratia. And so on....
Will Government promulgate an ordinance or pass an act through Parliament that all employees of all sectors will be paid salary and bonuses as per profitability of that organisation?
Otherwise common bankers are perfectly justified in raising a question ,"Is it called a reign of justice?"
Can bank staff expect for Achhe Din under Modi's regime?
Danendra Jain
Pannvalan Pann writes as under
It has now become crystal clear:
Modi does not know basic economics. He has belied all our hopes and expectations. He is not the kind of Saviour you are all looking for.
Laxman Mahto writes as under
Gyan Sangam and Lazy Reward
Friends please don't get frustrated out of pm level of Lazy Banking, it was his frustration due to political pressure thwarted by rbi, It was their frustration because Banker's has taken the promises that govt will not interfere. It was their frustrations because they have to promise for more autonomy. We are talented and educated, we don't need any certificate. So please my appeal to all of you to don't get frustrated out of their frustration and take care of ur self and ur family within the given little resources we have. We need love and satisfaction to live happily. I have said many times that money is prime necessity but please remember money is not everything. We have to fight for our dues but please do care for your self and ur lovely family. God bless you all.
A K Singh writes on Facebook as follows
बैंकर्स - एक वोट बैंक बनाने की जरुरत
आज बैंकर्स समाज शोषित और प्रताड़ित हैं। हर किसी कि जरूरत बैंक हैं , हर किसी का हर तरह का काम बैंक से ही होता हैं लेकिन
फिर भी बैंकर्स आज सबसे ज्यादा उपेक्षित क्यों हैं???????????????आज कोई भी सरकार चाहे कांग्रेस हो या मोदी सरकार हो की
नजर बैंक कर्मचारियों की समस्याओं पर नहीं हैं। सभी सरकारे बैंको का प्रयोग अपने अपने वोट बैंक बढ़ने के लिए प्रयोग कर रही हैं।...
कोई ऋण माफी तो कोई जबरन खाता खुलवा के अपने आप को तीसमारखां साबित कर रहा हैं। आखिर क्यों हर कोई बैंको की ही बजाने पर लगा हुआ हैं??????आज एक ग्राहक जिसकी की औकात खाते में 100 रूपया जमा करने की भी नहीं हैं शिकायत कर अथवा धमकी दे कर अपना काम चंद मिनटो में करवाने की चाहत रखता हैं। बात बात में लोग बैंककर्मियो की नौकरी खाने ट्रान्सफर करवाने की धमकी दे रहे हैं।आखिर इतने काम कर के, इतने दबाव झेल के, इतनी कम सैलरी में अपना गुजारा कर के क्या हम सब अपने भविस्य को बर्बाद नहीं कर रहे हैं। आखिर कोई हमारी बात क्यों नहीं सुन रहा हैं??????????????निचे कुछ सुझाव लिखा जा रहा हैं जरा गंभीरता से पढियेगा और अपनी राय अवश्य दिजियेगा।
आज बैंकर्स समाज शोषित और प्रताड़ित हैं। हर किसी कि जरूरत बैंक हैं , हर किसी का हर तरह का काम बैंक से ही होता हैं लेकिन
फिर भी बैंकर्स आज सबसे ज्यादा उपेक्षित क्यों हैं???????????????आज कोई भी सरकार चाहे कांग्रेस हो या मोदी सरकार हो की
नजर बैंक कर्मचारियों की समस्याओं पर नहीं हैं। सभी सरकारे बैंको का प्रयोग अपने अपने वोट बैंक बढ़ने के लिए प्रयोग कर रही हैं।...
कोई ऋण माफी तो कोई जबरन खाता खुलवा के अपने आप को तीसमारखां साबित कर रहा हैं। आखिर क्यों हर कोई बैंको की ही बजाने पर लगा हुआ हैं??????आज एक ग्राहक जिसकी की औकात खाते में 100 रूपया जमा करने की भी नहीं हैं शिकायत कर अथवा धमकी दे कर अपना काम चंद मिनटो में करवाने की चाहत रखता हैं। बात बात में लोग बैंककर्मियो की नौकरी खाने ट्रान्सफर करवाने की धमकी दे रहे हैं।आखिर इतने काम कर के, इतने दबाव झेल के, इतनी कम सैलरी में अपना गुजारा कर के क्या हम सब अपने भविस्य को बर्बाद नहीं कर रहे हैं। आखिर कोई हमारी बात क्यों नहीं सुन रहा हैं??????????????निचे कुछ सुझाव लिखा जा रहा हैं जरा गंभीरता से पढियेगा और अपनी राय अवश्य दिजियेगा।
क्या बैंकर्स एक वोट बैंक हैं??????जवाब हैं नहीं, तो फिर कांग्रेस हो या BJP किसी को आपके वोट की जरुरत हैं क्या??????
आज जरुरत हैं बैंकर्स समाज को संगठित होकर एक आवाज़ में अपने तमाम मुद्दे को राजनितिक विषय बनाने की। जरूरत हैं अपने विषयों
को ले कर के पोलिटिकल पार्टी का सहारा लेने की। हमारे लिए क्या ज़यादा जरुरी हैं ????अपने आप को न्यूट्रल शो करना अथवा अपने विषयों का वाजिब हल ढूंढना। ध्यान देने योग्य है की हमारी संख्या आज 10 लाख हैं, परिवार और रिशतेदार को अगर जोड़ दिया जाए तो हमारा संख्या 1 करोड़ आराम से नजर आता हैं। यह एक करोड़ की संख्या 10 करोड़ लोगो को आराम से प्रभावित कर सकती है ।मतलब हमारे पास 10 % से जयादा वोट बैंक प्रत्य्क्ष रूप से हैं। वैसे एक और बात यदि हम 10 लाख कर्मचारी कुछ अपने ग्राहक मित्रो को जोड़ के देखे तो हमारी संख्या और जयादा नजर आयेगी। सोचिये 10 लाख कर्मचारी 70,000 ब्रांच नेटवर्क के माध्यम से 50 करोड़ से भी जयादा लोगो से जुड़े होकर के भी क्या एक बड़ी ताकत नहीं हैं। आइए इस ताकत को संगठित कर के अपनी समस्याओं को एक राजनितिक विषय बनाएं और जो भी दल, राजनितिक पार्टी,संगठन हमारी समस्याओं को ले के आगे बढ़ने को तैयार हो जाए उसको हम अपना समर्थन दे।
हमे हमारा हक़ चाहिए भीख नहीं।
आज जरुरत हैं बैंकर्स समाज को संगठित होकर एक आवाज़ में अपने तमाम मुद्दे को राजनितिक विषय बनाने की। जरूरत हैं अपने विषयों
को ले कर के पोलिटिकल पार्टी का सहारा लेने की। हमारे लिए क्या ज़यादा जरुरी हैं ????अपने आप को न्यूट्रल शो करना अथवा अपने विषयों का वाजिब हल ढूंढना। ध्यान देने योग्य है की हमारी संख्या आज 10 लाख हैं, परिवार और रिशतेदार को अगर जोड़ दिया जाए तो हमारा संख्या 1 करोड़ आराम से नजर आता हैं। यह एक करोड़ की संख्या 10 करोड़ लोगो को आराम से प्रभावित कर सकती है ।मतलब हमारे पास 10 % से जयादा वोट बैंक प्रत्य्क्ष रूप से हैं। वैसे एक और बात यदि हम 10 लाख कर्मचारी कुछ अपने ग्राहक मित्रो को जोड़ के देखे तो हमारी संख्या और जयादा नजर आयेगी। सोचिये 10 लाख कर्मचारी 70,000 ब्रांच नेटवर्क के माध्यम से 50 करोड़ से भी जयादा लोगो से जुड़े होकर के भी क्या एक बड़ी ताकत नहीं हैं। आइए इस ताकत को संगठित कर के अपनी समस्याओं को एक राजनितिक विषय बनाएं और जो भी दल, राजनितिक पार्टी,संगठन हमारी समस्याओं को ले के आगे बढ़ने को तैयार हो जाए उसको हम अपना समर्थन दे।
हमे हमारा हक़ चाहिए भीख नहीं।
Niraj Deo Writes as follows
हद हो गयी शराफत की। एक तो अच्छा काम करो सैलरी भी कम लो और उपर से LAZY और UNTALLENTED कहलाओ। मोदी और जेटली से ये आशा नहीं थी। जो लोग BSRB/IBPS/Election का एग्जाम फेल हो गए उन्हें हम untallented लगते है। जिनके जन धन योजना का टारगेट हमने समय से पहले पूरा कर दिया उन्हें हम Lazy लगते है। वाह रे मोदी। अच्छी सैलरी देने के बजाय आपने बैंक वालो के मुह पे तमाचा मारा है। वही दूसरी और ICICI Private Bank पर मेहरबान है। अपने आप को businessman बताने वाले आपका business ही बैंक से चलता है। काम को सही इनाम नहीं दे सकते तो कम से कम अच्छा काम करने वालो को ऐसे थप्पर तो मत मारो।
Mr. Nilesh Kumar Writes on timeline of Facebook on as under
We criticize the irresponsible statement given by Mr Prime Minister & his Minister in yesterday's meeting, where they called the bankers as lazy & non-professional.
From the time this new government has come to power, Our honorable prime minister is giving very good speeches relating to various sectors. Since, I don't know the truth about what's going in other sectors, I didn't uttered a single word. But yesterday it was o...ur turn and about this sector I know very well what we are doing & what not. I don't think this needs an explanation. we all know it very well.
We think that the statement has come because of over-confidence & over-enthusiasm of Mr Prime Minister. Sitting in Centralized Air-conditioned Auditoriums & giving speech is very easy.
We all should criticize this act of the government. We should give proper reply to his statement by not working for extra hours & on holidays. Also, there is no need to give more attention to the works which don't result in any revenue, because this is what we call as not being a professional........
From the time this new government has come to power, Our honorable prime minister is giving very good speeches relating to various sectors. Since, I don't know the truth about what's going in other sectors, I didn't uttered a single word. But yesterday it was o...ur turn and about this sector I know very well what we are doing & what not. I don't think this needs an explanation. we all know it very well.
We think that the statement has come because of over-confidence & over-enthusiasm of Mr Prime Minister. Sitting in Centralized Air-conditioned Auditoriums & giving speech is very easy.
We all should criticize this act of the government. We should give proper reply to his statement by not working for extra hours & on holidays. Also, there is no need to give more attention to the works which don't result in any revenue, because this is what we call as not being a professional........
C G Saxena writes as follows
----The Breaking News------
Mr. Narendra Modi, prime minister of India, expressed deep gratitute and sincere apology to all Bankers.
He said, he was not meant it, in actual, soon after speaking this rubbish, he remembered the on TV where Govt.
claims to have opened 7.5 crores Jan Dhan Yojana Accounts, very recently and he started repenting.
He also said that 'lazy' notion of Bankers struck to his mind, when he saw bankers working till 9 pm, despite close of working...
hours and restriction of customer's entry in branch at 2 pm, during his stint as 'Chaiwala' in his villege, where he used to
serve tea to Bank employees till late hours.
Mr. Modi spoke all this while using urinals after his speech, to a by-stander.
On a lighter Note, he also said that, very soon, he will ask his fellow friend Gautam Adani to start running a Bank & understand
what Bankers do, just by sitting in front of a computer for hours without going to toilet.
Mr. Narendra Modi, prime minister of India, expressed deep gratitute and sincere apology to all Bankers.
He said, he was not meant it, in actual, soon after speaking this rubbish, he remembered the on TV where Govt.
claims to have opened 7.5 crores Jan Dhan Yojana Accounts, very recently and he started repenting.
He also said that 'lazy' notion of Bankers struck to his mind, when he saw bankers working till 9 pm, despite close of working...
hours and restriction of customer's entry in branch at 2 pm, during his stint as 'Chaiwala' in his villege, where he used to
serve tea to Bank employees till late hours.
Mr. Modi spoke all this while using urinals after his speech, to a by-stander.
On a lighter Note, he also said that, very soon, he will ask his fellow friend Gautam Adani to start running a Bank & understand
what Bankers do, just by sitting in front of a computer for hours without going to toilet.
Hiralal Mondawal writes as follows
After "GYAN SANGAM" following qualities of Bankers have been revealed:
1.We are lazy
2. We are not talented
3. We don't learn from others e.g. ICICI
4. Unproductive i.e causing huge NPAs
1.We are lazy
2. We are not talented
3. We don't learn from others e.g. ICICI
4. Unproductive i.e causing huge NPAs
Is that why we are not being equated to Central Govt staff?
Sandip Wason
Yes Respected PM and FM/" I am a Public Sector Banker and I am Not TALENTED and LAZY and I am Proud of It Because we are not TALENTED Enough Like you guys to make Millions out of People s Money and We are LAZY enough to Do everything Without Taking Bribes.We are LAZY because We Made It Reality what You Had Dreamt About . We are Not TALENTED Because in Recession Time We Did Not Falter Like Private Banks We are not TALENTED Because We Sit in Broken Furniture NO Lights Single Room Branches In The Remotest Part Of the Country Where u cant even Reach in Thoughts.
Enough of This BULL SHIT from Gov and IBA, UFBU its High Time take a Stand Else History Wont Forgive You, but we promise One thing We Will Change The Scenario.
Jai Hind
Hrituraj Mishra writes as follows
धिक्कार दिवस..........
समस्त सम्मानीय बैंक कर्चारी साथियों से
अनुरोध करना चाहूँगा कि आगामी 7 jan 15
को होंने वाली बैंक हड़ताल को धिक्कार दिवस
के रूप में प्रदर्शन किया जाये। हमारे...
प्रधानमंत्री जी ने सरकारी बैंको को आलसी बैंक
lazyy banks की संज्ञा दी है जो वर्दास्त के बाहर
है। हम सब इनसे पूंछना चाहते है कि बैंको ने दैनिक
कार्य निबटाने के वावजूद सीमित स्टाफ होने पर
भी करोडो खाते खोलना घर घर जाकर सर्वे
करना पासबुक ए टी एम् कार्ड जरी करना ये सारे
काम बैंको ने
नहीं किया तो क्या प्रधानमंत्री या उनके
कार्यालय ने किया है। ये कितने चुस्त है
कि दो साल से लंबित वेतन समझौता के बारे में
क्या कहेंगे। बहु उपदेश कुशल बहु तेरे इन पर सटीक लागु
होती है। वेतन विसंगति के बारे में दिमाग
नही चलता घाटे में चलने वाली रेलवे को माल
ही माल और कमाकर लाभ देने वाले बैंको को ठेंगा। हम सभी बैंक साथी प्रधानमंत्री के वकतव्य की घोर
निदां करते हैं और धिक्कार है ऐसी सोंच पर। सुबह
से लेकर रात दस बजे तक हाड़ तोड़ मेहनत करने
वालो के वावजूद ऐसी निंदनीय सोंच को वर्दास्त नही किया जा सकता है।
अता सभी साथियों से गुजारिस है कि हड़ताल
को धिक्कार दिवस के रूप में ले। यदि आप
सभी लोग सहमत है तो अमल में लाये एवं तेजी से
विरोध करे एवं अपनी मांगों पर पैनापन लाये
समझौता सम्मान जनक हो। सहमत है
तो ज्यादा से ज्यादा प्रचारित करे।
नमस्कार सुप्रभात इन्कलाब जिंदाबाद
During Pune Meet with CMD's of all Public Sector Banks, PM Modi calls for an end to "LAZY" banking.
If bankers are lazy, it seems God or some "super natural power" has made Jan Dhan Yojana and many other schemes successful and not the Bankers. Really, such a foolish statement could only be made by ignorant persons.
Sanchit Agarwal
How the hell modi can say that bankers r lazy ?? Does he know how much pressure we r facing in our life nd how banking is destroying our personal life..
I think congress he sahi thi ... Robot wala PM manmohan sahi tha ... At least last time 17.5% toh diya tha ... Is baar tho inki sui 11% k upar hi nhi aa rhi ...
ADDING to that the way Mr MODI is treating bankers by increasing the work load thanks to Jan dhan jojna & DBTL gas nauntanki ....... Congress hi bhali sarkaar thi ........
I think congress he sahi thi ... Robot wala PM manmohan sahi tha ... At least last time 17.5% toh diya tha ... Is baar tho inki sui 11% k upar hi nhi aa rhi ...
ADDING to that the way Mr MODI is treating bankers by increasing the work load thanks to Jan dhan jojna & DBTL gas nauntanki ....... Congress hi bhali sarkaar thi ........
PS: CPC toh bhul hi jaayo ...
Dilip Kumar Mohanty writes as under
Before tagging bankers as "lazy" and "less talented" ,the government should know the working conditions at the grassroot level. Many computers are not in working condition, sometimes there is UPS failure, link failure is frequent, clearing system doesn't works, and the staff are often abused by customers. Still the work goes on ,thanks to the professional staff present in PSBs. The picture is from Syndicate Bank Barbil branch in Odisha, where only one system is operational due to UPS failure
End lazy banking, help common man: PM Narendra Modi-Financial Express
Calling for an end to ‘lazy banking’, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said he is against any political interference in functioning of banks, but supports necessary ‘intervention’ in public interest. Calling upon the banking sector to establish banks that rank among the top banks of the world, Modi said banks need to be run professionally, assuring them that there would be no interference.
Speaking on the last day of the bankers’ retreat, ‘Gyan Sangam’, Modi said banks need to take a proactive role in helping the common man.
At their end, lenders, in a seven-point agenda submitted by State Bank of India chairman Arundhati Bhattacharya to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, suggested that the government should implement some measures from Reserve Bank of India’s PJ Nayak Committee to change the structure of public sector banks (PSBs) from state-owned to state-linked.
One of the suggestions is to establish a bank board bureau comprising professionals and eminent bankers to appoint and empower individual bank boards. Lenders have also suggested that the government set up a bank investment committee to transfer government holdings in banks. At present, government holding in PSBs is in the range of 56-84% with the highest being in Central Bank of India and the lowest in Bank of Baroda.
Another suggestion was to eliminate market distortions like debt waivers and interest rate caps for agriculture loans below R3 lakh. Both Bhattacharya and RBI governor Raghuram Rajan had earlier expressed concerns about debt waivers after the Andhra Pradesh government had announced waivers last month. Bhattacharya had said it distorts the credit discipline of borrowers and it takes time to restore it.
The presentation said the government should create an environment to protect right decisions and minimise interference of bodies like the Central Vigilance Commission, Comptroller and Auditor General, Central Bureau of Investigation.
Speaking to reporters, DFS secretary Hasmukh Adhia said, “There are processes in place to ensure that there is no corruption among bankers. That is not an issue. In fact, bankers are saying there are too many constraints from all these agencies and so accountability is already there.”
On the issue of human resource in banks, it has been suggested to the government to fully empower banks on HR decisions like recruitment and compensation. Bankers have also requested that the government should look into strengthening and ensuring implementation of legal framework like debt recovery tribunals (DRTs), securitisation and reconstruction of financial assets and enforcement of security interest (Sarfasei and willful defaulters.
Lenders have said they would re-orient portfolios for small PSU banks to differentiate, focus on specific niches to build capabilities and to optimise capital. They would also digitise top 30 processes and to deepen mobile banking penetration and deepen their mobile banking penetration.
The confluence
Banks to govt
* Establish bank board bureau with professionals, bankers to appoint, empower bank boards
* Set up bank investment panel; reduce govt holding below 51%
* Protect right decisions, minimise interference,
* Ensure implementation of legal framework — DRT/ SARFASEI/ willful defaulters
* Eliminate market distortions: debt waivers, interest rate caps
Banks to implement
* Re-orient portfolios for small PSU banks to differentiate, focus on specific niches to build capabilities and to optimise capital
* Digitise top 30 processes, deepen mobile banking penetration
* Move towards risk-based pricing of assets
* Create/strengthen credit bureau (rural, SME, corporate)
Dilip Kumar Mohanty writes as under
Before tagging bankers as "lazy" and "less talented" ,the government should know the working conditions at the grassroot level. Many computers are not in working condition, sometimes there is UPS failure, link failure is frequent, clearing system doesn't works, and the staff are often abused by customers. Still the work goes on ,thanks to the professional staff present in PSBs. The picture is from Syndicate Bank Barbil branch in Odisha, where only one system is operational due to UPS failure
End lazy banking, help common man: PM Narendra Modi-Financial Express
Calling for an end to ‘lazy banking’, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said he is against any political interference in functioning of banks, but supports necessary ‘intervention’ in public interest. Calling upon the banking sector to establish banks that rank among the top banks of the world, Modi said banks need to be run professionally, assuring them that there would be no interference.
Speaking on the last day of the bankers’ retreat, ‘Gyan Sangam’, Modi said banks need to take a proactive role in helping the common man.
At their end, lenders, in a seven-point agenda submitted by State Bank of India chairman Arundhati Bhattacharya to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, suggested that the government should implement some measures from Reserve Bank of India’s PJ Nayak Committee to change the structure of public sector banks (PSBs) from state-owned to state-linked.
One of the suggestions is to establish a bank board bureau comprising professionals and eminent bankers to appoint and empower individual bank boards. Lenders have also suggested that the government set up a bank investment committee to transfer government holdings in banks. At present, government holding in PSBs is in the range of 56-84% with the highest being in Central Bank of India and the lowest in Bank of Baroda.
Another suggestion was to eliminate market distortions like debt waivers and interest rate caps for agriculture loans below R3 lakh. Both Bhattacharya and RBI governor Raghuram Rajan had earlier expressed concerns about debt waivers after the Andhra Pradesh government had announced waivers last month. Bhattacharya had said it distorts the credit discipline of borrowers and it takes time to restore it.
The presentation said the government should create an environment to protect right decisions and minimise interference of bodies like the Central Vigilance Commission, Comptroller and Auditor General, Central Bureau of Investigation.
Speaking to reporters, DFS secretary Hasmukh Adhia said, “There are processes in place to ensure that there is no corruption among bankers. That is not an issue. In fact, bankers are saying there are too many constraints from all these agencies and so accountability is already there.”
On the issue of human resource in banks, it has been suggested to the government to fully empower banks on HR decisions like recruitment and compensation. Bankers have also requested that the government should look into strengthening and ensuring implementation of legal framework like debt recovery tribunals (DRTs), securitisation and reconstruction of financial assets and enforcement of security interest (Sarfasei and willful defaulters.
Lenders have said they would re-orient portfolios for small PSU banks to differentiate, focus on specific niches to build capabilities and to optimise capital. They would also digitise top 30 processes and to deepen mobile banking penetration and deepen their mobile banking penetration.
The confluence
Banks to govt
* Establish bank board bureau with professionals, bankers to appoint, empower bank boards
* Set up bank investment panel; reduce govt holding below 51%
* Protect right decisions, minimise interference,
* Ensure implementation of legal framework — DRT/ SARFASEI/ willful defaulters
* Eliminate market distortions: debt waivers, interest rate caps
Banks to implement
* Re-orient portfolios for small PSU banks to differentiate, focus on specific niches to build capabilities and to optimise capital
* Digitise top 30 processes, deepen mobile banking penetration
* Move towards risk-based pricing of assets
* Create/strengthen credit bureau (rural, SME, corporate)
Dear Bankers Please everyone writes to Directly PM Modi Websites. Link is